Politics and Religion

Really ? Meet 1st SGT Kasal
86H13LTP 373 reads

used his body to protect his troops , was shot to shit and was still firing at those sacks of shit while being drug off scene  

Get real man

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 9:24:09 PM


Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 10:00 AM
 The Gateway Pundit can now confirm from two local St. Louis sources that police Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.

Michael Brown robbed a Ferguson convenience store the morning of his death.

Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.

So black kids can stomp storeowners, steal their shit, puff blunts, and break bones in policemen's faces, try to steal their guns and were supposed to erect statues in their honor?

See? Exxageratus Ignoramus

86H13LTP401 reads

Look up the ages in the KiA lists of the MEN we send to war.  

Are our 14 to 17 yo enemies boys ? I can tell you they are not. They are hard core killers and I respect them more than I do the current POTUS and every other coward that wouldn't sign the dotted line

Not to hijack this thread, but to expand on your comment, children as young as 5 years old in Africa are conscripted by the warlords. By the time these children are age 10, they are indeed soldiers and stone cold killers and must be viewed as such.  

Some of the neighborhoods in the United States aren't much better than African slums, and the children coming out of those neighborhoods are just as tough and hardened as their counterparts across the pond.

I'm just sayin' what some are too pussy to say out loud. It's not the color of their skin as much as the environment they grow up in.

salonpas417 reads

...............through the ocular socket of their victim?

As per the autopsy report.: There were two head shots, one through the right eye, the other to the top of the head. Now would someone with a fractured orbital eye socket be able to deliver a kill shot through the eye socket of their victim? Not likely! The bullet entered the right eye, exited in the area of his lower right jaw in a straight line downward and then re-entered his collarbone area directly underneath. The path of travel of that round is virtually impossible for a round fired at an erect man who is looking at the shooting party.  That bullet did not ricochet, it traveled in a straight line from impact to where it came to rest. The evidence shows that round was fired from above his right eye nearly parallel, not perpendicular, to the plane of Brown's face.  

There were also multiple hits to his arm.  Those could have been fired while he was fleeing but they were not fatal.  

The shot to the eye and it's path, and the one that hit him in the top of the head does match a scenario where Brown is hit in the hand and/or arm while running, turns, drops to his knees and drops his head in reaction to those wounds (looking at them) and the cop delivers two more rounds to his head. That would also align his cheek with the collarbone and establish the straight line and angle of impact that we know the bullet followed from the autopsy report

There are lot's of questions and no "real" answers yet. I'm confident the FBI investigators will get to the bottom of this incident sooner rather than later. So relax, let's not prejudge anyone until all the relevant investigations are completed

salonpas382 reads

The symptoms for a Fractured Orbital Eye socket include:
Blurry, decreased or double vision.
Decreased ability to look left, right, up or down.
Black and blue eyes.
Swelling of the forehead or cheek.
Flattened cheeks.
Intense cheek pain when opening the mouth.
Bulging or sunken eyeballs.
Facial numbness on the side of the injury

86H13LTP374 reads

used his body to protect his troops , was shot to shit and was still firing at those sacks of shit while being drug off scene  

Get real man

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 9:24:09 PM

JackDunphy354 reads

Follow your own advice and see how all the facts turn out but with each passing day, this looks more and more like a justifiable shooting.

Not that hard from 20' and closer. If he really fell 3' from the officer. The last one or two were probably the top of the head as he was almost on the ground. I don't see why everyone jumps to the conclusion that it was an execution. For almost every person out there the last thing they want to do is kill someone.  
      The bullet wounds to his arms should have defined entrance wounds, I'd bet his arms weren't over his head, the cop wouldn't aim that high... Torso shots-center mass is how they are trained.  

Posted By: salonpas
...............through the ocular socket of their victim?  
 As per the autopsy report.: There were two head shots, one through the right eye, the other to the top of the head. Now would someone with a fractured orbital eye socket be able to deliver a kill shot through the eye socket of their victim? Not likely! The bullet entered the right eye, exited in the area of his lower right jaw in a straight line downward and then re-entered his collarbone area directly underneath. The path of travel of that round is virtually impossible for a round fired at an erect man who is looking at the shooting party.  That bullet did not ricochet, it traveled in a straight line from impact to where it came to rest. The evidence shows that round was fired from above his right eye nearly parallel, not perpendicular, to the plane of Brown's face.  
 There were also multiple hits to his arm.  Those could have been fired while he was fleeing but they were not fatal.    
 The shot to the eye and it's path, and the one that hit him in the top of the head does match a scenario where Brown is hit in the hand and/or arm while running, turns, drops to his knees and drops his head in reaction to those wounds (looking at them) and the cop delivers two more rounds to his head. That would also align his cheek with the collarbone and establish the straight line and angle of impact that we know the bullet followed from the autopsy report  
 There are lot's of questions and no "real" answers yet. I'm confident the FBI investigators will get to the bottom of this incident sooner rather than later. So relax, let's not prejudge anyone until all the relevant investigations are completed.  

and the shit head didn’t call for backups?

God damn lies.

Cops "plant" drugs all the time, and the FBI tried to "entrap" John DeLorean.

 The "Blue Wall" exists, it is a REAL thing!

Posted By: anonymousfun
and the shit head didn’t call for backups?  
 God damn lies.

Where are the pictures of his face?   Proof positive.    News is the killer cop is in hiding somewhere out of state!  LMAO

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