Politics and Religion

Re: What if Erwin Rommel didn't commit suicide ?
ROMMEL 54 Reviews 127 reads

If Erwin Rommel hadn't committed suicide he would have been executed.
He was promised his death would be regarded with honor and most importantly  
his family wouldn't be ruined.  
The rest of your post makes no sense and didn't address the question of  
Hillarys speaking fees after losing her attempt at the Presidency.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Wishful thinking, maybe on a parallel universe, but not in this planet.  
 Same goes for the election, too early to call, though the oddsmakers still have it for HRC.  
 Just shows how much the righties fear & hate her. Nice try, though------  :)

When Hillary doesn't become President how will it effect:

1). The price for her future speeches

2). The amount donated to the Clinton Global Initiative

GaGambler136 reads

They collected a LOT of money over the last few years from a rather disparate group of "donors" donors that are going to expect a return on their investment. Trump may be running for ego, for all we know Hillary may be running for her life.

Wishful thinking, maybe on a parallel universe, but not in this planet.

Same goes for the election, too early to call, though the oddsmakers still have it for HRC.

Just shows how much the righties fear & hate her. Nice try, though------  :)

If Erwin Rommel hadn't committed suicide he would have been executed.
He was promised his death would be regarded with honor and most importantly  
his family wouldn't be ruined.  
The rest of your post makes no sense and didn't address the question of  
Hillarys speaking fees after losing her attempt at the Presidency.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
Wishful thinking, maybe on a parallel universe, but not in this planet.  
 Same goes for the election, too early to call, though the oddsmakers still have it for HRC.  
 Just shows how much the righties fear & hate her. Nice try, though------  :)

GaGambler164 reads

but there I go again, confusing libs with people that have sense.

and by "nice try"  nice try at what? I simply pointed out that Hillary has taken a LOT of money from people expecting a return on investment. I still agree she will most likely win the election unless that house lands on her head. But that house is still dangling over her head, just like the Sword of Damocles, it's the reason neither Biden or Sanders have been totally counted out just yet.

& these days, that statement is having a lot of competition. With Trump in the race ?! Please

Have conservatives suffered THAT much brain damage this year ? Sounds like they're drinking out of the Flint water supply.

GaGambler140 reads

Which is  most likely why it looks so stupid to you.

The kind of hateful rhetoric isn't very constructive, is it? So why do so many of your posts start the same exact way?

Actually yours are worse as you attack both the candidate and the people voting for him. I suppose we should start stereotyping the stupid Hillary voters as well?

& usually on a racial basis.  Oh, this is rich. Talk about denial & rationalizations.

To quote you : "Libs have no sense, are stupid". Anyone who disagrees with you is "stupid". I can see why Trump is such a natural fit for you.

Look, the general election is starting & getting ugly, as widely predicted. In fact, it'll be the ugliest on record, so the both of us get "ugly".

Of course you'll deny the "ugly" crack, but at least I'm honest. If you don't believe what I said, try looking in the mirror----------  :)

You're really rambling here but you did manage to somehow inject race into the conversation.
If you disagree with a Dem you're a racist, period.  Whenever out of inane talking points
always go to that race card.  You've overused the race card.  It doesn't work anymore.

GaGambler157 reads

He will simply parse words and claim he never said "I" was a racist, despite painting me with that very broad brush of his.

If you really want to see some WEAK posts, you should see his posts under his previous handle when his favorite tag line was to call anyone who supported someone he didn't approve of as a "crazed loon"  oh and don't forget when he wanted to sue me for "defamation of character" and he was dead serious. There are still plenty of witnesses who will vouch for me.

Choosy deciding to go "negative" with me will be about as successful as Hillary trying to do the same with Trump. He's not only in a glass house, but a glass house with dozens of existing fractures that even a slight breeze will bring tumbling down.

followme111 reads

Those post threatening to sue you were just as funny as him trying to get out of being a welch.

Also him telling me to stop posting and that he would  see to it that I do. Yeah that worked.

And him making me a "special project"

Then he is the one who gets (stabbed in the back by you know who) and is shit canned, and he is the one who claims to be educated. ................what a tool.

Lastly, while he is not worth much he does have entertainment value.

Thank You
2016 = 28

ironic, to say the least. As to the "race card playbook", straight out of  right wing media playbook. If anything, the GOP pioneered the race card. The Dems have a diverse electorate, the GOP doesn't. Why ? painfully obvious, so your saying things "don't work" is sophistry, to say the least.

IF the elections goes the way the oddsmakers predict, will Erwin bite into a cyanide capsule ?

Posted By: ROMMEL
You're really rambling here but you did manage to somehow inject race into the conversation.  
 If you disagree with a Dem you're a racist, period.  Whenever out of inane talking points  
 always go to that race card.  You've overused the race card.  It doesn't work anymore.

You say "to say the least" a lot more than most racists.

followme111 reads

You are tossing and eating the salad.

Do you put a nice cream dressing on it too.

You're Welcome

brooks592 reads

mostly blacks drank Flint water

he's half-white, you know ;)

bigguy30127 reads

It's clear you have issues.

Posted By: brooks5
mostly blacks drank Flint water  
 he's half-white, you know ;)

That will be in 2024 when she hands the White House over to President Klobutchar!

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