Politics and Religion

Re:Doesn't really matter
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2744 reads

Not unless Catbert does it first!

emeraldvodka2700 reads

 In response to a post below, james86 accused me of being a craven partisan and anti-american.  The craven-partisan charge simply rebuts itself when anyone reads most of my posts.  I am conservative and to the far right on many issues such as 2nd amendment rights, gay marriage, tax policy, abortion, other social issues, etc.....
   Now for the anti-american charge.  Though that charge carries the intellectual weight equivalent to that of mullah Omars IQ measured in nanograms, I feel an obligation to rebut and expose the utterly putrid, childish, and kool-aid toxicity inspired charge.  
   My assessment that Iraq will be a fuck up precedes the invasion, and has been constant through out the past 2 years.  I don't show enthusiasm for a fuck up, rather a practical analysis as to what that fuck up bodes for me, you, and the entire fucking world.  
   To mistake that for enthusiasm, and then throw out the charge of anti-americanism, is nothing less than an intellecutal 9-11 that you and the rest of your kool-aid drinking cocksucking intellectual homos have been flagarently flocking debete with since before the start of this war.  The fact that you couldn't differentiate enthusiasm from a dire and realistic assessment, that on my part has been constant in every single post, shows that one doesn't need to live in a cave in the middle east to be taliban.  
   Anti-American isn't a charge you throw around lightly??  The fact that you would charge someone with that, simply for realistically assessing the situation in Iraq shows your ignorance for the underlying consequence of that original revolution, the spirit of which to this day has been the strength of this great nation, shows the mediocrity of your inner debate as it relates to the pholosophical puropse and status of citizens in a democracy, and reveals an intrinsic fear from which stems a political judgement that discards and dismisses to the extreme any contrary currents and momentum whereby preserving and protecting a immature and underdeveloped political curiosity!!!!!        
  It is people like you on BOTH sides that this country needs to protect itself from just as much as we need to protect ourselves from foreign enemies!!!!!  

We are ALL Americans .... just because we don't share ideals, makes us no less or no more American or anti-American than one another ...... it's stupid political talking points, like tossing out someone is "anti-American" because they don't like and/or agree with G.W.Bush or HIS WAR that are dumbing down the American populous.

THE MOST AMERICAN THING YOU CAN DO ..... is to question leadership and make sure to hold them accountable ..... otherwise, we'd still fucking be ENGLISH  ;-)

{ No offense intended to our Brit's on the site :-) lol )

at least one error in his ways.  But I doubt it, maintaining a steady course and such ...

Hmmm, guess I'm anti-American as well.  To which I say, no, just anti-AmericanAsshole.

guess we're all Anti-Americans. Except James86 and anne coulter, nazi cunt.

+Alias2667 reads

Whether conservative, liberal or middle of the road, most of us want a country that would allow people to have differing opinions without being labeled unpatriotic.

Being conservative and believing in a "supreme being" I'm always linked to the religious nuts like Falwell et al.

I'm used to being told I want to poison the planet, rob the elderly of their dignity, enslave the working class. All the classic elitist class warfare BULLSHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!

So "Patriotism" is your hotbutton....go wrap yourself in a flag....if you feel the need.

When Dogbert conquers the world, those of us in the Dogbert New Ruling Class will find uses for induhviduals.

Not unless Catbert does it first!

Catbert will get too excieted and end up as a big ball of fluff, so somegirl will think he's too cute and "adopt" him.

I do like some of his HR policies though......

Its all a part of his master plan. For, you see, somegirl is actually NOSC, world's greatest cock terrorist who will seduce Dogbert; thus turning him into a whimpering puppy as Catbert treats NOSC to a monthlong retreat in Cathiti, and rules the world from his perch astride NOSC's purrfect lap, looking like the Catbert that caught the Jbird :P :P :P

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