Politics and Religion

Really? Which party is now fully engaged in intra-party warfare?......
saltyballs 112 reads

The GOP! Democrats would be happy to nominate Obama as their candidate, if they had a chance. The GOP establishment made promises to tea party groups, religious conservatives, various libertarian groups etc on cutting taxes, prohibiting abortions, limiting gay rights, limiting immigration, obliterating Obamacare and scraping the seperation between Church and State but failed to deliver. Now the GOP natives are angry and want to burn down the establishment party structure.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Look how far to the left Hills is running compared to Bill.  
 And do you think JFK would be welcome in the Dem party today?  
 The thought is laughable.  
 Both parties have moved to the extremes but Dems only see R's doing it. LOL  
 How many moderate Dems or Reps are left in congress?  
 The "blue dog" democrats vanished from the scene in the last 10 years.
-- Modified on 4/17/2016 10:55:22 PM

Many say that want to nominate Trump as a "fuck you" to the GOP establishment.

Say that he becomes the nominee & he the GOP are beaten in a landslide ( as is widely predicted ), not only losing the Senate, but even the House as well.

Q : if that happens, exactly what was accomplished ?

It would signal the end of the Two-Party System as we know it, certainly the disintegration of the Republican Party or GOP as we know it, and possibly even The First Shot in the Fall of the United States of America.

It confirms we have failed to learn from history, and have condemned ourselves to repeat it.

In other words, nothing good.

GaGambler137 reads

Let's assume the queen had balls, That would make her the King.

I also distinctly remember you claiming that only a "crazed loon" would want anyone other than Romney as the GOP in 2012,  how well did that work out for the GOP?

does not have any balls so that must make him queen.

Trump needs to stop whining about everything being "unfair" "they are not treating me fair" and so no.

he should know by now life is not "fair"
I wonder how many times he was Unfair to others in his business deals.

Thank you
2016 = 28

I know that is not usually thought of as a desirable turn of events, but IF the RNC chooses Trump, maybe a more "moderate" form of Conservatism would evolve in opposition. Moderate compared to Trump that is.

I think it's strange that most of the third parties out there are either considered left-wing or else extreme libertarian. A solid conservative alternative to the current GOP could be a very good thing for the country.

GaGambler103 reads

Which of course to anyone but a religious whacko would be a thousand times worse.

I do agree that if we could get fiscal conservatives to align with social liberals we might fight a middle ground we all could live with (or at least I could) but it appears that the opposite is more likely where we get the worst of both worlds, as much as I have Libertarian leanings, they can be every bit as narrow minded as  any other political party, just like the hookers and johns right here on TER are living proof that we are every bit as judgmental as the rest of society where it comes to sexual likes and dislikes with my fetish being "harmless and yours being "sick"

The other major problem of course is our electoral college, with no one getting to 270 votes in a true three way race, then what the fuck do we do?

... it was called the Republican Party, and it featured solid conservatives led by Barry Goldwater. Then a fellow named Reagan came along and here we have two bulwarks of the Republican Pantheon.

And yet, in today's GOP, both Goldwater AND Reagan would be considered traitorous heretics by many.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Look how far to the left Hills is running compared to Bill.

And do you think JFK would be welcome in the Dem party today?

The thought is laughable.

Both parties have moved to the extremes but Dems only see R's doing it. LOL  

How many moderate Dems or Reps are left in congress?

The "blue dog" democrats vanished from the scene in the last 10 years.

saltyballs113 reads

The GOP! Democrats would be happy to nominate Obama as their candidate, if they had a chance. The GOP establishment made promises to tea party groups, religious conservatives, various libertarian groups etc on cutting taxes, prohibiting abortions, limiting gay rights, limiting immigration, obliterating Obamacare and scraping the seperation between Church and State but failed to deliver. Now the GOP natives are angry and want to burn down the establishment party structure.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Look how far to the left Hills is running compared to Bill.  
 And do you think JFK would be welcome in the Dem party today?  
 The thought is laughable.  
 Both parties have moved to the extremes but Dems only see R's doing it. LOL  
 How many moderate Dems or Reps are left in congress?  
 The "blue dog" democrats vanished from the scene in the last 10 years.
-- Modified on 4/17/2016 10:55:22 PM

St. Croix110 reads

Most people on this board appear to have what you would call a "white hot hatred" for Trump. There is paranoia, angst, fear if Trump gets elected.  

