Politics and Religion

Re: Yes, I do.
zorff 1266 reads

Ballistic?  I was rather calm when I wrote "perpetually stupid" to describe you and your method of reasoning.  I'm sorry to disappoint, but there was no passion there.  It was simply me calling you a well-deserved name.  Given the tenor of this post and numerous others created in the name of "dncphil" I felt justified in doing so.  Still do.  Likely will again.  This isn't the only time you've taken the smallest bit of almost hypothetical and inconsequential information and made it into an indicator of some apocalyptic level of change.  I believe it's idiotic to do that, and don't mind posting my beliefs here.  

I'd say that if you reason the way dncphil does in real life, that those who call upon you for assistance are even dumber than you; and probably deserve pity more than ridicule.

A friend just sent me an e-mail.  She is a member of a gov't employees union, which is as lock step Democrat as you can get.

Her union is asking members to contact their representatives and urge them to vote against health care reform in its current forms.

They are concerned that it will raise the taxes on them and maybe eventually force them into a public option.

Hey, don't blame me. This isn't Rush, or Fox, or any other Evil Group.  It is hard core Dems afraid of what it will lead to.

My friend is one of the local honchos, and she says the last thing THIS union wants is public option.

Her union is telling people to call their representative and vote against ANY of the current bills.  They are not telling them to call and demand public option.

As you know, the core of the debate over public option is that it will not truly "compete" with private, and will under cut private because it does not have to make a profit or pay taxes.  Likewise, private companies have to have billions in reserves as back up, which the public option will not need, having the IRS as the ultimate back up.  Finally, the public option could lose money and remain "in business" as long as the government bails it out, like it does the post office.

That is why I don't object to a public option that competes, as long as it really competes.

It is feared that if it undercuts private too much because of these factors, private companies can't compete.  

The public employees have great health care through companies like Blue Cross and Kaiser.  If those companies are undercut unfairly, they fold and the employee gets dumped into the public option.

They DON'T want anything that COULD endanger that benifit.

kerrakles1356 reads

I eyes puffed up, face swollen, and eyes read on Monday night so, I thought I am coming down with something bad like H1N1 or something. I call my Doctor and get an appointment and she tells me I have bad allergic reaction ( I normally don't have allergy problems) and writes me prescription for eye drops and a nasal decongestant.

I go to the pharmacy to get my prescription filled. My co-pay for the eye drop comes to $60 for 25 ml of drops. I ask the pharmacist how much does this cost she tells me $650 without insurance. I tell her they must have got the water from the Moon to make the drops. My pharmacist starts laughing. Drug companies ripping people of in the US. I bet you they sell the drops a lot lower every where else in the world.

Yes, private companies competes all across the world and charge lower prices. They are ripping us here with their greed and lack of regulation.

I only know that when eye drops for common eye problem cost $650 for 25 ml and acne medicine 10 mg cost $450, there is something wrong with this picture.

I all for free market but against free market holding me hostage. Don't know about you. Let me buy my medication from any where in the world at the lowest price I can get, why not?

zorff2211 reads

...in that it made me yawn to read it.  My cousin got an e-mail from his neighborhood association reminding everyone to clean up after their pets.  I think this obscure message you're talking about rates equally on the importance scale.  I mean, you take some e-mail from a local government employee union (could it be the Boonseville Courthouse Grounds Maintenance Workers Union?) to make a case that "hard core Dems" are changing the game?  Phil, you are extremely dense.  I've never seen someone put so much effort into drawing such imbecilic conclusions about absolutely nothing.

I love how you make up facts and jsut assume it is the Boonesville Courthouse Grounds Maintenance Workers' Union or a similar organization.  (Workers' Union needs an apostrophe.  It is the union belonging to multiple workers.)

You are close, but no ceegar.  It is a court employee, but it is in Los Angeles, which is substanially bigger than Boonseville.

The comparison to a neighborhood association is about as silly as can be.  This is a group that is politically active.

If you don't think that public employees in the big cities in California are major supporters of the Democratic party, you are just not facing reality.  When they start trying to mobilize the base, it is significant. If a major union has qualms, that does mean something.  

I have never seen someone make up as many facts as this to avoid facing something.

zorff976 reads

It's a union of workers, not workers taking ownership of a union, dumbass.  You fucked up that convention in your original post when you typed "employees union" anyway.  Fuck, you're stupid.  

What the fuck did I make up?  Your unsubstantiated e-mail from a court employee about her union not supporting Obama's healthcare plan amounts exactly to bullshit.  Is that clear enough for you?  It amounts to bullshit, Phil.  No game changer, no shift in ideology, no transformation in the philosophy of a national political party, nothing.  You really think this drivel you post here is profound, don't you?    

Didn't somebody say a while back that arguing with you is like getting a root canal?  Well they're absolutely correct.

