Politics and Religion

Red State Welfare Queens!
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1735 reads

Don'tcha know what it's really all about is the "makers and the takers"? Don'tcha know that this country would be so much better off if we just got out of the way of the "job creators", and let those looking for a hand out to just die?

But it makes ya wonder...who are these job creators? Where do they live? And where do those looking for a handout live? How much do they pay in taxes? And what do they get back in gov't services?

I recently saw this article about Washington state. It seems that the biggest benefactors of "socialism" and "wealth redistribution" are none other than the state's GOP counties.

You see, in a state like Washington, some counties actually contribute something to the state. Those counties (who wouldda guessed?!?) tend to be the blue counties. Those counties that don't contribute shit and just sit there looking for a handout, those tend to be the red counties.


Yes, it seems that in the state of Washington, it's the "pull yourself up by your bootstaps" crowd who are too busy living in their trailers, cooking up meth, and fucking their sisters to bother to find themselves a job with a taxable income. All the state's tax dollars are coming from the civilized parts of the state where all the latte-sippin' liberals hang out. I guess this makes them the "elite". Of course, going to Starbucks in the morning only looks like you're in the elite if your favorite hobby is turning broken down cars into lawn furniture.

But it makes ya wonder. What about other states? What do other states contribute?

Well, as it turns out, you can see a certain pattern develop. Some states contribute quite a lot to this country, particularly when it comes to taxes. Other states, not-so-much. Who wants to take a guess where most of these non-contributing good-for-nothing welfare queen states reside?


And surprise, surprise. Wouldn't you know it, the states that contribute the most tend to be blue states. Sure, there's a few red states that contribute something. But how much you wanna bet the state of Georgia wouldn't contribute shit if it wasn't for the liberals in Atlanta?

Is it any surprise that the state that contributes the least is Mississippi and the states that contribute the most are states like Minnesota, Delaware, New Jersey and New York?

So here's a suggestion: If we need to get spending under control, why don't we start first with the welfare queens? The very very red GOP states that don't contribute shit to anything. The ones that if they secede tomorrow, no one would notice.

Give the brain-dead retarded hick hillbillies exactly want they want. Cut them off from gov't handouts paid for by liberals and let them fend for themselves.

While we're at it, let them earn their keep. New Jersey needs a place to store their trash. Looks like Alabama is open for business. Why put nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain when you've got a waste of space like Mississippi?

Hey, I'm not being mean here. I just want to give Republicans what they want. A little "tough love" and giving them the incentive to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and be a maker instead of a taker.

-- Modified on 9/23/2012 2:09:02 AM

Let's just throw our lib/conserv hats in the toilet and be realistic.  With the exception of children and elderly, who through no fault of their own except age, cannot always support themselves, let's talk about all the rest.

Why must we provide for their ability to live.  Why does an ever growing segment of the population ( nearly 50 percent in the US, and similar numbers in Europe ) believe they are owed anything and why does a political party exist who is more than willing to cater to this mentality?  It's all about politicians handing out bribes to get votes regardless of party now isn't it.  Both are scum.

Put on your hat for the period of the days of our early beginnings and followed shortly by the days of the wild west.  It was as it was meant to be... survival depended on your own efforts to take care of your needs.  If you were hungry, you grew some food or your traded your labor or you went hungry.  If you were cold, you chopped some trees and built an egloo, or you froze.  

It wasn't until the power hungry discovered they could hand out freebies in exchange for votes that things got really screwed up.  Sorry, but I'm what many would call cold hearted, but if somebody isn't willing to try and take care of themselves, then they have voluntarily given up on the will to live and so they should wither away.

happens if the government cuts funding proportionally to the Taxes paid by the these counties? While, the state of Washington is the example in the article, I would bet the statistics is not all that different in any state between Red and Blue counties.

If Republicans actually implements the policies they are  touting for fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget, the party will cease to exist within two years, done and dead. My bet is they won’t, don’t have the guts and they know where their support is coming from, the angry white male and all of them mach men live in them red counties protecting America from those immigrant leeches stealing everything from them.

...why don't we ask why their bosses believe that they're owed three quarters of their employee's paychecks?

If burger flippers were getting paid what they're actually worth, then they would be getting paid around $29 per hour. I don't think any of them would need food stamps if that was the case.

-- Modified on 9/23/2012 9:27:23 AM

Willy, we both know that's voodoo math.  You completely left out the value of money put at risk by the business owner, the numbers don't factor in the profit/loss/expense numbers of a business, and frankly the value of someone flipping a burger is not $29 bucks... sorry ...

Let that burger flipper invest his/her money up front into the business, put his/her money at risk, and then we can talk about his/her earnings from that business risk being paid back.

And no, I'm not saying you're wrong as in "I disagree". I'm saying you're wrong because you're wrong. Period. There is a right answer here and there is a wrong answer. You have the wrong answer.

Wage to productivity ratios in the service sector average 1:4. That means the boss is stealing three quarters of their employees paychecks.

If the value of someone flipping a burger was not $29 an hour, than why does it take a McDonald's one week of sales to pay all their employees for a month.

The risk the owner takes does not factor into wage to productivity ratios. It never has and it never will. It is as irrelevant to the discussion as the weather.

Business owners took risks before 1970 too, yet for some reason, they weren't stealing three quarters of their employee's paychecks back then. Now they are. That is theft. It is wrong. And if this economy is ever going to recover for the long term, that theft HAS TO STOP.

mrnogood254 reads

than work, then why isn't every employer hiring? Their should be jobs EVERYWHERE, if that was what the problem was...The problem is their is no jobs..Because BOTH the left and the right keeps sending our jobs over sea's under the term "fair trade"...and the few employers that are still in the states ARE NOT hiring..

I love the way you news makes you think people who used to live in big houses, and used to hold it down, and pay their bills, wants to be poor...NO ONE wants to be poor...

How many people are losing EVERYTHING? and you think they did this because they're lazy? NO, they didn't they did this because they're are NO jobs..

I don't know what your neighborhood looks like these days, but several homes on my block, and more than half the homes in my sub-division are for sale, and the rest of the people have 4 or 5 cars in the driveway, because their kids have moved home..

Put the blame where it belongs, on our sorry ass politicians..They use this trick to promote class envy, and just like it works for the poor, it has the more well off hating the poor..

We're not talking about welfare queens when we think about people who lost the 300,000$ home, and BMW..and this group is the MAJORITY of people not working right now..and you can bet, they do NOT want to be poor

I'm going to the poor house! My house was almost 400,000$ and now it's only worth 120,000$.. Our sorry ass politicians are to blame for this..

BOTH left and right

-- Modified on 9/23/2012 12:58:15 PM

I don't think it was an accident that the scissors points to the border of NC and SC and if you cut straight across to the Mississippi River...

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