Politics and Religion

Re: Who's Biff?
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1953 reads

Biff was the bully in the Back to the Future movie trilogy. Played young Biff, Old Biff, and Biff Tannen, who shot Emmett Brown over a matter of $80 dollars.

Several days ago, I posted about the National Guard being denied benefits through sleazy Pentagon manipulation of orders.
what I thought would be a provocative topic that would yield much discussion, both partisan palaver and thoughtful response, yielded but a single comment from Jack.
But then there are three distinct posts and many many responses to the twit-brained waste of time over the number of posts made by Jacko. What kind of stupidity is it to criticize a man for the quantity of his blogging? Disagree with him politically and philosophically all you want. But if this is what you folks consider to be an important topic meriting discussion, dialog, diatribe and didactic diddling, theres a far more serious problem in here than mere partisan dysfunction.
I'm very dissapointed. But sadly, not at all surprised.

Have a nice day.

Talking-to-Himself1935 reads

Why would Jacko post under so many different aliases just to cover up a tribute? Has he lost his grip on reality? Maybe the fact that he spends all day every day posting here under a variety of aliases is starting to wear the old man down. I hope not. Jacko is a treasure!

Hairupmyass2420 reads

I say.  Get a restraining order and throw him off the internet.  Free speech has to be respected, you can't be obsessed, or post too much, or hurt feelings, especially mentally ill people's feelings.

I'd like to think the lack of discussion on the Guard post is because even the die hard Bush supporters can't stomach this one and rather than *choke* agree that is is foul they are just sitting this one out.
Then again, there might have been a new Paris Hilton blowup on Faux News all weekend and they'll be back today.

bronxk2273 reads

I think to a certain extent some of things seem so shameful that's its hard for liberals to challenge conservatives on the issue.

There is only so many times you can hear about how this is actually Clinton's fault because he got a blowjob, or that you're not supporting the troops if you question Bush.  Perhaps this one will be called an isolated incident and it's hard to see someone fall through the cracks, but it happens.  I don't know, it's always something and each time it's something more frustrating.  Maybe the argument will be that we all have to make sacrifices in a time of war, including this guy.  I don't know.  

In the end, this is truly awful.  These kids deserve the world for what they go through.  Whether or not you agree with the war anyone that does their job and risks their life deserves better.

George_Sorryos2421 reads

The TOP 10 Poster box shows that all these alias postings you are using are racking up your score--NICE JOB. Started the day with 344 posts and you're up to 377 now- WOW! GO JACKo GO!

Don't let anyone tell you you're just an old man with nothing to do but spend all day on a escort review board. You are doing GOD's work here sir. And thank you for your service to your country.
Say it loud and use as many aliases as you can! You can't fool all of the people all of the time but you can confuse some. GO JACKo GO!

that if people say things that upset other people (including any disagreement), they think the solution is censorship.  

This is obviously not about any number of posts - it's about me shooting back at the Rush Limbaughs of the forum, and particularly when I use the same  ammo and usually more proficiently.

Logic does not deal with that.   IMHO, the only way to deal with it is to make them live with the consequences of their decisions.  But in a forum, there are no consequences.

Unfortunately, if you let the stupid people run the show, it will usually bomb, and ruin everything for everybody, and perhaps terminally.

"Unfortunately, if you let the stupid people run the show, it will usually bomb, and ruin everything for everybody, and perhaps terminally."

You said it pal. And who's been "running this board" for so long? That would be YOU! This is what happens when STUPID people run the show. Couldn't have said it better myself...lol

I got your smelltest right here-- LMAO  

You may carry on- I'm done...

Hairupmyass2280 reads

Oops sorry wrong guy.

So if you're the smart one, what's keeping you from posting?  

Are your feelings hurt?

Have you checked your sack lately?

Did you learn to read and write in elementary school?

What exactly is your problem?

Hairupmyass2318 reads

I don't care how funny he is.  


This is about self-esteem for blowhards, I mean Republicons, I mean dittoheads, you know, the guys who like Rush.

Republicons are entitled to self-esteem, so DON'T BE HURTING their feelings!!

You're just a hater anyway.  I'll bet you don't even want to kill islamicists, and you're just messing with our party, FUCKHEAD!!

NeighboorhoodStoner2730 reads

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-oops2595 reads

there is nothing left to say.

And even if one could think of something to say, it would never be heard about all his shouting.

For me, he is a thread killer, a party killer. He surely is the spitting image of the character Biff from "Back to the Future". Once he walks into a party, he's so obnoxious that most people simply leave.

Bottom line is, I try to avoid at all costs, getting involved anywhere I can smell him.