People vote for their OWN interests, and there is usually ONE interest that overrides the rest. Whether it's SS, Medicare, reproductive rights, student loans, it's usually one thing. What would you personally gain or lose if Trump is elected? Just pick one.  

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Many say that want to nominate Trump as a "fuck you" to the GOP establishment.  
 Say that he becomes the nominee & he the GOP are beaten in a landslide ( as is widely predicted ), not only losing the Senate, but even the House as well.  
 Q : if that happens, exactly what was accomplished ?
-- Modified on 4/17/2016 3:34:13 PM

That's a personal loss to me, but should be a loss to everyone-- especially on this board.

Trump is evertyhing I hate. I have listed the reasons here many times.

I am not going to sell my soul for some jackass bc I may or may not gain or lose something personally by his presidency.

He is an asshole in the bad sense of the word. Now while I don't mind an asshole, or being one, on a fk board, I certainly don't want one in the WH.

It's as simple as that. Go spend an afternoon at a retirement center. Don't you dare touch MY SS and Medicare benefits. Go spend an afternoon having pinot grigio with a group of progressive women. Leave my fucking uterus alone. Even Inicky said it, "I could never vote for anyone who was pro life regardless of their remaining positions", and his a guy, I think. Whatever happened to him? Granted, you may be a bit more complex than that, but most people are single issue driven when it comes to voting.  

I wouldn't vote for that jackass either, unless he is running against Bernie. Then all bets are off.

Why I wouldn't vote for Trump. Well, it has to do with money. Specifically, my money. I know, sounds selfish doesn't it. His immigration plan, and proposed 45% tariff on China. Both would never get approved, but if they did, we would be looking at an immediate recession. You can't take out 15% of GDP and not expect a recession. The result would be significant drop in the market. My investments go down. Pretty simple

Posted By: JackDunphy
Trump is evertyhing I hate. I have listed the reasons here many times.  
 I am not going to sell my soul for some jackass bc I may or may not gain or lose something personally by his presidency.  
 He is an asshole in the bad sense of the word. Now while I don't mind an asshole, or being one, on a fk board, I certainly don't want one in the WH.
-- Modified on 4/17/2016 5:38:58 PM

I don't believe a fucking thing he says and he says it in such a totalitarian way, he scares the shit out of me. Lol

he has lost his mind.  He can't be serious about wanting to be president.  He dipped on a debate and he would abandon his country as well for his own selfish purposes.  Hillary Clinton is a strong woman that won't back down.  I saw that in her when she stood tall by her husband when their private life went through an impeachment hearing.

GaGambler133 reads

Trump does not have a "proposed" 45% tariff on China, he's been asked about it several times and he's been pretty clear that what he has is a "threat" to impose tariffs on China if they don't quit fucking us. I seriously hope you don't dispute that China has been fucking us for decades with currency manipulation. Bernanke got it and fought back. Janet Yellin has been almost as clueless as Greenspan, and Obama is doing his best to push the fed in that direction to "punish" Russia with the unintended (or intended for all I know) consequence of helping China at our own expense.

I will concede his immigration plan is not a great one, but his positives outweigh his negatives in light of all the great choices we have in lieu of him.

I have no doubt that any candidate would have a difficult time getting anything approved, which is actually a good thing.  

