Politics and Religion

Real Voter Fraud On-Going in Virginiaangry_smile
nuguy46 1501 reads

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli will launch an investigation into voter-registration forms that are being sent to Virginia residents and addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others ineligible to vote.

The errant mailings from the Washington-based nonprofit group Voter Participation Center have befuddled many Virginia residents, leading to hundreds of complaints.

The organization has been mass-mailing the forms — pre-populated with key information such as names and addresses — to primarily Democratic-leaning voting blocs such as young adults, unmarried women, African-Americans and Latinos.

Mailings appear to violate "at least one and maybe several Virginia laws aimed at ensuring a fair election."

Mailings appear to be tactics that amount to, or at the very least induce, voter registration fraud.
This would present a very significant risk to the proper administration of the upcoming general election.

Page Gardner, president and CEO of the Voter Participation Center, said the organization mailed nearly 200,000 third-party registration forms to Virginia addresses in June, which resulted in 15,026 new voters being registered as of July 18.

Justin Riemer, the State Board of Elections' deputy secretary, said forms have been sent by the group to deceased infants, out-of-state family members, and non-U.S. citizens, among others.
Riemer noted that pre-populating the forms violates rules set forth in the state code and the Virginia Constitution requiring that voters fill out their own forms.

How dare we not register dead minorities!!!

Willy's sad that the Democrats may not be able to steal another election by bussing in out-of-state mental patients.  :(

The forms were sent by the Voter Participation Center. On their website, which you can see here:


They describe themselves as

"a research-driven, results-oriented nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to increasing the participation and amplifying the voices of unmarried women (women who are single, widowed, divorced or separated) and other historically underrepresented groups in our democracy."

So they're an organization that work to register women to vote. No wonder the GOP is calling this "voter fraud"

Here's where things get good.

"In a letter to Cuccinelli's office and the State Board of Elections, Kathryn Bieber, an attorney for the Romney campaign...asks the State Board of Elections to require registrars to reject all pre-populated voter registration applications from the group and review the eligibility of all Virginians who have registered in the past two months."

So let's get this straight. The Romney campaign has a very big problem with a non-partisan organization registering women to vote in the state of Virginia, where Bob "Vaginal Probe" McDonnell is the Govenor.

A few typos were made on some forms, which would have been caught and corrected at the voter registration office, but these typos mean that this non-partisan organization should be BARRED from registering voters, and the real kicker is that Romney's camp wants to review everyone who has registered to vote in the last 2 months.

Wow, what a "voter fraud" story we have here! It couldn't possibly be about trying to guarantee Romney a victory in the state of Virginia...a state he MUST win in order to win the Presidential race.

You are aware that every one of these groups refers to themselves as "non-partisan" and "research driven" are backed by political money?  You must know that because even the NAACP is oficially "non-partisan".

Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing that Florida purged hundreds of thousands of dead people off of their voter roles?

A 501(c)(3) organization cannot call itself a non-partisan non-profit and then engage in partisan activities.

The NAACP IS a non-partisan organization. Their goal is in their name. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Don't think that they're partisan just because the Republican party is opposed to the advancement of racial minorities.

I think it is a bad thing that Florida is violating federal law by purging voters, yes.

followme192 reads

He is a true believer of lies and falsehoods

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