Politics and Religion

Re: You have similar credibility as New York Post
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2998 reads
1 / 42

If this article had been written by a Jew and published in an Israeli newspaper, I would not blame the Laffy's or Planet Stupid if they went apoplectic.
But THIS article is published in a major New York newspaper and the author is an IRANIAN national... the link to the complete article is provided below.  
Iran publishes book on how to outwit US and destroy Israel
by Amir Taheri

While Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama do their best to paper over the brutality of the Iranian regime and force through a nuclear agreement, Iran’s religious leader has another issue on his mind: The destruction of Israel.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has published a new book called “Palestine,” a 416-page screed against the Jewish state. A blurb on the back cover credits Khamenei as “The flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem.”

Khamenei makes his position clear from the start: Israel has no right to exist as a state.
He uses three words. One is “nabudi” which means “annihilation.” The other is “imha” which means “fading out,” and, finally, there is “zaval” meaning “effacement.”
Khamenei claims that his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is instead based on “well-established Islamic principles.”
One such principle is that a land that falls under Muslim rule, even briefly, can never again be ceded to non-Muslims. What matters in Islam is ownership of a land’s government, even if the majority of inhabitants are non-Muslims.
Khomeinists are not alone in this belief.
Dozens of maps circulate in the Muslim world showing the extent of Muslim territories lost to the Infidel that must be recovered.
These include large parts of Russia and Europe, almost a third of China, the whole of India and parts of The Philippines and Thailand.
However, according to Khamenei, Israel, which he labels as “adou” and “doshman,” meaning “enemy” and “foe,” is a special case for three reasons.
The first is that it is a loyal “ally of the American Great Satan” and a key element in its “evil scheme” to dominate “the heartland of the Ummah.”
The second reason is that Israel has waged war on Muslims on a number of occasions, thus becoming “a hostile infidel,” or “kaffir al-harbi.”
Finally, Israel is a special case because it occupies Jerusalem, which Khamenei describes as “Islam’s third Holy City.”
He intimates that one of his “most cherished wishes” is to one day pray in Jerusalem.

Khamenei insists that he is not recommending “classical wars” to wipe Israel off the map. Nor does he want to “massacre the Jews.” What he recommends is a long period of low-intensity warfare designed to make life unpleasant if not impossible for a majority of Israeli Jews so that they leave the country.
His calculation is based on the assumption that large numbers of Israelis have double-nationality and would prefer emigration to the United States and Europe to daily threats of death.
Khamenei makes no reference to Iran’s nuclear program. But the subtext is that a nuclear-armed Iran would make Israel think twice before trying to counter Khamenei’s strategy by taking military action against the Islamic Republic.
In Khamenei’s analysis, once the cost of staying in Israel has become too high for many Jews, Western powers, notably the US, which have supported the Jewish state for decades, might decide that the cost of doing so is higher than possible benefits.
Thanks to President Obama, the US has already distanced itself from Israel to a degree unimaginable a decade ago.
Khamenei counts on what he sees as “Israel fatigue.” The international community would start looking for what he calls “a practical and logical mechanism” to end the old conflict.
Khamenei’s “practical and logical mechanism” excludes the two-state formula in any form.
“The solution is a one-state formula,” he declares. That state, to be called Palestine, would be under Muslim rule but would allow non-Muslims, including some Israeli Jews who could prove “genuine roots” in the region to stay as “protected minorities.”
Under Khamenei’s scheme, Israel, plus the West Bank and Gaza, would revert to a United Nations mandate for a brief period during which a referendum is held to create the new state of Palestine.
All Palestinians and their descendants, wherever they are, would be able to vote, while Jews “who have come from other places” would be excluded.
Khamenei does not mention any figures for possible voters in his dream referendum. But studies by the Islamic Foreign Ministry in Tehran suggest that at least eight million Palestinians across the globe would be able to vote against 2.2 million Jews “acceptable” as future second-class citizens of new Palestine. Thus, the “Supreme Guide” is certain of the results of his proposed referendum.
He does not make clear whether the Kingdom of Jordan, which is located in 80% of historic Palestine, would be included in his one-state scheme. However, a majority of Jordanians are of Palestinian extraction and would be able to vote in the referendum and, logically, become citizens of the new Palestine.
Holocaust ‘propaganda’

