Politics and Religion

Re: Yeah and what if a frog had wings? It wouldn't bump its ass whenever it jumped ;)
checlov20 1380 reads

Many of the people that invested with Madoff were too busy with the chosen fields to watch their money. They trusted Madoff, or the people that suggested they invest with Madoff. The saga with Madoff is a cautionary tale on why people should set aside time to manage their own money or have it manages by a large fund with assets that they can sue for screwing up. When it come to money, trust no one but yourself.

anon11122452863 reads

all those sophisticated investors that put their money with Madoff would have spent the money in the hobby instead...that would have been quite a stimulus package.

Speculate over the speculations of speculators all you want, it won't change a thing.
The money makers Machiavellian manipulations monstrously mock the masses.
Do you REALLY think this would have happened if our (thankfully) outgoing administration had an ounce of integrity?
You can't blame this one on the Clinton's, and it can't be simply foisted off onto Obama's shoulders. Someone needs to take responsibility for the utter dismantling of financial regulations and safeguards, and it SHOULD be the man, or men under who's watch this occurred.

George Bush and Dick Cheney are RESPONSIBLE and they should be made to pay.

But I'm not holding my breath. They were allowed to run rampant as they destroyed constitutional process in their quest for the Ultimate Imperial Presidency and a Permanent Republican Majority.
And they are going to get away with it because the people in this country have become for the most part a bunch of selfish whiney shortsighted little shits with no clue about anything except stuffing their own faces and lining their own pockets.

America is no longer the richest country in the world, and most certainly no longer the most admired country. And yet, despite all this, we are STILL the greatest and most advanced country on this planet and people continue to come here in droves, despite the best efforts of the right wing hate machine to villify immigrants and immigration.

This country has been "Dicked" around by the "Bush"wackers long enough. Time for those AT THE TOP to take responsibility. It is time for them to pay the price for their abandonment of the American people, it time for them to be called to the carpet for their treason.

I'm not picking a fight with you. I want to understand specifically what you mean by this:

"""Someone needs to take responsibility for the utter dismantling of financial regulations and safeguards, and it SHOULD be the man, or men under who's watch this occurred.""""

I've seen many point to the repeal of Glass Steagall but THAT happemed in 99' and was signed into law by You KNow Who.

"Do you REALLY think this would have happened if our (thankfully) outgoing administration had an ounce of integrity?"

 I honestly think it would have happened no matter who was President..There is no President that wil ever be available, to protect totally ignorant investors..Just because you have a College degree and lots of money doesn't mean you are intelligent..Anyone who buys portfolios and don't know what companies they are invested in, should not be allowed to invest..
 If we required passing of basic mental aptitude tests before someone could vote, run for political office, or invest their own money , the country would be much  better off financially..

checlov201381 reads

Many of the people that invested with Madoff were too busy with the chosen fields to watch their money. They trusted Madoff, or the people that suggested they invest with Madoff. The saga with Madoff is a cautionary tale on why people should set aside time to manage their own money or have it manages by a large fund with assets that they can sue for screwing up. When it come to money, trust no one but yourself.

Say what you will about US politicians, it will not alter the fact that all US elected officials are all stooges for the capitalist class.

anon11122452661 reads

If you actually think that Bush and Cheney are responsible for Madoff then you have jumped ahead of xfean as the village idiot on this board.

"If you actually think that Bush and Cheney are responsible for Madoff then you have jumped ahead of xfean as the village idiot on this board.'

He's not really a idiot..He only loses logic when he has his daily flashbacks..The  minute ones are not so bad, but sometimes they go on for hours..

Stempy2220 reads

And actually thought things through?  Aren't you asking for too much from people??

-- Modified on 12/18/2008 11:41:44 AM

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