Politics and Religion

"None of the above" . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 170 reads

NIcki Haley lost the Nevada primary yesterday when she came in second place to "None of these candidates", which was one of the voting options.   Reminded me of the Richard Pryor move, "Brewster's Millions."  Lol

RespectfulRobert16 reads

I am glad she is gone. Better for our side.

I guess the “he’s an existential threat to democracy” was just a cheap schtick, eh?

RespectfulRobert16 reads

Why would we want to go up against a sane, younger, experienced, reasonable WOC? She is an electoral nightmare, Trump is a loser and evil. Simple, really.

yet.   She admitted she has no chance against Trump but is hanging around in case Trump gets convicted.  For some reason, she's one of the few people in the US that thinks all of these indictments are NOT political.  She had kept her vitriolic comments against Trump under control for most of her campaign, but after Iowa, she went all in and said things that will guarantee her no shot at VP.  She could have had it all if she had played it differently.  She would have been the prez in 4 years.

RespectfulRobert17 reads

Not a chance in hell. Trump would just Mike Pence her and she knows that. She will keep her good name and run in 2028.

SFA Fund, one of the largest super PACs supporting Haley's bid, raked in upwards of $800,000 at events in California on Tuesday.

…all busy slobbering over the candidate that lost to “nobody” by 30 percentage points. Just wait until they try to convince us that Hiliary should be the GOP nominee.

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