Khamenei boasts about the success of his plans to make life impossible for Israelis through terror attacks from Lebanon and Gaza. His latest scheme is to recruit “fighters” in the West Bank to set up Hezbollah-style units.
“We have intervened in anti-Israel matters, and it brought victory in the 33-day war by Hezbollah against Israel in 2006 and in the 22-day war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip,” he boasts.
Khamenei describes Israel as “a cancerous tumor” whose elimination would mean that “the West’s hegemony and threats will be discredited” in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts, “the hegemony of Iran will be promoted.”
Khamenei’s book also deals with the Holocaust which he regards either as “a propaganda ploy” or a disputed claim. “If there was such a thing,” he writes, “we don’t know why it happened and how.”
This is what Iran’s leaders are preaching to their people and their allies in the Middle East. Do we really want to give succor?
I'm tired of this duplicitous pussy footing around the edges of civility.

To Khamenei, and any of YOU who agree with his goals, I say this:
Koos-O'mukh you ass clowns! Never Again!! You Want Some? Come Get Some.

Robertini 4 Reviews 632 reads
2 / 42

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
If this article had been written by a Jew and published in an Israeli newspaper, I would not blame the Laffy's or Planet Stupid if they went apoplectic.  
 But THIS article is published in a major New York newspaper and the author is an IRANIAN national... the link to the complete article is provided below.  
 Iran publishes book on how to outwit US and destroy Israel  
 by Amir Taheri  
 While Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama do their best to paper over the brutality of the Iranian regime and force through a nuclear agreement, Iran’s religious leader has another issue on his mind: The destruction of Israel.  
 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has published a new book called “Palestine,” a 416-page screed against the Jewish state. A blurb on the back cover credits Khamenei as “The flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem.”  
 Khamenei makes his position clear from the start: Israel has no right to exist as a state.  
 He uses three words. One is “nabudi” which means “annihilation.” The other is “imha” which means “fading out,” and, finally, there is “zaval” meaning “effacement.”  
 Khamenei claims that his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is instead based on “well-established Islamic principles.”  
 One such principle is that a land that falls under Muslim rule, even briefly, can never again be ceded to non-Muslims. What matters in Islam is ownership of a land’s government, even if the majority of inhabitants are non-Muslims.  
 Khomeinists are not alone in this belief.  
 Dozens of maps circulate in the Muslim world showing the extent of Muslim territories lost to the Infidel that must be recovered.  
 These include large parts of Russia and Europe, almost a third of China, the whole of India and parts of The Philippines and Thailand.  
 However, according to Khamenei, Israel, which he labels as “adou” and “doshman,” meaning “enemy” and “foe,” is a special case for three reasons.  
 The first is that it is a loyal “ally of the American Great Satan” and a key element in its “evil scheme” to dominate “the heartland of the Ummah.”  
 The second reason is that Israel has waged war on Muslims on a number of occasions, thus becoming “a hostile infidel,” or “kaffir al-harbi.”  
 Finally, Israel is a special case because it occupies Jerusalem, which Khamenei describes as “Islam’s third Holy City.”  
 He intimates that one of his “most cherished wishes” is to one day pray in Jerusalem.  
 Khamenei insists that he is not recommending “classical wars” to wipe Israel off the map. Nor does he want to “massacre the Jews.” What he recommends is a long period of low-intensity warfare designed to make life unpleasant if not impossible for a majority of Israeli Jews so that they leave the country.  
 His calculation is based on the assumption that large numbers of Israelis have double-nationality and would prefer emigration to the United States and Europe to daily threats of death.  
 Khamenei makes no reference to Iran’s nuclear program. But the subtext is that a nuclear-armed Iran would make Israel think twice before trying to counter Khamenei’s strategy by taking military action against the Islamic Republic.  
 In Khamenei’s analysis, once the cost of staying in Israel has become too high for many Jews, Western powers, notably the US, which have supported the Jewish state for decades, might decide that the cost of doing so is higher than possible benefits.  
 Thanks to President Obama, the US has already distanced itself from Israel to a degree unimaginable a decade ago.  
 Khamenei counts on what he sees as “Israel fatigue.” The international community would start looking for what he calls “a practical and logical mechanism” to end the old conflict.  
 Khamenei’s “practical and logical mechanism” excludes the two-state formula in any form.  
 “The solution is a one-state formula,” he declares. That state, to be called Palestine, would be under Muslim rule but would allow non-Muslims, including some Israeli Jews who could prove “genuine roots” in the region to stay as “protected minorities.”  
 Under Khamenei’s scheme, Israel, plus the West Bank and Gaza, would revert to a United Nations mandate for a brief period during which a referendum is held to create the new state of Palestine.  
 All Palestinians and their descendants, wherever they are, would be able to vote, while Jews “who have come from other places” would be excluded.  
 Khamenei does not mention any figures for possible voters in his dream referendum. But studies by the Islamic Foreign Ministry in Tehran suggest that at least eight million Palestinians across the globe would be able to vote against 2.2 million Jews “acceptable” as future second-class citizens of new Palestine. Thus, the “Supreme Guide” is certain of the results of his proposed referendum.  
 He does not make clear whether the Kingdom of Jordan, which is located in 80% of historic Palestine, would be included in his one-state scheme. However, a majority of Jordanians are of Palestinian extraction and would be able to vote in the referendum and, logically, become citizens of the new Palestine.  
 Holocaust ‘propaganda’  
 Khamenei boasts about the success of his plans to make life impossible for Israelis through terror attacks from Lebanon and Gaza. His latest scheme is to recruit “fighters” in the West Bank to set up Hezbollah-style units.  
 “We have intervened in anti-Israel matters, and it brought victory in the 33-day war by Hezbollah against Israel in 2006 and in the 22-day war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip,” he boasts.  
 Khamenei describes Israel as “a cancerous tumor” whose elimination would mean that “the West’s hegemony and threats will be discredited” in the Middle East. In its place, he boasts, “the hegemony of Iran will be promoted.”  
 Khamenei’s book also deals with the Holocaust which he regards either as “a propaganda ploy” or a disputed claim. “If there was such a thing,” he writes, “we don’t know why it happened and how.”  
 This is what Iran’s leaders are preaching to their people and their allies in the Middle East. Do we really want to give succor?  
 I'm tired of this duplicitous pussy footing around the edges of civility.  
 To Khamenei, and any of YOU who agree with his goals, I say this:  
 Koos-O'mukh you ass clowns! Never Again!! You Want Some? Come Get Some.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 392 reads
3 / 42

