Politics and Religion

Re: You have very good points
zinaval 7 Reviews 2623 reads
1 / 7

If Republicans vote for this guy, they should take back everything they've said about Clinton.

He's Clinton-in-a-Reagan-mask. Will a week even go by that he doesn't get a blow-job in the Oval Office? He'll probably even use a cigar.

For corruption, compared to him, Whitewater was a candy-store purchase.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1394 reads
2 / 7

I mean, aside from getting one yourself?

If it made a net profit, I'd vote for the GAO to run a brothel in the west wing.   If the rest of the govt is going to whore themselves out, why not admit it?

Envy and lying would be the only reasons any of you would deny the same position.

Jack Daniels 3825 reads
3 / 7

According to Robert Reich and other astute political observers, Fred Thompson will probably end up being the Republican candidate and ultimately win the White House. Reich doesn’t think much of Fred Thompson as far as his qualifications for president are concerned.  Reich said the fact that Fred Thompson is an actor, a taller than average man, and he speaks with a slow, deep baritone voice is enough to beat the other candidates who might be running on real political issues. Reich pointed out the success actors have had in the being elected to public office: Ronald Reagan, Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Being elected in modern day America is nothing more than an advertising campaign consisting of thirty second sound bite commercials. If a candidate can “act” like the president, sound like the president and appear like the president then people will vote for him.  Unfortunately, voters who vote image outnumber voters who vote substance.  There were more people watching reality shows than there were watching the debates.  The pubic is more interested in who will win on American Idol than who will run on the Democratic or Republican ticket.

I put a lot of credibility in what Reich said because he is intelligent, experienced in politics and he is a Democrat.  If he were talking about a Democratic candidate the way he talked about Fred Thompson it could be construed as political posturing.  There is no doubt Robert Reich is a Democrat and he will vote for the Democratic candidate in the presidential election.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1089 reads
4 / 7

which is pretty disastrous because - between the theocrats and the crony capitalists - the Republican political machine has evolved into a national parasite, a massive cancerous ugly-assed tapeworm.

You could make the case that the Democratic machine depends on lots of silly little leeches, but that problem is IMHO much more manageable than the complete fucking overwhelming insanity we have seen from GWB.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1495 reads
5 / 7

But I tend to think that there's still a lot of female contempt for the "trophy wife." At least they won't want to institutionalize it. The gender gap for Thompson is likely to be huge. If you get Clinton or Obama, you will have the African American vote, and maybe the rest of the minorities going for them. The minority vote is quickly becoming the majority vote.

I hate to say that for image, when he stands next to his wife-- he looks absolutely ugly.  

It's going to be hard for Thompson's deep baritone voice to carry the day against those minuses. It can be done, though. Actors need lines. A lot depends on his speech writer.

Tusayan 1433 reads
7 / 7

Thompson won't last long. He's having major problems raising money so don't expect him to be in the race at the finish.

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