I will give him props though. Five threads or so below he actually STARTED a thread. I can't ever remember him doing that before, at least not as jack0.
ps- And everyone can see the huge reponse that HE got.


-- Modified on 10/8/2007 10:54:06 AM

Biff was the bully in the Back to the Future movie trilogy. Played young Biff, Old Biff, and Biff Tannen, who shot Emmett Brown over a matter of $80 dollars.

NeighboorhoodStoner2363 reads

shooting a guy and killing him, right?  Am I right?

Especially on the internet.   Man, the internet makes me SO MAD.  I think.

I don't know what more I can do.   What do you want?  Meds?  Therapy?  Biff's part in the remake?  Just say the word.

For an answer from me, the post about the National Guard denied benefits was just bad timing. I already knew the government is royally screwing our soldiers, though, and that's an outrage and will undermine our entire military-- as much as Iraq already is.    

I gather Politics was originally isolated because of the potential to start fights about collateral issues.

But if you check out the main board, you will see that about a week ago, a poor FL gal (Amandita?) had the poor judgment to snark about NYC, and then pursue it into repeated PMs, and the result was about 3 linear feet of flames over the course of a week, over everybody's delicate egos.

I suppose trouble is in the mind of the beholder.

GaGambler2294 reads

but I can say it here. FUCK THAT BITCH.

The bitch had the fucking gall to PM me too, even JackO will tell you to to go fuck yourself out in the open, without hiding behind a PM(except when he's banned lol)

fucked that poor homely girl with your dick AND a burka!

I think she needs all the help she can get, and I'm nothing if not charitable.

Right, smelly?!

DrFill2225 reads

tempers are generally correlated with the degree of the patient's leftness on the political spectrum.

Go figure.

Even WWI veterans were killed seeking their benefits as promised by the federal govenment.  That's right, killed by then President Hoover... and guess who led the troops in Washington DC?  why none other than General Douglas MacArthur...

Why would you think that now, we would treat our veterans and active military than we have in the past?  We are a piss poor society when it comes to respect for our military, our police, our firemen and our rescue services... just ain't right.

So while your post of this story is sad, the story is totally in keeping with the history of this country....

while this Repub administration is busy telling us how wonderful the economy is.

WTF, over?!

I don't buy that it's the society or the country.  Both my brother and I used the shit right out of our GI Bill.  My father died in a VA hospital, and he spent more than a year in them over the course of his multiple heart attacks.

Rumsfeld's comment that you go to war with the army you have is only half the truth.  The other half is that HE chose the time and place to go to war.  I've heard plenty of stories from friends about how they discouraged proper planning.

Really Jack0 - clearly your post is not to add substance - just to demo a couple of things ya know.  As far as VA hospital - my dad served in WWII - went to college on the GI Bill, I served during Nam and that paid for a significant portion of my ejukasion..... but what I see?  lots of pain for some of the soldiers from Korea, Nam, GW1 and GW2.... heck some of them even post in TER.... and who they are would shock ya.  And they do not say that they get a "good deal" - rather they have to fight to be treated for service related injuries...

Sorry, but on this you are WAYYYYYYYY wrong... ask some vets who have been there - done that.

-- Modified on 10/8/2007 6:27:54 PM

you're just showing off your search engine.

Where the fuck do you get off saying that anybody who disagrees with you is motivated to show off, and has no substance?  Man, you need some social skills, and THAT'S COMING FROM JACK0!!

Yeah, I'm sure GHWBush had to fight for his veteran's benefits.  But it could be that the difference in our outlook on vet's benefits is that my family were all Marines, and we took care of ourselves and were always just as happy as the fuckin Mouseketeers, and not always BITCHING AND WHINING about people BULLYING US!!

So here you are crying that vets benefits are ALWAYS bad.  Well, I disagree with you, so I don't have any FUCKING SUBSTANCE!!  But so the fuck what?  

Your argument has to be either that you (a) agree with Doc, and therefore your comment is irrelevant whining, or (b) that you disagree with Doc, and that the proper course of action is to blame sociery.

Fuck me.  Pal, you need therapy.

you know, the 1st us pres....   He took no pay for his service as  pres.  limited himself to two terms!?  but for his services during the war... took little and actually supplied supplies to the troops... on his own dime.... so go blow it!

the election precisely because of MacArthur's actions against the Bonus Army. It's funny, before I joined the Army I thought of Gen. Douglas MacArthur as a great American hero then my Army buddy's father who served in Korea set me straight about MacArthur. He also killed a lot of Marines.