...owned by fair and balanced Rupert Murdoch.

Amir Taheri?  Consider the source:


Even if everything Taheri said was true, in America we would say that Khamenei was just playing to his base

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 456 reads
4 / 42

From the poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) :

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

 First They Came is a famous statement and provocative poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group.

marikod 1 Reviews 546 reads
6 / 42

Excellent article and consistent with other non-hysterical analysis of the goals of the hardliners.  I respectfully offer four points for your consideration.

         1. First, and most important, this article rebuts any notion that even Khamenei and the other hard line thugs have any genocidal intent. They do not want to kill all the Jews; they believe Israel is an illegal state and are happy to resort to sponsoring terrorism to make life for Israelis so unbearable that they will leave.

         Indeed, Iran has about 9000 Jews today. They could leave if they wanted to – they choose to live in Iran. They do not have complete equal rights and suffer some degree of discrimination but there are no pogroms; they worship freely; and there is even a Jew in the Iranian Parliament.  If you believe Jonathan Cook, a British journalist living in Israel and foremost critic of Benji and company, Jewish donors offered Iranian Jews $60,000 to immigrate to Israel – and did not get many takers.

         2. I totally disagree with the “How to Outwit the US and Destroy Israel” headline.
In fact, I suspect it was written by the NY Post, not Mr. Taheri. I presume the Obama admin is fully aware of everything in the “screed.” It is entirely consistent with the admin’s view of “prevent the bomb now” and we will use other measures to deal with Iran sponsored terrorism and other bad acts. How does this plan “outwit” the United States?

         3. Raise your hand if you think this plan will “destroy” Israel

        I don’t see ANY hands raised.  Not only is Khamenei’s goal of causing the “majority of Jews to leave the country” not working,  the opposite is happening. At the end of 2014, the number of Israelis leaving the country was at an ALL TIME LOW, according to the Times Of Israel. Immigration to Israel – about 26000 – was the highest in ten years.  The plan is an utter failure.

