Politics and Religion

Really, do you think she turned over any emails ...
CltLuvr 245 reads

that were incriminating?  Actually wiping a server with emails that belong to the U.S. government is against the law.

I guess it's just another vast right-wing conspiracy, lmao!

Posted By: followme
Does any clear thinking and reasonable person really think she has nothing to hide?  
  And so does every stinking two faced, lying, self absorbed, self aggrandizing, hypocritical, ego-maniacal, megalomaniacle ass-hat elitist shit-tard in politics here or anywhere else in the world.

 Just the very nature of politics attracts the very worst of the human gene pool. The higher someone ascends in politics the lower their personal ethos.

Wiping one’s private server is not against the law. BSC’s can’t find any shit int the 55,000 emails she turned over to the State Department.  

If you BSC’s think she broke the law, prosecute her instead bantering.

Follow myth, you can file case against her as a citizen. Put your money where your mouth is and file a case and go all the way to Supreme Court

2016 = Hillary Clinton

CltLuvr246 reads

that were incriminating?  Actually wiping a server with emails that belong to the U.S. government is against the law.

I guess it's just another vast right-wing conspiracy, lmao!

55,000 according to the Department of State. If you can’t find any incriminating emails in them there is none. If she is smart enough to figure which were incriminating and deleted them from 55,000 she turned over, she is smarter than everyone on the planet and she deserves to be POTUS.

You are just uninformed idiot barking at the moon because other dogs are barking at the full moon and seeing its own shadows.

Again, you are TAKING her word for it that she turned over every work related email.  You sound delusional over it. If it where Dick Cheney would you just take his word for it that he turned them all over or would you want proof? You'd be screaming for the server. Then she goes ahead and deletes all the other emails? That's criminal.  If it where Cheney, your head would be exploding over it.  

Our system, of checks and balances isn't predicated on personal trust and it isn't like she doesn't have a history of obfuscating the truth.  Demonizing, deflecting.  

Vote for her, just know you are voting for a scumbag. That isn't even a political statement, she's a scumbag. I can't wait for all of Bill's cheating to come out. His trips to pedo island. The foreign money payoffs. Its going to be one of the best election cycles ever. It'll be so good, I won't even care if she managed to dupe enough people to get elected.  

So please reiterate, SHE TURNED 55,000 emails OVER. So what. What it the 10,000 she kept covered up criminal actions. You aren't even a bit curious?  

Posted By: anonymousfun
55,000 according to the Department of State. If you can’t find any incriminating emails in them there is none. If she is smart enough to figure which were incriminating and deleted them from 55,000 she turned over, she is smarter than everyone on the planet and she deserves to be POTUS.  
 You are just uninformed idiot barking at the moon because other dogs are barking at the full moon and seeing its own shadows.

They may well get to the point of prosecuting her.

Though you do realize that would be handled by the attorney general. I'm sure he'll get right on that...

I just don't understand how you don't question it. You are taking her word, a known liar, that she turned everything over. You don't see the problem with that?

I get it, you want her as the next president, but shouldn't we always question authority?  

Your position isn't even rational.

Posted By: anonymousfun
Wiping one’s private server is not against the law. BSC’s can’t find any shit int the 55,000 emails she turned over to the State Department.  
 If you BSC’s think she broke the law, prosecute her instead bantering.  
 Follow myth, you can file case against her as a citizen. Put your money where your mouth is and file a case and go all the way to Supreme Court  
 2016 = Hillary Clinton

and spend $750 million of tax payers money and didn’t find shit.  

What I don’t understand is you BSC’s going on and on. Congress has the power to appoint an independent investigator, why don’t they?

CltLuvr228 reads

Don't worry, they won't let this go, but because it would ultimately come down to having AG Eric Holder or his liberal Democratic successor to press charges ... nothing will happen.

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