Politics and Religion

Re:It was a typo. Notice how you ONLY have insults! eomconfused_smile
mrnogood 1022 reads


No doubt this is government propaganda, right?  What will a certain conspiracy theorist say when/if it turns out to be true?

What fun are facts when hyperbole makes for such a better story, especially when you are trying to rabble rouse?

It was a rhetorical question, GaGa.  I am certain he'll have an explanation involving a media conspiracy.

mrnogood1706 reads

After fukushima?

The links I gave came from EXERPTS!


Like arnie gunderson

I added this story to my post hours ago, you're way behind me -


-- Modified on 6/26/2011 4:57:24 PM

I don't normally talk to trolls, unlike my argumentative friend Priapus, but just to show him the error of his ways, WTF are you talking about?

If you are going to capitalize a word for effect, at least spell it right. sheesh, you make TrannyBoy look sane and eloquent  in comparison.

and do really have to make seven or eight posts in a row on the same thread without anyone else chiming in. That is one of the prerequisites for earning your stripes as a full blown troll. and you know how we like to play "whack a troll" around here.

I mean it's not like I can actually have a rational conversation with a whack job like you.

Now the difference between me and Pri is that he could go on like this all night with you, I bore too easily to  waste a lot of bandwidth with the likes of you.

It seems like you make a lot of typo's and mistakes, like the one where you overstated the value of gold by a factor of over 60%

When the plan was built there weren't any sunami ever recorded to the scal it occurred. Monday morning quarter backing is always very easy to do. The plant had 10' walls around it, earth quake knocked out power and sunami took out the back up generartors.

These two bit ecpert wannabees are full of shit. Why didn't they bring it before it happened if, they are fucking smart.

Priapus531340 reads

or lives in a parallel universe for that matter.

The story ini cited was also just featured on the CBS evening news, which I just caught. This will cause mrnogood to exclaim "you can't believe
your lying eyes & ears when it comes from a Zionist controlled news source"  That is THE defense employed by the "tinfoil hat crowd" & pointless to try to tell them otherwise because they have their own set of "facts".

GaG, you pointed out his spelling error----didn't know I had that much of an influence on you------LOL !

Belatedly come to realize ( & Marikod will be pleased to hear this ) that it's pointless to argue with these trolls, because they're immune to rational debate & when one takes them on, one becomes as tiresomely stupid as they are.

A pity really, because they kill civil & intelligent debate, which this board can often be capable of.

Lastly, mrnogood should google the defintion of "persona non grata".

-- Modified on 6/26/2011 6:52:07 PM

He's a troll, and just like all trolls he craves attention. I will offer into evidence the thread he started where he made seven or eight posts in a row, nobody was commenting on the thread, so he was basically talking to himself. That's one of the sure signs that you are dealing with a troll. TrannyBoy and virtually every other troll do the same thing, including your buddy liorr.

Trolls only stifle intelligent and civil debate when the rest of us fall into their trap and start trying to "debate" them rationally, or worse start arguing and trading insults with them. The secret to dealing with trolls is to not legitimize them. Ridiculing them is fine, lets just try to not actually engage them in conversation. Eventually they will either go away or become nothing more than background noise.

oh, about his spelling error. It really is the height of irony when a person capitalizes a word for emphasis and then misspells it.  Oh well, what do you expect from a moron?

out of his paranoia? Even your arguments are taken as evidence to back his paranoia. Good luck with that! ;)

mrnogood754 reads

Ft. Calhoun nuke plant now running on emergency generators as workers try to restore electricity — Power supply cut after water surrounded main electrical transformers

[...] The berm’s collapse didn’t affect the reactor shutdown cooling or the spent fuel pool cooling, but the power supply was cut after water surrounded the main electrical transformers, the NRC said. Emergency generators powered the [Ft. Calhoun] plant Sunday while workers tried to restore power. [...]

I wonder how many days of fuel these plants have to run these generators, which I read weeks ago is the kind of generators they use, when they had that fire and was worried about the stored fuel onsite.

Unless another domino falls THEY HAVE 88 hours http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=fort+calhoun+hass+88+hours+of+generator+fuel

''Even when in shutdown mode, a nuclear plant requires electricity to keep key components cool in order to avoid any degradation or melting of the core that could result in the release of radiation''



-- Modified on 6/27/2011 5:13:37 AM

mrnogood1280 reads

It gets no better than enenews.

a web site DEDICATED to nuclear energy!

In this broadcast arnie tells you what will happen, step by step, and he's been right thus far

arnie says after several land tsunami's hitting the berm, it would collapse, take the power out, then their will be fires, and then the damns (which hold the HUGE amounts of water) would collapse in a onestep domino.

Starting with fort peck the hydrofill damn, which is a hydrofill damn, and they stopped making in the 30's cause of faulty designs. Seems when these things give they cause HUGE earthquakes.

Well the rush of water on the other damns, and the earthquake will collapse ALL 6 DAMNS IN NEBRASKA

-- Modified on 6/27/2011 4:24:35 AM

mrnogood848 reads

''Event Number: 46989
Event Date: 06/26/2011
Event Time: 10:45 [CDT]

Event Text

“At approximately 0125 CDT, the AquaDam providing enhanced flood protection for Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1 failed. This resulted in approximately 100 gallons of petroleum being released into the river after a protective barrier was breached and many fuel containers were washed out to the river. The fuel/oil containers were staged around the facility to supply fuel for pumps which remove water within the flood containment barriers. The spill was reported to the State of Nebraska at 10:45 AM CDT on 6/26/2011''.

WDF? You mean to tell me they didn't have it secured??? IS THIS THE NUCLEAR PLANT HOMER WORKED AT?

-- Modified on 6/27/2011 2:12:46 PM

mrnogood1133 reads

The turbine GENERATES the power at nuclear plants, if the turbine goes, the plants power CAN NOT BE RESTORED!

and it's looking like it's gonna go that way! This plant is gonna have a meltdown if the power can not be restored. This situation gets worse by the minute.

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