4. Is there anything in this article that would make you vote against the Iran agreement?

          Remember, but for the negotiations and agreement, Iran would already have a bomb, or at least enough enriched material, is they so chose. If no agreement, breakout time is three months.  The trade off is more money for the “low intensity warfare” vs allowing Iran to have a bomb.  That is an easy decision for me.  As set forth below, I totally disagree that any form of “coercive diplomacy” will work AFTER Iran becomes a nuclear power – and that is the risk you take if you vote down the agreement

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 325 reads
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There are literally hundreds of thousands of nut jobs in the world writing books and articles to propagateBS theories.

Only fools give credibility to any of the BS.

Why not Israel figure out a way to co-exist in the region they happen to inhabit?  

Israel's war mongering is not only making their neighborhood a horrible place to live, it is also making rest of the world a horrible place to live.

Besides the orthodox nut jobs like you, now young Jewish population feels the same way about Israel's unsustainable stand.  

Before you go off, I had a dinner with a Jewish family and friends last evening, Iran deal was on of the topics of discussion.

GiantBombing 442 reads
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Posted By: anonymousfun
Before you go off, I had a dinner with a Jewish family and friends last evening
"I am not a racist, some of my best friends are black!"

bigguy30 427 reads
9 / 42

So most people in NYC knows this already and it's run by the same foreigner that owns FOX FAKE News.
You can't take anything written in here seriously except the sports pages. Lol
Also when you have a clown like dump leading in the GOP polls.
 I would not be talking much right now with that big mouth time bomb.
When people feed into this type of foolish hype and propaganda they only fool themselves.

bigguy30 313 reads
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Posted By: DoctorGonzo
From the poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) :  
 First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—  
 Because I was not a Socialist.  
 Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—  
 Because I was not a Trade Unionist.  
 Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—  
 Because I was not a Jew.  
 Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.  
  First They Came is a famous statement and provocative poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 378 reads
11 / 42

This response is intended for anonymousfun, but was placed as a subthread under GiantBombing.

All comments are directed to AF, not GB.






All I had to do was Google "Ayatollah publishes"


Online sources from the left the right and your very own Planet Stupid.

For someone (AF) who openly supports White Supremacists, Islamic terror organizations and Holocaust denial, you've got a lot of fucking nerve talking about credibility.

And I haven't bothered to include any of the Jewish news outlets lest Laffy have a stroke screaming about me and Bibi.

-- Modified on 8/2/2015 11:54:34 AM

GiantBombing 276 reads
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bigguy30 458 reads
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This is why no one can take fear propaganda seriously.
So did you forget the Iraq war bullshit lies and propaganda.
Some people are full of shit.
I see the same with this pastor and your comments.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 414 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 557 reads
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Here - I'll give it to you one more time... slowly... so... you...will... understand...

The NY Post wasn't the only source. Newsfeeds for the Left the Right and even Planet Stupid have weighed in.
All I had to do was Google "Ayatollah publishes". It aint no secret, sonny boy.  

And next time, hijack someone elses thread with your irrelevant comments. Be as smarmy and snarky as you want but stay on point or stfu.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 585 reads
17 / 42

Posted By: bigguy30
This is why no one can take fear propaganda seriously.  
 So did you forget the Iraq war bullshit lies and propaganda.  
 Some people are full of shit.  
 I see the same with this pastor and your comments.
Oh man, your ignorance is profound.

Firstly I direct you to scan further down the thread where I provide a half dozen other online sources and newsfeeds. Even did it slowly so you'd understand.

No, I have not forgotten the lies and deception and conniving of the Axis of Evil (Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld). In fact I challenge you to find a single post I made over the years 2002-2008 supporting their foul and malignant war efforts in Iraq. I often lamented the distaste with which I had to acknowledge that I was in favor of their pro-Israel policies. You see, I have always believed that alliance with Israel is good for America, but invading Iraq was bad for America. I don't mind if you disagree with me on principle, but give it substance, not dreck.