-- Modified on 10/3/2009 8:38:59 AM

You just assumed that it was some Hicksville organization which is just not the case.  

You complain it is unsubstaniated.  Not everything that people say or post needs an citation.  People often write from either personal experience or what they see or hear.

If you don't think a major union urging people to oppose the Democratic party is significant, that is your evaluation, which you are entitled to have.  I don't know why you get upset and go bongos that I have a different opinion.

To answer the second to the last question you asked: I think the drivel I post here is as profound or as stupid as the drivel posted by any other person.  I would dare say that a three-paragraph post with seven vulgarities and/or insults is as profound as anything I post. (Charlie was the one who made the root canal comment, if I recall.  There is a major intellectual force.  He got upset because I kept asking him specific questions which he didn't avoided.)

zorff772 reads

Phil, you are perpetually stupid and really deserving of any insults that attack your intellectual capacity.  An e-mail regarding an issue from any local union of any size doesn't indicate any significant shift within a national political party.  Fuck, it doesn't even indicate a shift of philosophy among the members of that union, given the way participation in unions work.  You don't know that this is a "die hard" supporter of the Dems anyway.  That's the point here.  So you can go on and on about where the union is located or your justified inability to cite something, but the point still stands.  You drew a major inference out of some bullshit e-mail from a member of some bullshit union.  And really, that's a pattern for you.  I'd like that think that you're really just putting this dumb shit up here for laughs, but I really feel like that isn't the case.

You write, "You don't know that this is a "die hard" supporter of the Dems anyway."  Yes, I do. I know the union pretty well.  It is as much of a strong supporter of the Dems as any group I know of in society.  (Again, you just make up the fact that I don't know about the nature of this union.  Even if I didn't have personal knowledge of this particular union, all the public employee unions in California are so dominated by one side of the aisle, that it would be a very safe assumption.)

I didn't say it was a pattern. But when the leadership of that type of group splits off it is at least an interesting development.  

You disagree.  That is fine. But to go ballistic with "perpetually stupid" and other attacks on intellectual ability is not exactly called for.

People can often draw different conclusions or inferences from the same fact, and yet neither party may be "stupid."

I am in a profession that involves ability to digest and reason, and I am fairly well established and respected among my peers.  People often call to consult on numerous matters.  I dare say my accomplishments are not unimpressive.

But to you, because we disagree, I am perpetually stupid.

zorff1267 reads

Ballistic?  I was rather calm when I wrote "perpetually stupid" to describe you and your method of reasoning.  I'm sorry to disappoint, but there was no passion there.  It was simply me calling you a well-deserved name.  Given the tenor of this post and numerous others created in the name of "dncphil" I felt justified in doing so.  Still do.  Likely will again.  This isn't the only time you've taken the smallest bit of almost hypothetical and inconsequential information and made it into an indicator of some apocalyptic level of change.  I believe it's idiotic to do that, and don't mind posting my beliefs here.  

I'd say that if you reason the way dncphil does in real life, that those who call upon you for assistance are even dumber than you; and probably deserve pity more than ridicule.

In my humble opinion when someone has to resort to seven insults and vulgarities in three paragraphs, I would say "ballistic" is not too outrageous a label.  

A simple, "I don't think that conclusion makes sense because...." would do the trick. But "bullshit," and "fuck," and "perpetually stupid," is a little excessive for simle disagreement.

The fact that it spurs such vindictive comments makes "ballistic" not reasonable.

Even this post is one constant attack.  Pity for those who ask me professional questions. They are dumber.

You talk about the tenor of my post. Look at the "tenor" of the posts created under the name of Zorff.  They are pretty. Fuck, bullshit, idiot, stupid......

zorff1626 reads

Phil, when someone here comes to all kinds of retarded conclusions the way you do, I really don't think polite is the way to go.  I feel much more comfortable insulting your lack of intelligence while pointing out the absence of logic in what you're saying.  I can have disagreeable discourse free of insults in the presence of logic.  That very rarely ever happens with you, if ever.  Case in point, did you get a chance to look up the "Worker's Union" thing?  lol.

-- Modified on 10/3/2009 2:29:31 PM

You had "retarded," a new one, "lack of intelligence," and "absence of logic." Wow. Three insults in two sentences.  

But you forgot bullshit and fuck.  

I suggest you use a greater range of  variety.  "Shit for brains," "Your mother wears army boots," and "So's your old man" also add to rational discourse.

zorff1339 reads

What about that "Worker's Union" thing?

I had "gov't employees union."  I admit that was a typo.  It should be "gov't employees' union," because "Gov't" modifies employees, "employees" is a plural noun, and it is the union of the employees.  (The same analysis applies to your post.)

All I can say is, "Wow. I made a typo."  I think that may be the first time that has happened on this board, and I am very sorry.  The fact that I made a typo clearly proves I am retarded, or have some variation of a mental defect, as you have often said.  