My problem with China is they have a communist government trying to run a quasi capitalist system. I don't believe in their proposed reforms, or their recent intervention in their stock market. They sent individuals to prison. I don't believe in their growth rates. Yeah, I don't dispute the Chinese have been fucking us for decades with their currency. If they let their currency float, then the value of their products may increase, which could be inflationary. But American companies may bring some operations back to the U.S., or find other locations in order to control their costs.  

Trump is reactionary. He just spits shit out of his mouth without thinking of the consequences. As an investor, I need a certain level of predictability.  

My issue with Yellen is she is all over the map with respect to interest rates, hence one of the reasons for recent volatility. My new concern with Obama is his recent decision through Jack Lew to punish companies that do tax inversions. Tax avoidance is not against the law. Obama is just fucking with U.S. companies right now. And now he announces a new initiative to help drive American competitiveness. Obama is now going after cable companies.

To me, it all gets down to money.

Posted By: GaGambler
Trump does not have a "proposed" 45% tariff on China, he's been asked about it several times and he's been pretty clear that what he has is a "threat" to impose tariffs on China if they don't quit fucking us. I seriously hope you don't dispute that China has been fucking us for decades with currency manipulation. Bernanke got it and fought back. Janet Yellin has been almost as clueless as Greenspan, and Obama is doing his best to push the fed in that direction to "punish" Russia with the unintended (or intended for all I know) consequence of helping China at our own expense.  
 I will concede his immigration plan is not a great one, but his positives outweigh his negatives in light of all the great choices we have in lieu of him.

Please tell me you haven't been listening to Mari instead of the other way around. You are perfectly free to get rich shorting the market if you think it's about to fall off a cliff.

As for tax inversions, under Trump we have the best chance to lower our corporate tax rates rendering moot any prohibition on tax inversions as they will no longer be considered necessary. Also you seem to forget about what a financial boon repatriating a couple of trillion dollars worth of corporate money currently stashed offshore will be to the markets, and that is a thousand times likelier to happen under Trump than anyone else.  

St C, I think you need to stop listening to the hyperbole spouted by the Anti Trump movement who is scared shitless by him and listed to the real meaning behind his rather dumbed down speeches he makes to people too dumb to understand what he really wants to do. Keep in mind Mari and Laffy both think he will be disastrous to the markets, isn't that reason enough to believe the opposite?

St. Croix106 reads

candidates in all branches of government. I could rattle off a 100 qualified names, but not one of them is Donald Trump. I get his 4th grade speaking approach. It's all staged. I get his populist, angry, only I can fix it message. It works, and I assume his inner circle is laughing at his staying power, and the possibilities. I prefer Kasich, but may have to vote for the bitch, and I don't say that lightly. The "Market" has already placed its bet on Hillary.  

My point on tax inversions was directed at the unilateral decision by Obama to rule against them. I like predictability. I don't like surprises. How does someone invest long or short when you have a President and an Administration making decisions which are clearly political. I'm pretty good at reading specific industries, trends, competition, balance sheets, and the like, but not when you have unexpected exogenous events impacting the Pfizer Allergan merger. This is not the way to fix the problem. Fix it through the tax code. Lower the corporate rate, and all these games will stop. Do I think a Trump will have a better chance of getting it done versus Clinton? I have no fucking idea.  

I do short stocks, but very selectively, and only in my taxable account. My retirement accounts are all long. I can't time the market. No one can. All I can do is de-risk my portfolio a bit when the time is appropriate. Every day CNBC's website has 100 new articles. 50 of them are positive about the market, and 50 are about the world coming to end. And the lefties on this board thinks the market is rigged, and we are controlled by a corporatocracy or plutocracy. They just don't understand the game.

Now you take back that God Damn mother fucking comment about listening to Marikod (lmao). That is the worst fucking insult you could possibly throw in my face. With respect to Laffy, I generally don't read his posts. But for him to comment on the markets, the Fed, investments is a bit laughable, don't you think. Gainful employment or a portfolio are a minimum requirement to converse and play in this game.