Secondly, perhaps you had best educate yourself as to who this Pastor was. Your comments about him reflect a level of ignorance that would not even be tolerated in Mississippi.
Here's a link to the wiki - unless you think that the wiki is also a Zionist conspiracy?


and the wiki link about the poem itself:


do us both a favor. take a minute to read the links. Educate yourself and then come back and tell me this pastor was full of shit. Or, you can continue to sit there and stroke yourself into a frenzy like Planet Stupid, and I will decide you aint worth the bother like I did the Maroon Platoon.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 423 reads
18 / 42

...that it's 9,000 out of 80,000,000.  There are 8,000 Persian Jews in Beverly Hills alone out of a population of 35,000 and 50,000 Persian Jews in Los Angeles.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was true that they turned down the opportunity to move to Israel.  However, if they were offered a ticket to the "goldene medina," they'd take it in a heartbeat

bigguy30 419 reads
19 / 42

So your full of shit just like the rest of the GOP liars.
When people lie so much they believe their own bullshit and clearly you are one of them.
Just spare us your bullshit stories or articles.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Posted By: bigguy30
This is why no one can take fear propaganda seriously.  
  So did you forget the Iraq war bullshit lies and propaganda.  
  Some people are full of shit.  
  I see the same with this pastor and your comments.
 Oh man, your ignorance is profound.  
 Firstly I direct you to scan further down the thread where I provide a half dozen other online sources and newsfeeds. Even did it slowly so you'd understand.  
 No, I have not forgotten the lies and deception and conniving of the Axis of Evil (Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld). In fact I challenge you to find a single post I made over the years 2002-2008 supporting their foul and malignant war efforts in Iraq. I often lamented the distaste with which I had to acknowledge that I was in favor of their pro-Israel policies. You see, I have always believed that alliance with Israel is good for America, but invading Iraq was bad for America. I don't mind if you disagree with me on principle, but give it substance, not dreck.  
 Secondly, perhaps you had best educate yourself as to who this Pastor was. Your comments about him reflect a level of ignorance that would not even be tolerated in Mississippi.  
 Here's a link to the wiki - unless you think that the wiki is also a Zionist conspiracy?  
 and the wiki link about the poem itself:  
 do us both a favor. take a minute to read the links. Educate yourself and then come back and tell me this pastor was full of shit. Or, you can continue to sit there and stroke yourself into a frenzy like Planet Stupid, and I will decide you aint worth the bother like I did the Maroon Platoon.

marikod 1 Reviews 469 reads
20 / 42

has down on Pico.

Still, $60,000 is LOT of money in Iran. If the story is true, I admit I am a bit surprised.

marikod 1 Reviews 370 reads
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Not only do I think it is true but most if it is not news.

As for the Post, I doubt they had a Farsi speaker double check the translation.

Robertini 4 Reviews 477 reads
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maybe he took a ticket
for that funky gold medina

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 421 reads
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Posted By: marikod
         Excellent article and consistent with other non-hysterical analysis of the goals of the hardliners.  I respectfully offer four points for your consideration.  
          1. First, and most important, this article rebuts any notion that even Khamenei and the other hard line thugs have any genocidal intent. They do not want to kill all the Jews; they believe Israel is an illegal state and are happy to resort to sponsoring terrorism to make life for Israelis so unbearable that they will leave.  
          Indeed, Iran has about 9000 Jews today. They could leave if they wanted to – they choose to live in Iran. They do not have complete equal rights and suffer some degree of discrimination but there are no pogroms; they worship freely; and there is even a Jew in the Iranian Parliament.  If you believe Jonathan Cook, a British journalist living in Israel and foremost critic of Benji and company, Jewish donors offered Iranian Jews $60,000 to immigrate to Israel – and did not get many takers.  
          2. I totally disagree with the “How to Outwit the US and Destroy Israel” headline.  
 In fact, I suspect it was written by the NY Post, not Mr. Taheri. I presume the Obama admin is fully aware of everything in the “screed.” It is entirely consistent with the admin’s view of “prevent the bomb now” and we will use other measures to deal with Iran sponsored terrorism and other bad acts. How does this plan “outwit” the United States?  
          3. Raise your hand if you think this plan will “destroy” Israel  
         I don’t see ANY hands raised.  Not only is Khamenei’s goal of causing the “majority of Jews to leave the country” not working,  the opposite is happening. At the end of 2014, the number of Israelis leaving the country was at an ALL TIME LOW, according to the Times Of Israel. Immigration to Israel – about 26000 – was the highest in ten years.  The plan is an utter failure.  
 4. Is there anything in this article that would make you vote against the Iran agreement?  
           Remember, but for the negotiations and agreement, Iran would already have a bomb, or at least enough enriched material, is they so chose. If no agreement, breakout time is three months.  The trade off is more money for the “low intensity warfare” vs allowing Iran to have a bomb.  That is an easy decision for me.  As set forth below, I totally disagree that any form of “coercive diplomacy” will work AFTER Iran becomes a nuclear power – and that is the risk you take if you vote down the agreement.    
OK Mari - let's play:)

