Politics and Religion

Re: You don't spread freedom at the barrel of a gun.. You Tube Video
johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1446 reads

That makes two of us.

But I am of two minds.

We should never have gone to Iraq. Period. That's a true conservative position.

But, that's irrelevant because we did, and are there now. Now we have to deal with what we've got.

If we are going to conduct war we should conduct war without mercy until whoever we are trying to beat loses all will to fight. Anything less exposes our troops to inordinate risk.

I found this on you tube...and I adore Ron Paul.
(some of you may find this hard to believe, but I do oppose the Iraq war...)

That makes two of us.

But I am of two minds.

We should never have gone to Iraq. Period. That's a true conservative position.

But, that's irrelevant because we did, and are there now. Now we have to deal with what we've got.

If we are going to conduct war we should conduct war without mercy until whoever we are trying to beat loses all will to fight. Anything less exposes our troops to inordinate risk.

tjrevisted1457 reads

Wow, I want this on my ipod...AND I LOVE RON PAUL TOO!! well, you said you think he's adorable, I said I love him...But same diff, I think were both saying we like him, I even think he would have been our BEST PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE, to have saved our asses, he is the only one in congress AGAINST the organized crime chain, and secret society's our GOVT has become !!! xoxo

See the part of the equation the lefties just dont get, while they play the blame game about how bad Bush was, IS MOST REPUBLICANS CANT STAND BUSH EITHER!!

It's not our job to "spread freedom" allover the world, unlike what many conservatives seem to think. It's not our place to tell other nations how to live.. if those citizens want to change their govt, it is their place to do so.

TRUE conservatism is NOT about changing other people or cultures!

RightwingUnderground2393 reads

for our guns used in Western Europe and Germany, used in the South Pacific against Japan, and standing at the ready for 40 years aimed at the Soviet Union?

tjrevisted1525 reads

Than our war on terror, and how we went in to those wars were different too.. They were needed, and I think our war on terror is make believe, and the govt allowed those planes to flown into the trade center, so they could take all our rights, giving us security, fight the muslims, while greedy contractors bid on a war the military should be fighting..the war on terror is all about money, and its pretty easy to see, because they privatized the war..

The wars you mentioned, and the war were talking about, are apples and oranges ..One was needed, and actually did spread freedom, and keep hitler from trying to take over the world, we could have and should have avoided our war on terror, which is never ending BTW, and not only are we in a VERY expensive PRIVATE war, we have sacrificed our rights and our constitution to be in...ITS ALL TO SUSPICIOUS TO ME!! Now this is just me thinking, and I do think 911 was an inside job..and there is no need to argue this point with me, as you wont change my mind, and I wont change yours..I think this so strongly because of all the rights they have been able to take from us, because of this war..If they were really trying to stop terror why would they have to break our constitution to do it? Or did we go to war with terror so they could take our rights..To me that makes more sense, especially comming from our non-trust worthy govt..

The biggest differnce between ww2 and our war on terror, is ww2 did spread freedom, and our war on terror has taken freedom, under the guise of security..Just think about that, cause In my mind something isnt right about that equation..WE ARE NO LONGER SPREADING FREEDOM, with our wars, we are fighting wars, to stop freedom, even our own freedom here in America

RightwingUnderground1811 reads

I think that the soft power the U.S. could wield has been underutilized, but the “freedom spread” via the present decade of U.S. foreign policy won’t be settled for some time.

We would be dealing with a harsher form of capitalism if it weren't for our guns. Or maybe even a primitive form of communist domination? But it's time to move on huh?

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