Posted By: GaGambler
Please tell me you haven't been listening to Mari instead of the other way around. You are perfectly free to get rich shorting the market if you think it's about to fall off a cliff.  
 As for tax inversions, under Trump we have the best chance to lower our corporate tax rates rendering moot any prohibition on tax inversions as they will no longer be considered necessary. Also you seem to forget about what a financial boon repatriating a couple of trillion dollars worth of corporate money currently stashed offshore will be to the markets, and that is a thousand times likelier to happen under Trump than anyone else.  
 St C, I think you need to stop listening to the hyperbole spouted by the Anti Trump movement who is scared shitless by him and listed to the real meaning behind his rather dumbed down speeches he makes to people too dumb to understand what he really wants to do. Keep in mind Mari and Laffy both think he will be disastrous to the markets, isn't that reason enough to believe the opposite?
-- Modified on 4/17/2016 11:07:02 PM

is elected. Of course, I’m going to change your question to what you would lose if Trump were able to convince Congress to enact the laws he wants – which we know would never happen. In reality, we would have gridlock like we’ve never seen, as both Democrats AND Republicans oppose his wacky ideas.  But here is what you would lose if Congress mythically passed the laws he wants:

       1. Your health insurance would have a yearly cap, and a lifetime cap on coverage. No problem as long as you stay healthy but if you are diagnosed with cancer most of that expense will be paid out of your pocket. No, you will not be able to buy that kind of coverage on the market.   Without the Obamacare mandate, no insurer would be able to offer that.

        2.  You would lose your state and local tax deductions, your property tax deduction, your child deductions, the personal exemption and everything else you now deduct-except oddly enough mortgage, charity, and health insurance premiums which Trump will let you deduct - in exchange for Trump’s 25% flat tax on your gross income. Cap gains tax would be 20% for you. You probably own your mansion by now, so no mortgage deduction for you. Do the math and tell me how bad this is for you.  

      3. The deficit would soar as the tax revenues (15% on businesses) are far less than currently generated. SS would default. Medicare would be insolvent. Now consider the effect of Trump’s  45% tariff on China imports and 35% on Mexico.  Trade war incoming. All of those companies like Ford who build in Mexico and ship to the US would be killed as those F-150s would be too expensive to sell here.  Other countries would respond with similar tariffs and, as a result of the deficit and trade war,  we would have a global recession. Your cherished stock portfolio would lose probably a third of its value as a result but of course you’ll probably lose that much any way with your market timing shenanigans. LOL.

       You’d probably have to take a second job. No more volunteering to coach your high school badminton team.

     Maybe you should join me and vote for Hillary

GaGambler108 reads

Well not usually at least. I never thought much of Romney, but getting rid of Obama Care was as good a reason as any to vote for him, and part of me could say the same about Cruz. That's one very positive thing that would come out of a Cruz administration. The problem is the whole boatload of negatives outweigh the that one positive, even though the selfish part of me is screaming that ObamaCare will most likely cost me a couple of hundred grand over the next four years, not an insignificant amount of money.

Trump is campaigning on several issues I don't really even care about, such as the stupid wall everyone is talking about. Truth be told illegal immigration not only doesn't really hurt me, but is probably a net sum gain for someone like me. I am an employer, not an employee. Lower wages are good for me, not to mention all the hot young immigrant hookers who don't demand five hundred bucks an hour. I realize that a lot of my taxes go to support these illegals who don't pay into the system, but that's something I can live with.

Probably the main thing that appeals to me about Trump is dealing with both China and Russia, Trump is the only one who I have any hope of winning, or even fighting the currency battle with China, Most people here have no idea how badly the Chinese are fucking us on that front. With Russia, I predict Trump will concede The Ukraine as the rich, fat cat oligarchy running The Ukraine are no more the rightful rulers or in the best interests of the country than Putin, I expect Trump could use that as a chit in either Syria, or somewhere else where we have legitimate interests and warm up this new financial cold war we are fighting against Russia by intentionally allowing the dollar to rise, against our own interests in order to help depress the price of oil which hurts Russia, but hurts us almost as much.

