Politics and Religion

Re: Whoa boys, hold your horses....
tallslim26 26 Reviews 2733 reads

Well my friend we just need a fundamental reversal in values and morals. Those who are immoral,certainly many of these folks being in management, must be convinced that their interests are not all that matter and that a compromise can be made with the interests of the national health of the nation and its people in mind.

All amoral people on the other hand must simply be abandoned as the souless drag on our society that they are and we must stop trying to infuse morality and the rule of law on those who don't even acknowledge what the concepts of "right" and "wrong" are.

The above will probably only happen once the current system completly collapses and patriotic folks need to stop worrying about a collapse. Upheaval is what is needed and the society built on the ashes of the old will only be built with the coorperation of the entire body of the nation.

In most of his jobs, till now, he has been representing other folks... that he, his job has been to represent the district or state he is from.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that most of those folks want the type of things he supported, voted for or even voiced an opinion....

The new job that he was just accepted for, well, that is a different job, with a different job description... mainly he will "faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"  That is now his job.

and that is all I ask that he do, cause if he does that, the rest will be easy.

The sad thing is that a large number of people,you included I presume, actually think that he and his ilk actually give a damn about the Constitution. Both parties have abandoned the principles of the Constitution, the only difference is that the Repubs actually make an effort to act as if they care about what it says.

It is amusing that anyone would think that the left cares even to give the impression that they give one bit of respect to it. It is this kind of terminal stupidity that I went into to my response to the Compulsory National Service thread.

Read the damn document. Before Amendments were pushed through by those who would piss on the document if they had the chance, the current President would not have even been granted citizenship. And you say this guy might have a chance to respect this document that he and his ilk most certainmly consider "racist". They hate the founders and their decendants,I can't believe people can't realize that by now.

Tusayan1755 reads

Why wouldn't Bush be granted citizenship?  And why do you say that he hates the founders?

but I believe that's exactly what he will do- represent the interests of the entire nation.

That will be a refreshing change as we have never had a president who place the interests of the bottom 50% of the people in our economy on an equal footing with those 'above' them. I'm sure the people who have grown used to having government jump when they say jump are going to be dismayed when Obama doesn't jump, but I believe that's exactly the change I think he's working toward.

People can call that socialism if they want. I call it democratic governing.

His #1 job is to do what he can to change the US political system into one which responds to the needs of ALL citizens and not just those with the money to buy influence.

Our glorification of militarism is right up there with that displayed by the Roman Empire and Nazi Germany and it prevents us from doing many, many things that are vital to establishing a system which is truly democratic. I don't mean purely democratic, but one in which poor people have the same rights and can expect the same treatment as wealthy people.

Most of the right wingers here will read this and assume I'm anti military but they'll be completely missing the point.

Did you catch the comments Nader had on that subject??

He said that Obama now had to prove whether he was going to be Uncle Sam for the American people or an Uncle Tom for the corporate elite. Not a fan of many of Nader's policies but his courage and straight forward nature is phenomenal.

Obama sure has alot of hands that are going to be thrust out once he takes power.

IMHO Obama is a capitalist lackey who will serve the interests of the ruling class. Nader is also a capitalist lackey but serves a different master. That is not to say that people can't change. Both of these guys can change if they were properly motivated. The middle class has been indoctrinated to have faith in capitalism. When the middle class looses that faith then it can elect properly motivated leadership to represent its interests.

I think that opposing capitalism is not all that needs to be opposed for a nation to be reborn as one that is benevolent for the people. Capitalism has been prostituted by globalism and is lethal in the present form. Not sure if I would oppose capitalism that was applied in a way that did not sacrifice the interests of the nation as a whole,a system that did not tolerate the interests of a few over that of the nation but that did not put obstacles in the way of those who wanted to make as much money as their talent could attain as long as they didn't disregard how their actions affected the nation.

You could call this system National Capitalism.

Of course the courage would be needed to confront the opposition, the tyrannical opposition, of the international bankers and globalists and any group that is serious about throwing off their chains must be prepared to defend their ideas to the death because that is what the tyrannical forces usually demand.

Capitalists have state power in the US so any attempt to change that status can and has been deemed treason and dealt with accordingly.

first National Capitalism... is very close to National socialism.. no?   and we know where that went....