1 - Yes there is still a small Jewish community in Iran. A number of them are members of the *Neturei Karta, a small cult of Orthodox Extremist Jews who also disavow the State of Israel because according to THEIR version of Jewish dogma, there can be no Israel until AFTER the Messiah has come riding on the back of an ass. These and others among the Jewish population in Iran are *Dhimmi, and are treated with the same level of contempt as American society treats a Felon released from prison, and worse than Islamic Shiites treat their women. I DO in fact believe Cook when he says Iranian Jews were offered 60,000. That much is true. And the Persian Hegemony did indeed allow a token number of families to leave (usually those whom Iran wanted to get rid of anyway... much like Castro allowed the undesireables of his Cuba to "escape" to the coast of Florida some years ago). But what he failed to mention were the threats issued to those non-Neturei Karta Dhimmi families who wanted to leave, but either did not have the political clout, or the bribe money to accomplish this and take advantage.
Sadly, I can not offer you a link, only a second hand retelling of a story as it was told by an Iranian Jewish family who did manage to escape at a meeting I attended when I still lived in Los Angeles. Ahmadinejad was still in power at the time.

* Dhimmi - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi
* Neturei Karta - they believe the world is 5775 years old. So does Sarah Palin. Do I really need to give you the wiki?  

2 - Wow Marikod, you got me!!! The title of the publication is "Palestine", and it is publicized as a manifesto of the Ayatollah Khameini. The description of this tome describes where the Ayatollah "detailed how Iran intends to outwit America and destroy Israel based on "well-established Islamic principles." If you were to browse some of the links i have provided throughout this thread, you will see the NY Post aint the only one using that headline. The Left, the right, and even publications from Planet Stupid all say the same thing. And i'm intentionally refraining from using Jewish news outlet sources... wouldn't want Laffy to have a stroke screaming at me about cousin Bibi Netanyahu.

3 - His plan is a failure for one simple reason. No matter how many rockets Iran gives to Hezbollah to fire at Israeli schools, no matter how much cement they give Hamas to build new tunnels into Israel from Gaza, no matter how many lies they spread like cancer throughout the media and the world, they still think the Jews will roll over like their ancestors did. They are wrong.  

4 - It is my belief, and I am not the only one, that the Iranian path to a nuclear bomb was set back severely due to Stuxnet, and a series of covert attacks and assasinations by Israel and their undercover allies inside the Persian Hegemony. Otherwise it would be moot, and we would not be having this discussion. But there is a simpler reason I have no faith in this agreement. It is a part of the culture of Islam to lie in pursuit of Jihad. Its right there in the Qu'ran. America is the Great Satan, and Israel is its Minion. How does Iran outwit America? My dear Mari, they already have, and that effete pile of Botox John Kerry is Javad Zarif's bitch.
The entire deal is contingent on Iran keeping up their end of the deal, and the fact is, they never ven pretended to keep it, they've been cheating and lying the entire time. and you'll find THAT information in the same hidden pile of data about whats going on in Afghanistan... which is also, strangely, glaringly absent from the news feeds.
All Iran really needed, was the removal of sanctions so they could once again access the hundreds ofbillions of dollars they want to continue financing world terrorism, as well as seeking to purchase ready made nukes.

Mari, you really need to stop thinking about Iranian/Islamic politics in Western ideological terms. They do not think like Westerners, they do not act like Westerners, they do not want to embrace Western values and democratic rule of law.
They want to worship a fucking meteorite that landed in the desert 1400 or so years ago and made a prophet out of a pedophile. And people think *I'm* crazy?

bigguy30 482 reads
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So how many conservative media places did you mention?
They all have one job and you know what that is to make people believe in GOP lies.
Thanks for the laughs Doctorbozo.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Here - I'll give it to you one more time... slowly... so... you...will... understand...  
 The NY Post wasn't the only source. Newsfeeds for the Left the Right and even Planet Stupid have weighed in.  
 All I had to do was Google "Ayatollah publishes". It aint no secret, sonny boy.  
 And next time, hijack someone elses thread with your irrelevant comments. Be as smarmy and snarky as you want but stay on point or stfu.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 461 reads
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i neglected to add in my response to you earlier -  
yes it was 60,000. but Israeli shekels, not American dollars.