Kasich I could probably live with, the same with Clinton, the one person who under no circumstances can be allowed to run anything of course would be Bernie Sanders for the obvious reasons.

However, the one reason I will not vote for him is that I can't answer that question given I don't trust he will do much of what he promises, nor do I believe he can.

He could really hurt the party down ballot.  

Imagine Hillary with control of the senate AND the House?

Will France take me in? Lol

Life in Paris and the Côte d'Azur was pretty nice back then. I don't know how it is now.

Posted By: JackDunphy
He could really hurt the party down ballot.  
 Imagine Hillary with control of the senate AND the House?  
 Will France take me in? Lol

Particularly since I have ONE particular individual ignored------- LOL !

Anyway, much to mull over.

My apologies for my tardiness.  
 In my defense  I've been working overtime,  joining  my Chinese friends with respectful solidarity  :-D

  I enjoy Trump's willingness to say what's on his mind, unlike  typical lying politicians and  their  hypocritical views changing course mid stream with the flow of political winds.  
    The # 1 reason I support President Trump, he won't send Americans  to every corner of the World starting unnecessary conflicts and wars.  
   China recently conducted a  poll among millions, asking their citizens who they would  choose, President Trump or evil Hillary.
 The vast majority of hard working, educated Chinese  chose Trump because of Hillary's propensity to support civil wars while overthrowing leaders in other countries,  and her hypocritical view of China while  the crazy woman  supports the Saudi Government.  
    I agree, Trump will be a great  President and once again America will be known as a Peaceful nation.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Particularly since I have ONE particular individual ignored------- LOL !  
 Anyway, much to mull over.

bigguy30108 reads

Quad I have nothing against you, but this is the dumbest comment you posted.
So have you really listened to this clown and watch the way he acts?
I don't agree with your politics and Trump is mentally unstable.


Posted By: quadseasonal
My apologies for my tardiness.  
  In my defense  I've been working overtime,  joining  my Chinese friends with respectful solidarity  :-D  
   I enjoy Trump's willingness to say what's on his mind, unlike  typical lying politicians and  their  hypocritical views changing course mid stream with the flow of political winds.  
     The # 1 reason I support President Trump, he won't send Americans  to every corner of the World starting unnecessary conflicts and wars.  
    China recently conducted a  poll among millions, asking their citizens who they would  choose, President Trump or evil Hillary.  
  The vast majority of hard working, educated Chinese  chose Trump because of Hillary's propensity to support civil wars while overthrowing leaders in other countries,  and her hypocritical view of China while  the crazy woman  supports the Saudi Government.  
     I agree, Trump will be a great  President and once again America will be known as a Peaceful nation.  
Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Particularly since I have ONE particular individual ignored------- LOL !  
  Anyway, much to mull over.
-- Modified on 4/18/2016 6:47:49 AM

Posted By: quadseasonal
My apologies for my tardiness.  
  In my defense  I've been working overtime,  joining  my Chinese friends with respectful solidarity  :-D  
   I enjoy Trump's willingness to say what's on his mind, unlike  typical lying politicians and  their  hypocritical views changing course mid stream with the flow of political winds.  
     The # 1 reason I support President Trump, he won't send Americans  to every corner of the World starting unnecessary conflicts and wars.  
    China recently conducted a  poll among millions, asking their citizens who they would  choose, President Trump or evil Hillary.  
  The vast majority of hard working, educated Chinese  chose Trump because of Hillary's propensity to support civil wars while overthrowing leaders in other countries,  and her hypocritical view of China while  the crazy woman  supports the Saudi Government.  
     I agree, Trump will be a great  President and once again America will be known as a Peaceful nation.  
Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Particularly since I have ONE particular individual ignored------- LOL !  
  Anyway, much to mull over.

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