Politics and Religion

Do you really trust Romney-Ryan to create a tax plan, to your liking, after the election?confused_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 1736 reads

Either way we're screwed.  The rhetoric might be different as to what their plans are, but their is no difference between their policies.  

What are you expecting?  Puppets with independant thought and action?

We shouldn't forget, that these people are supposed to be our REPRESENTATIVES. They are supposed to do what WE want them to do.

We're in serious trouble when we have candidates who run for office and say, "I'm going to do this. Vote for me if you want this". It assumes that we are not running our own government, but rather that we are just picking our own "leaders".

It's a step in a worse direction when you have candidates who won't even tell you what they're going to do in office until they're sworn in. It shows contempt for the People, and contempt for self-governance.

If the people are vetting you for a job, and you do what you can to avoid getting vetted, then you are NOT qualified for the job.

GaGambler157 reads

Obama's "resume" is more full of holes than any POTUS in memory, and Mitt is trying to outdo Obama in that regard.

No winners in this, only losers.

Your best idea since you started posting here was the one where the voter could opt for "none of the above" and we had the option of getting a whole new slate of candidates. I believe that "none of the above" would be leading in a landslide if there were such an option.

Only the most partisan of partisans, not to mention the most naive among us, have come out and claimed what a great leader "their guy" was, No one with a lick of sense could possibly get excited about either of these guys that we are stuck with. How can our system be so fucked up, when these two fucks are the best we can do?

followme146 reads

I trust Romney/Ryan 15.9 Trillion times more than obama-biden.

Thank you
2012 = GOP

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 8:27:37 AM

followme174 reads

Sounds like another veiled threat to me, coming from an attempted welsh and person who has no honor, no creditability, no integrity etc. means nothing.

As you can see I’m not off the board and did not take your advice, and the ------otherwise------
Little  pri-boy, all talk, talk, talk, you are a FAILURE

Yes that special project …….oooooo I’m real worried …ha ha ha ha ha

You may be of the male gender but you are not a man.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Priapus53176 reads

pic below could apply to you; & with good reason-------:)

followme125 reads

I’m more nervous about it snowing in the Bahamas tomorrow than of you and your threats/veiled threats, because you’ve got nothing, you are not man enough. You are all talk you are nothing and you have nothing.

Still spending/wasting   much of your pathetic little life looking/searching for cartoons to post.
Hey I really do not care what you do but it cannot be denied it and you are pathetic.

Got any more stupid threats to get me all nervous and worry about ….ha ha ha ha ha

Still laughing at you.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

followme161 reads

Blah, blah blah, yeah sure whatever you say, takes time time, you said that several weeks ago.
You've got nothing. All talk

As noted often i'm still posting, when i want as often as I want and where I want, and as we all know.
You are a failure and I'm laughing my ass off at you.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

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