Capitalism - by and in of itself - is not a bad thing.  it provides motivation for those who work... work, improve your lot in life.  Where is your problem?  

what is debased about capitalism now, is the stupid notion that all Business endeavors will and must succeed... that is just not true.  All capitalism guarantees is your right to ask, and negotiate an honest days wages - for an honest product or service.  That is it.  

What we are witnessing now is some deformed concept of capitalism as a right to success....  ever question why the bailout for the fraudulant practices of Fannie mae and Freddie mac?  but not enron?  (by the way, Enron survived without a govnt bailout).... and why jail time for Enron execs.... but only humongous golden parachutes for the freddie mac and fannie mae execS???  

Common guys, it is the corruption that is the root of the problem - and not the economic system.... you cannot tell me, that anyone has a right to something that they did not earn.  and that is what has happened... and yet - by your criticism... you want more of that!

I think I made it clear in my post that I did not want any system that did not significantly encourage people succeeding or failing on the merit of their ability to excel at their buisness enterprise.

You are very wise in idenifying the current system as deformed. The current system lets the manipulators reap all of the benefits if things work out well and let them defer the cost of failing to the nation. This swindle will not change only with a economic change, we must exclude those people who are mostly responsible for the deforming of the system. The same people exploiting the current system would fashion a way to corrupt any other economic system. The corruptors, the destroyers, laugh at those who constantly suggest a change in policy is what is needed.

As far as everyone knowing where things went under National Socialism, well most of us insist that they know what happened, only they "know" what the manipulators of the media have told them they should know.  

Think about it. The media says the National Socialists were trying to create a "master race". Since when did socialism want to go upward. I thought socialism was an idea based in bringing the rich and the best down to the level of the welfare rat. Doesn't that sound a bit quirky. The only reason socialism was in the name was that the majority of parties in Germany had the same tone, at the root the movement was not socialist.

I think everyone should think long and hard about just why it is that the establishment always,even 65 years later, still holds that regime up as the ultimate boogyman, one we must never think about emulating in the least. After all the Communists in Russia and Eastern Europe were responsible for much more bloodshed yet you never hear much from the media about Communist atrocities. No violin music, no motion pictures. And this is because the same tribe bringing America to its knees were largely responsible for the Communist movement.

Perhaps this is the one avenue that we could go down that could actually threaten their power and could actually win the day for long lasting and authentic freedom. It is time to stop being a slave to fear of the smear and time to start spitting in the eye of those who would deny us the feelings we need in order to acheive victory with their fear of the smear.

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 4:42:52 PM

Capitalism is more about owning than earning. Capitalists own all of the means of production. Everyone else is a worker. What I want is to transfer control of the means of production to the workers.

What is needed is an end to warfare between labor and management.

One is only as strong as the other and the enemies of America have made their living through dividing the majority. Some are northerners some are southerners, some are religious some are anti-religious, some are rich and some are poor. Divided we are just spectators as we watch groups who are united take power. Does 95% of blacks voting for Obama mean anything to you??

Blacks represent only 13% of the us population.
Management exists to exploit workers.
Rich people are capitalists or their lackeys.
Where is the common ground for unity?

Well my friend we just need a fundamental reversal in values and morals. Those who are immoral,certainly many of these folks being in management, must be convinced that their interests are not all that matter and that a compromise can be made with the interests of the national health of the nation and its people in mind.

All amoral people on the other hand must simply be abandoned as the souless drag on our society that they are and we must stop trying to infuse morality and the rule of law on those who don't even acknowledge what the concepts of "right" and "wrong" are.

The above will probably only happen once the current system completly collapses and patriotic folks need to stop worrying about a collapse. Upheaval is what is needed and the society built on the ashes of the old will only be built with the coorperation of the entire body of the nation.

I wish it could be different, but I usually have to pay to fulfill my wishes and my resources won't cover the cost of a revolution.

It is important to note the current decline of this society and system that is rotten to the core with a terminal sickness. The fact is we don't have to expend a penny toward collapsing the system or trying to overthrow it.

Why try to dynamite a building that is on the verge of collapse. Patriots need to be focused on establishing a way to organize and establish a new order once the current system falls, something of which is a certainty because of its own failed policies.

The current system will not fail of its own accord. Political action must be taken by the working class to oust the capitalist's stranglehold on state power.

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