Politics and Religion

Re: You have to think of the children
tallslim26 26 Reviews 1986 reads

Just like those Palestinian kids could grow up and be, well, Palestinians. Best they are killed now ey, then the takeover there in Palestine would be a given if Palestinians didn't exist.

Box_Of_Rocks1979 reads

It is about time that someone blows the savages out of the water. They have been getting away with their crimes far too long.

Blow them out of the water??? But their poor disadvantaged blacks in Africa, why persecute them so?????

Might be viewed correctly as a satirical comment but that mindset is at the root of the problem. Back when Europe and America had balls this problem would have been tolerated for about 2 days before action would have been taken.

The reason why the West can't do it is because the West, rightly or wrongly, is concerned with the value of life and the danger of killing people who may be caught in the cross fire.  THis is not to say that the West does not kill people through "friendly fire" or other mishaps.

But the fact is that China does not care how many people are killed in fixing a problem.  That is why they could send 10,000 soldiers against a hill in North Korea to kill 100 Americans.  That is why the could just order scores of people to march directly into a barrage.  That is why they can build a bridge across a river in 6 months. No OSHA

If the U.S. were to blow an innocent boat of the the water, there would be talk of compensation, mea culpas, etc.  

If China mistakingly levels a village that they think has pirates, they will issue a statment saying, "Oops."

England is patroling that area, but they are not even allowed to capture pirates, because under English law the pirates might claim assylum and end up on welfare in London.

A good example is Kim Jong Il.  When North Korea started firing off missiles, the US condemned the actions and imposed sanctions.  The UN also condemned North Korea but Kim Jong Il continued his pursuit of developing nuclear weapon.  One missile came dangerously close to Hawaii.  

Former CIA agent, Michael Shroyer said in an interview that China would stop Kim Jong Il because his recklessness was threatening China’s economy. If the U.S. became embroiled in a conflict with North Korea it could cause severe damage to the largest economic boom in the history of China.  When asked if he thought China would invade North Korea, Shroyer said China is too smart to make such a stupid move.  Only the U.S. would send an army into a country to take out one man.  China would simply have Kim Jong Il disappear.  Shroyer went on the say Kim Jong Il would not be assassinated, he would probably become ill and disappear.  Someone else would take over and there would never be an explanation regarding the disappearance of Kim Jong Il.  Shroyer said the U.S. would have done the same thing with Saddam Hussein if the CIA hadn’t been gutted in the 1970’s by Senator Church’s Senate Sub committee. Instead, we invaded Iraq militarily at the cost of thousands of lives and billions of dollars and we will be mired there for many years.  

Senator Church and his liberal colleagues did a good job of cleaning up the CIA. They caused the CIA to become very honorable bureaucracy but totally inefficient at what the agency was created to do.  

anon11122451967 reads

My sentiments exactly, a polite C.I.A. is like a junk yark dog in a santa outfit for Christmas.

My_Verdict1679 reads

Once a pirate mother ship is spotted, simply nuke it.

Posted by My_Verdict
My suggestion would be to have a bunch of war planes patrol the area.

It has been reported that sometimes Somali children in Pirate training accompany the Pirates.If the Pirate ships were bombed the children would never have a chance to grow up and become adult Pirates..

Dickless_Cheney1404 reads

After we nuke the pirates, then we can go after Iran!

Just like those Palestinian kids could grow up and be, well, Palestinians. Best they are killed now ey, then the takeover there in Palestine would be a given if Palestinians didn't exist.

Stempy3788 reads

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your stupidity. And as GG added, Ignorance can be overcome by knowledge, stupidity is forever.

-- Modified on 12/30/2008 3:13:05 PM

How is the post you responded to "stupid" or "ignorant".

Have not the Palestininan people been confined to camps that have been devoid of proper water purification, proper food, proper medical care, proper sewage disposal, etc ????? Have these people not been the victim of circumstance, being the owners of land that the precious "chosen" wanted to plop their arrogant backsides back down in 3,000 years after they were expelled ??

Will not the current situation, the lack of a situation that is livable for Palestinians lead to their extinction, extermination.

Confront that issue before you call people like me stupidheads and dummyheads. You can call me extreme sure, extremism is the only way to deal with a force that craves the blood, sweat, and livelyhoods of others. But I am not stupid, people like myself who are called stupid are called such words by those who have run out of arguments.