I plan to call up people in my field who have asked me for professional advice in the past and tell them that they can no longer rely on me.

(In all honesty, it was a little embarassing to jump on you for the same mistake.  The only thing that I can say is that it is easier to spot mistakes when you are reading than when you are writing.  When you are writing, you can miss a key, write too fast, or just not proof read everything.  I assure you that in my retarded, stupid career I have made many typos, some even funnier than this one.)


zorff881 reads

No, Phil.  Read carefully.  Employees don't own a union.  A union is an organization comprised of employees (or workers).  The workers don't own the uniting of individuals.  Do you see?  No apostrophe goes there.  THAT'S what's fucked up about your attempt to correct me.

Typos are understandable.  Attempting to correct someone else's grammar with rules you make up - not so much.  Oddly enough, this is exactly how you reason on this board.  You make shit up that doens't apply as you go along.  This is why I think you're braindead.  This is why I feel so comfortable insulting you.

This is one of those fun grammar debates.

Sadly, Safire can't help us. So we won't be able to get a final answer.  

In any event, you are right that they don't own the "uniting," but the organization formed by that verb is their organization.

The people who work for the Boonseville Courthouse Grounds Maintenance Workers form an organization to represent them in their labor disputes with the county.  To do this, they organize a union.  This is their union.   This is the union of the Boonseville Courthouse Grounds Maintenance Workers.  

Now, move union to the end of BCGMW

Actually, I hate to say it, but I think we both may be correct.  In the United States there is a Writers Guild, but in a country down under they have the “Austrailian Writers’ Guild.”

What rules did I make up?  That the possesive of plurals takes an apostrophe?  At the worst, this is a debatable exception, that I may have made a mistake by not recognizing it, but that is hardly the worst offense.  When else have I made up rules?

Oh. "Braindead." Got me. Well, all I can say is that your mother wears really big army boots.  

zorff1274 reads

What I said was pretty clear.  Wtf are you two brothers??

Someone asks a question and the answer is, "Dumbass."  

I have always felt that the left is angry.  The number of vulgarities and personal attacks would bear witness to that theory.

zorff1286 reads

Don't distract from what's happening here by making this into a left vs right thing.  I called YOU a dumbass.  Don't lose focus.  Don't veer off into more bullshit.

RightwingUnderground1341 reads

with zork it’s sort of turned into a game. But only because he likes it that way.

GaGambler1064 reads

He doesn't just resort to personal attacks, it seems to be all he knows.

Talking to him seems to be a giant waste of time, talking about him is rather amusing however. I think Phil has entirely too much time on his hands. Between arguing with Marikod and Zorff, I really don't know which is more pointless.

zorff874 reads

If you take it personally, then maybe it's time to own up to the fact that you're probably a fucking loser.  Both on and off the board.  Everything you say here is a carbon copy of some dumb shit you said before.  For example, "arguing with (insert name here) is a waste of time - even though I'm doing it now " and "(insert name here) is exactly like (insert other name here)."  "blah blah blah he attacked me blah blah blah."  When the fuck does it get original?  It's like you have these little sticky notes on your desk that you refer to when you just have to say SOMETHING.  At least make your idiotic ramblings original for once.

-- Modified on 10/3/2009 12:10:53 PM

post pubescent pretty boy with a predilection for prescription pharmaceuticals. Probably not yet of legal drinking age, judging by his posting abilities.

zorff1582 reads

Fuck, that was lame.  Seems as if a lot of effort went into though.  Good job.  But what the fuck are "posting abilities?"  Is that a skill set now, numbnuts?  What an adorable attempt to say something clever.

"What an adorable attempt to say something clever".
What kind of a man uses the word, 'adorable'? I think your Dad needs to take you out behind the wood shed, and tune you up.

GaGambler1855 reads

The man really is clueless. He is even stupider than Conroy ever was. Conroy would at least "try" to make a point before he resorted to insults.

I wonder if he will respond to this post as well? If he is anything like Conroy, he won't be able to resist.

zorff1650 reads

More name dropping.  lol.  Wtf?  You have a long list of love interests on here don't you?  I can't wait to see what other handles you bring up next.  

Addressed to me or not, it probably ranks just a notch or two higher than replying to my own post.  Now that's asinine.

education, comprehension, elucidation, explanation, or assistance in getting your foot out of your mouth.

Is this helping any?

       And always remember, it's not "arguing" when someone merely explains to you why you are wrong.

zorff554 reads

-- Modified on 10/3/2009 9:45:41 AM

The House bill is a very good bill. The Senate bill so far sucks.

The only thing this demonstrates is that GOP propaganda is effective.

Republicans are like slinkies. They're useless for anything practical, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. It's high time that the Dems started smiling.

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