Current RoE is 3.77IS = $1.00

EVERY family that makes Aliyah to Israel may receive as much as 35,000 shekels with which to jump start their new life in Israel

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 400 reads
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... and since when is Google a right wing mouthpiece?

I am bleeding out of my eyes from reading your ignorance.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 378 reads
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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 524 reads
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Including Netanyahu.

Nothing but hyperbole.  

Not buying any of it.

"For someone (AF) who openly supports White Supremacists” — Priceless, considering I am not white!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 407 reads
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promoting violence with their lies.

Why would anyone with ½ intelligence believe any of them?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 315 reads
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Posted By: anonymousfun

 "For someone (AF) who openly supports White Supremacists” — Priceless, considering I am not white!
So you aren't denying it. Koos Omuckh, Ziggy

JackDunphy 511 reads
32 / 42

Sorry for the double negative as making changes on the device I am using is a major pia, but you get my point.

This was a MAJOR victory for the Iranians as for all reasons you and I and others have expressed here.  

And those are all substantive ones but what about the benefits to other terrorist regimes and our enemies around the globe, who have all watched this play out, and saw the US, once again, cave to a much less powerful foe.

How do you put a price on the propaganda win that emanated from this deal that benefits ISIS, Al Qaida, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc?  

If anyone doesn't think that this deal emboldens our enemies, which will make them ALL much more difficult to deal with, they are sadly mistaken.  

And Doc, do you think this helps or hurts recruitment in the fundamentalist Islamic world? Of course, a rhetorical question.

The total scope of this deal will not be felt immediatley but over time it is certain to prove disastrous to the U.S.  

Finally, this deal will lead to nuclear proliferation through out the Mid East. The Turks, the Saudis, possibly the Eqyptians and the U.A.R. and others, will feel the need to join the atomic club as they know this deal will guarantee a bomb, whether Iran follows the agreement or not.

What do you think the Iraqis would be doing if Saddam was still present? You think they would stand pat watching there mortal enemy acquire a weapon that would tilt that conflict in one direction?

This deal HAD to have total dismantling of their nuke program. Since it didn't, we HAD to insist on unfettered access but guess who balked at that?

If this isn't a total disaster of a deal, I would hate to see one that was.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 446 reads
33 / 42

OK Laff, you obviously have chosen to hijack my thread and post nothing relevant to the subject matter...  
but since its your 51st birthday (based on your Vegas forum post of 8/2/2014), I'll cut you some slack.

1 - Actually, no. Although he did get screwed by the US government at the time of trial, (there was a plea bargain IN PLACE but the prosecutor reneged on the plea bargain on the order of Caspar Weinberger and a life sentence was imposed) and despite the fact he has been treated with a double standard much the same way the UN applies a double standard to any and all things Israel and Jewish, he was a spy and he got caught. He is being released on parole at this point because of failing health and as a pawn in the continuing game of US/Israel diplomatic brinksmanship.  
There is no joy at his release, just the usual annoyance at the double standards employed against Jews and Israel. He was a spy, and he paid the price.

2 - Stop with the Israel-bashing for just long enough to realize you're dissing the anti-abortion crowd for supporting a pro-choice democracy while sounding like a complete religious bigot. Just stop it already; take a breath and have a piece of birthday cake. I refuse to believe you are THAT far down the rabbit hole. Or do you blame Jewish doctors for your health issues as well?

3  - About that ocean front property in Vegas ---- would you settle for man-made lakefront property instead?

http://youtu.be/bmd_v3Z-CW4 - and enjoy the ride. Its as close as you'll ever get.
Posted By: Laffy
after hearing they're going to release Pollard.  
 It's hilarious how Righties crap themselves with, "Obama is SATAN for spying on our allies" when Israel spies on us all the time (if you think he's the only one, I have some ecean-front property in Vegas to sell you).  
 Of course, they also claim to HATE ABORTION yet can throw enough money at Israel even though they pay for abortions.  
 I guess their tax payer dollars paying to "kill innocent babies" is ok as long as you're helping God's "chosen people."