BSD you are right about scoiety not respecting military service. For example, look at the two past American Presidents and their lack of service. Don't you think though, people in society are intimidated by those that served?

jackO, you have a salient point. My Navy buddy received a kidney transplant from the VA. The Army paid back all my student loans. Yes it required some paperwork. More importantly I made friends that will last a lifetime.

The Army also satisfied my three greatest desires:

1. Recognition
2. Discipline
3. Pussy. Women loved my uniform. Next time though, I am going for the Marine Dress Blues.

Respectfully, I thank you both and your fathers for their service.

-- Modified on 10/8/2007 11:08:01 PM

most of his South Pacific campaigns were as sharp as  the Inchon invasion.   The Navy's campaigns were not always so bright, and Tarawa and Peliliu are widely criticized as bungled.  Eg, the reefs were not scouted at Tarawa.

IMHO, the citizen soldier is the way for Americans to go.  I don't think military service should be any  kind of prerequisite to political office, but I am very leery of people who are anxious for others to fight, while they are still smart enough to stay out of it themselves.  Those people certainly should be intimidated by those who stepped up to the plate, but I sure don't notice it.

It's like motherhood.  Sure it's necessary and should be recognized, but it happens all the time.  Get over it, move on.

I was going to join the Navy and see the world, but I got lost on the way to the recruiting office, and ended up in the WiseGuy Platoon at MCRD and got twisted for life (shrug)  Retired with a medical disability, terminal sarcasm.

But forget the uniform.  That's a mannequin.  There's only one dress blue uniform in the entire USMC, and they pass it around.  They always send you places where the goats look good.  You'll never actually see any real women.

is mighty fine, they give you a hundred dollars and take back ninety-nine". I do agree with you on several points.

The citzen soldier is the only way to go. Since the United States Constitution does not require military service as a prerequiste to political service neither do I. No argument.

Having said that; I know from personal experience, military service is valuable in preparation for leadership duties. One that comes to mind is the fact, no where else in my life have I been put in a situation with people so different from me and having to get along.

I grew up in a logging town in Oregon in an all-white school. Then, I end up in boot camp with a redneck from Mississippi, a Filipino, and an African-American from a Detroit ghetto as my best friends. We were different from each other and forced to work together and depend on each other for our lives. Our lives.

My point is and is only an observation those without the military service tend to become angry, bicker and insult others over the most minor differences. I see from our current crop of politicians including Bush a lack of a sense of mission such as: "Ok men we are in deep shit, you asshole take point, you fuckface take the rear and let's get out of this shithole together". I do not mean that literally but you know what I mean. It's called: knowing the mission, having a plan and executing and not crying about what you didn't get.

My comment on the uniform was facetious. I joined the Army because the recruiter told me that at Fort Sam (FT. Sam Houston) it would be full of women.

....but as they say" They say in the Army the women are mighty fine they look like Phyllis Diller and walk like Frankenstein".

By the way read the book "Flags of our Fathers" it will tell you the real deal on MacArthur.

-- Modified on 10/9/2007 8:06:43 PM

astronaut....  wound up killing all the communists in South Carolina.... (and to this day, that is why I am proud to say that SC is a communist free zone!)  wearing a bus drivers uniform... and while there were wimen around... they had no interest in me.... and sad to say, likewise....

But you are right, military training is good, but not a prerequisite for office.  but there is something fundamentally wrong with our "leaderships" failure to work with the military - (both Clinton and Buse 43 are guilty of that insanity).  

DocKevorkian2477 reads

but at least you made Space Cadet!

Write witty dialogue for cartoon shows?  hee hee!!!

seriously man, what were your great expectations.

wrong when our leadership fails to work with our military. I will say this though, the current Sec. of Def. William Gates is a stand up fellow. He outlined today the future of warfare and how the Army must be transformed to meet the challenges on the War on Terrorism.

The next President would be wise to keep him as Sec. of Defense.

It's not just America - most countries treat soldiers poorly, but people like Eisenhower have done well for the troops.  And I don't like the idea of vets as helpless - they're not, they've always been a powerful social driving force.  People came back from WW2 and Vietnam and put their nose to the grindstone.  

The GI Bill is as much about re-orienting the society as any individual benefit.


Notice that the last surviving Tommy from WW1, Harry Patch, commented that war wasn't worth a single life.

I think that Americans have to be defense oriented, and this business of picking fights is very bad business.

TOMMY  by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
But it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
O it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, fall be'ind",
But it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind,
There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!

subject of Jacko and his prolific postings are local issue. I apologize if I sounded facetious because I do agree with your sentiment.

Carry on, brother.

the intriguing part is that we differ on many many issues... what brought us together is pussy.... and from the tone of our posts, we seem to not be gittin any lately!?

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