Politics and Religion

Re: YES YOU Should..... Get your facts straight
followme995 reads

She is caught in a lie.


She is so deep in so many scandals, lies and fuck-ups it would seem, and I do hope,
that  at least one or more will catch up with her sooner than later.

2016 = GOP All The Way

....If I were you, I would be more concerned about the clusterfucking that's happening on your side. Donald Trump has made some very disparaging comments about Hispanics in the past week yet not one of your republican presidential candidates has had the balls to call him out on it, not one. If Republicans cannot get 40+% of the Hispanic vote, they have zero chance of winning the WH in 2016.

Posted By: followme
The fat ass, pig ugly bull-dyke is caught in a lie.  
 She is so deep in so many scandals, lies and fuck-ups it would seem, and I do hope,  
 that  at least one or more will catch up with her sooner than later.  
 2016 = GOP All The Way
If that's all you got, then she's in good shape. If I were you I would be more concerned about the clusterfucks on your side....

GaGambler204 reads

NOTHING seemed to stick to her husband Bill, he wasn't known as the Teflon President without good reason. Hillary doesn't seem to have that going for her, shit sticks to her, and Obama proved in 08 that she can be beat.  

Hillary is still the heavy favorite to win both the nomination and the presidency itself, but favorites lose all the time. I wouldn't put a nickel on her to win at this point.

As for Trump, all criticizing Trump would do for any of the other candidates from the GOP is to legitimize his candidacy and waste their limited air time to talking about beating Trump instead of beating Hillary. Trump (and the Dems) would love to make the primaries all about him, the other candidates have apparently learned the pitfalls of letting dems like you set the agenda they should follow.

This is not the time for the GOP candidates to be taking on each other, this is the time for them to try to separate themselves from the rather large pack, not giving their rivals free publicity by talking about them. I am sure if they want your advice though, they will reach out to you and ask for it.

That's why I think Trump being in the mix is a good thing. The more the media trashes Trump the less time they will go after Bush, Rubio, Walker, etc.

And you are correct. The R's should shut their face about the Donald and just let him implode as he will do, as he is doing.

As for Hillary, I dont think any one thing will kill her, but I do believe it will be a death of a thousand cuts kinda thing. Even the liberal media talks about her honesty problem on a consistent basis.

And with all the dishonesty that has emanated from the current WH, people just may be sick of it and not bear to see that for the next 4 or 8 years.

GaGambler184 reads

There is nothing to be gained for the other Republicans to talk about Trump, any more than you are going to see Hillary talking about Bernie Sanders. They want to make the race about them and what they have to say, not give Trump free publicity.  

As for Hillary, she's already been beaten once when she was considered the heir apparent. She could easily go down again. The two best candidates from the GOP to have a shot at her appear to be Bush and Walker. Bush appeals to Latinos and is surprisingly charismatic and likeable, and Walker has the "conservative chops" the more conservative voters are looking for, and the reputation that comes with facing down and beating the unions in a blue state. Now if he can manage NOT to get bogged down on gay marriage, abortion issues, and other socially conservative issues that alienate independents, he could have a real shot.

followme142 reads

ou would realize that I was not say, implying or suggesting that this is the only thing I or anyone had. In fact I clearly indicated it is one of MANY.

The problem is that hillwhorie is very good at lying, deceit, distortion, fogging and evading the truth, and all you intellectually deficient and gullible lemmings believe the massive piles of bullshit she and her staff spill upon all of you.

Apparently some of you and your kind want a woman President (for the sake of a woman president) so much you/they are willing to forgo the security, wellbeing, of this Great Country and its citizens, and our status in the world community as was the case in wanting a black president.

  You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and Hous

Said she turned over all the emails - LIE.  Said there was nothing classified on the server - LIE.  WH said they didn't know about the private email server - LIE, shall we go on?  Either she is incompetent, or deliberately hiding something while violating policies.

Whatever blue found only 15.  

Here is the reality for you (even though you don't know), some may be solicited some may not. Besides, none of the Republicans has ever manipulated the truth. A big one comes to mind known as WMD in Iraq.

The WH has declared some emails to be classified which directly contradicts Hillary.

.......he would probably defeat Hillary AGAIN in the Democrat primary election and probably go on to defeat whomever is the Republican presidential nominee In 2016.

Posted By: followme
She is caught in a lie.  
 She is so deep in so many scandals, lies and fuck-ups it would seem, and I do hope,  
 that  at least one or more will catch up with her sooner than later.  
 2016 = GOP All The Way

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