Supporters of Zionism have never had so few arguments than right now.

If your so fucking concerned about the poor, pitiful Palestinians why don't you go over there to "liberate" their land for them?  Talk is cheap!

Wouldn't that make me a terrorist, I mean I would be violently opposing the goals of world zionism, if that is not the modern day definition of terrorist then I don't know what is.

anon11122453447 reads

Don't answer my question with a question you gutless wonder.

If the shoes were reversed and Hamas had the big guns, GUARANTEED  Hamas would have no moral problem wiping out every Israeli man, woman, and child,in the region..and then they would laugh and boast about it..
Lucky for the Palestinians, Israel is not targeting civilians  or most of them would already be dead..
I think the humane thing for Israel to do at this particular time is only use bombs that destroy a one mile radius of the Hamas target.Hamas friends would quickly leave their side, and the civilian Palestinians  would not allow Hamas to hide amongst the women..  
In other words whatever it takes to wipe out Hamas and their followers, is the best chance at Peace.

65 years of being treated like animals can do things to a person and to a people. The world is starting to awake to the reality that these people have been pretty goddamn patient. They have had it and you know what, you will have to kill every last one of them. And if that is somehow done, the world's population will be educated to just who the real oppressors are.

What then, destroy the whole world????

"65 years of being treated like animals can do things to a person and to a people."

 You might be the last to never understand that the Palestinians have been getting off easy on the back of Israeli..
Where are their  brothers of the Palestinians and why no talk of the land they lost to Arabs?
Do you want Peace or Death to Israel..That is the question??   Put things in your own perspective from the other side, and look at the two thousand years that the Jews have had enemies trying to exterminate them,or chase them from their tiny homeland , and maybe one day you will see why  Dead Hamas is Good Hamas...


You still seem to ignore the fact that the reason the jews have been "persecuted" has almost always been because of their self serving behavior that has driven the host population into self preservation mode. If this would ever be noted by the jews and they would work to remedy this problem then they would no longer be reviled in any way by any rational person.

You only seem to care about the reaction of the host population in which jews have dwelled and then been expelled by and not the provocation by the jews.

The jews may have easily had Madagascar or Uganda as a homeland, this has been admitted by jewish figures in the past and present, but the jews demanded Palestine because it was the prime location to call the shots in world politics, center of the map if you will.

Fanny_Hill_And_Dale1267 reads

Now this development really cries out for very close scrutiny,and its hard to know wnere to begin to list the points of interest.I'm not at all convinced that theree's any real substance to the proclaimed Chinese course of action.

The sons and daughters of Cathy are ranging quite far afield here,let's see if perhaps they wind up biting off more than they can chew.Big problems begin in small ways and in out of the way places,and the African coast of the Indian Ocean is pretty distant from the state-capitalists masquerading as Comunists currently presiding in Peiping/Peking/Bejing.Have they gotten that old Mandate of Heavan to undertake such a task?And if failing in this maritime police work,what if any effect could it have on political stability within the PRC?And how could that play out for the US?

Now,the Chinese,if forced to fire upon Soamali piates,will quickly learn that the Somalis brigands are a very different kettle of fish from occupied Tibetans,Buddhist monks, and student protesters.Wasn't "Black Hawk Down" ever released in the PRC?The Soamalis can and will fire back,possibly with boundless enthusiam,and is the Chinese navy really ready to battle Soamali pirates,ragtag outfit that the Somalis no doubt are,thousands of miles from the heart of China?Whats Mandarin or Cantonese for "to the shores of Tripoli?"

Likewise,the Somailis will learn to their regret and dismay that the Chinese military has a much more permissive set of rules of engagement than does the US military.Neither the Chinese nor the Somalis  has traditionally manifested much hand-wringing concern for human life,civilain bystanders caught in the crossfire,or colatteral damage.I expect the bloodletting,if it comes to it,to be impressive,even if it's only one single engagement.

The US Navy and the Taiwanese will no doubt want to see the Chinese navy in action, for obvious rasons.

Now,because identity/racial politics are never far from the thoughts of many,I wonder how "racist" it will be for blacks and Asians to slaughter themselves indiscriminately,and how will liberal and conservative opinion in the US line up on that question?I mean, who's going to be tagged with the "racist" label,and will it stick?At least tallslim26 will get some enjoyment watching the non-whites kill each other.

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