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 478 reads
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IF we had not gone into Iraq and IF Saddam Hussein had remained in power:

1 - There would be at least two areas in the Middle East registering as radioactive and devoid of life. and those locations would depend on the combatants: Israel v Iraq v Iran v Syria, OR Pakistan v India v Iran v Iraq (a situation that many people overlook)

The most likely location in Israel; my first guess would be a strategic missile aimed at the Dimona Reactor Complex.

Another possibility would be Ashdod, because of its military significance as well as its proximity to the Gaza Strip, which would also be destroyed in a nuclear attack. The added bonus of getting the irritating Hamas out of the picture would be an attractive prospect to non-Shiite enemies of Israel ie Saddam-led Iraq (oh, did you forget that Hamas, as a Proxy of Iran, was actually at war with Iraq for quite some time?

Possibly Haifa due to the presence of the Technion, (Israel's MIT) the Harbor, and the IDF Naval Shipyards.  

IF Israel is attacked with a nuke, then with near 100% certainty, one of their Dolphin subs in the Gulf would take a bead on whoever fired first. Oh!!! Did you really think the only way Israel could hit Iran was by air??? The IDF is not run by flunkies from the Ivy League.  

2 - There would be no ISIL or ISIS; Al Qu'aida would be a consolidated force of Sunni Muslims, and we would have experienced a second major attack on US soil, most likely a dirty bomb.

3 - Depending on how these events unfolded and affected the world economy and oil supplies, we would probably be closer to resembling a nation in lockdown.

4 - The TER P&R board would look almost exactly the same as it does, always has and always will. A collection of left wing right wing and planet stupid hobbyists, providers and trolls; some of whom think they have all the answers, and others who KNOW they're right, even though they left. The rest of us just try to have a dialog while planning our next session.

The Saudis are already in the market for nuclear tech, with Pakistan their most likely source. The one factor here is the Saudi relationship with India, which is substantial. It would not take more than what the Sheik earns in a week from oil revenues to buy the tech specs, and only a few weeks more to pay for turnkey nuclear weapons. After all, cruise missiles only cost the Pentagon 1 million apiece, and a tactical nuke strapped to the tip of a cruise missile is only another 14 mill.  


Netanyahu goes to Bahgdad (only Nixon could go to China!) they mend fences, and wipe out the Persian Hegemony before they ever get a chance to make John Kerry their bitch.

Is it 4:20 yet

bigguy30 428 reads
36 / 42

This is because you are to brainwashed with GOP lies.
So what else are you going to say when your arguments are built on lies and falsehoods.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and since when is Google a right wing mouthpiece?  
 I am bleeding out of my eyes from reading your ignorance.

ed2000 31 Reviews 378 reads
37 / 42

You’ve gone above and beyond. I know how hard it is to try to converse with someone that believes anyone that disagrees with them is “stupid”; anyone that disagrees with them is a “racist”; anyone that disagrees with them is a “righty”; or anyone that disagrees with them is the only one in the conversation that can read, write and think cogently.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 476 reads
38 / 42

You fucking moron, I'm a registered Democrat.

Posted By: bigguy30
This is because you are to brainwashed with GOP lies.  
 So what else are you going to say when your arguments are built on lies and falsehoods.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and since when is Google a right wing mouthpiece?  
  I am bleeding out of my eyes from reading your ignorance.

bigguy30 354 reads
39 / 42

I don't give a fuck what you are Doctorbozo and we are suppose to read minds now?
You talk out of both sides of your mouth just like two face Mitt.
So I will let you go back to having a identity crisis.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
You fucking moron, I'm a registered Democrat.  
Posted By: bigguy30
This is because you are to brainwashed with GOP lies.  
  So what else are you going to say when your arguments are built on lies and falsehoods.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and since when is Google a right wing mouthpiece?    
   I am bleeding out of my eyes from reading your ignorance.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 403 reads
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Posted By: ed2000
You’ve gone above and beyond. I know how hard it is to try to converse with someone that believes anyone that disagrees with them is “stupid”; anyone that disagrees with them is a “racist”; anyone that disagrees with them is a “righty”; or anyone that disagrees with them is the only one in the conversation that can read, write and think cogently.

ed2000 31 Reviews 520 reads
41 / 42

But better quality video, no pond though. Did I ever post the video for you? Has some identifying frames that would need editing.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 393 reads
42 / 42

you never did ... can you email it to me?

Posted By: ed2000
But better quality video, no pond though. Did I ever post the video for you? Has some identifying frames that would need editing.

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