Politics and Religion

Re: your attitude is amazing.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 4334 reads
1 / 19

debate health care using scare tactics and hyperbole, and call anyone with a D in front of their name a collaborator in a Stalinist plot, the Brits are doing the sane and rational thing of examining what happened the last 8 years, and uncovering the crimes that were committed.

And so far, this investigation has brought some interesting...

pwilley 59 Reviews 1080 reads
2 / 19

I'm really curious to know exactly (specifics please) what would be the Willywonka strategy for defending and stopping terrorism?  I mean, clearly you strongly disagree with Bush/Cheney/Brittain approach, despite the record that shows it somewhat worked.  So what would be your solution?  And spare me the broad generalities, D talking points, and holier than thou sentiments... just the details...  Thanks

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1225 reads
3 / 19

what does terrorism have to do with my OP? If you're honest with yourself, and honest with the facts, you know that there is none.

The likelihood of an American dying at the hand of Muslim terrorists is extremely slim. You have a greater chance of being struck by lightning.

Logically then, we should spend fewer federal dollars fighting terrorism than we do trying to prevent people being struck dead by lightning.

If you want to waste tax dollars on the problem, then 1) you pull our troops out of their holy lands so they stop shitting their pants in rage. 2) you replace American consumption of crude oil with some other energy source so we stop funding these assholes. 3) we build hospitals and secular public schools all over the Middle East so young Muslims can get an education someplace other than a Madrasah. 4) we stop giving aid to dictatorships in the Middle East 5) we stop giving Israel any weapons or financial aid.

p.s. the record shows that the Bush/Cheney approach somewhat worked? You're fucking with me now, aren't you?

_Puck_ 1294 reads
4 / 19

That was as concise and cogent a post as I have seen here in a long time. Kudos.

All of the above would also go a long way towards dealing with the financial morass we find ourselves in.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1609 reads
5 / 19

could actually implement some of your ideas.

America already has enough issues to deal with.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1053 reads
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...there's a lot of Congressman in DC who regularly pick up providers. I would know!

Snowman39 1415 reads
8 / 19

You attitude is frggin amazing...

Hey all you folks and died on 9/11 and your families. F**K YOU!!

For all of those taken hostage around the world and beheaded, F**K YOU!!

As long as it does not affect Willy personally, you are all just acceptable losses.

It's guys like willy who let Hitler come to power...

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1820 reads
9 / 19

"It's guys like willy who let Hitler come to power"

 In my opinion,its guys like willy who become Hitlers or Stalins or Mugabes, but never man enough to become like Temujin..

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1224 reads
10 / 19

Conservatives believe that if they jerk off enough on puddles of blood that they gain special insight to solving problems they helped to create, and that they should make monuments to the innocent people they let kill so they can go kill other innocent people.

By the way...it was conservatives who let Hitler come to power, and it was conservatives who created the environment for him to come to power, and it was conservatives who defended his actions and said we shouldn't interfere with him. It was Democrats who smashed fascism in Europe.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1384 reads
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If this thread goes any longer, you'll be blaming Adam for killing Cain.  Or was that Abel for fucking Eve?????

Awww hell, now you got me all confused!!!!!!!

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 955 reads
12 / 19

"It was the democrats who smashed fascism in Europe".

Willy, If I remember correctly, and I was alive to hear it at the time, I'm positive that the might of the American military smashed the fascists in Europe, not the democrats. My father was there at the time, and he certainly was no democrat. Of course, some in the military may have, at one time or another, voted for the democrats.

Hitler and the Nazis were conserative? That's  news to me, and many others, I'm sure.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1481 reads
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...are doomed to repeat history class in summer school. learn your damn history.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1574 reads
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...but not to anyone who's taken a course in political science.

Snowman39 1166 reads
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the kind of shit you push for every day on this board.

BTW, isn't it you who said you wanted your political opponents dead (i.e. you Rush Limbauch comments)

Ever heard of the night of the long knives??

Man you need to learn some friggin history!!!

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1066 reads
17 / 19

then why do you refuse to remember what happened on 9-11-01 when radical Islamic terrorists (who you say we should basically ignore) made the biggest and deadliest attack ever on American soil.

You must have at least a half-dozen sides of your mouth that you talk out of.

Go find a chocolate factory somewhere and have your fun there . . . . . . .

-JustSayin 1201 reads
18 / 19

It's not an either/or situation.

The list your link cites leaves out many socialist aspects of Nazis as well as ignoring aspects of today's Left that embraces many items on the list.

Snowman39 1056 reads
19 / 19

These institutions you speak of are nothing more than a collection of people!!!

You just don't like them because the people in them are more successful than you...

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