Politics and Religion

Re: Well another posted comment and you are still lost.
GaGambler 4813 reads
1 / 28

How many of you still believe Steve Bannon is running anything, much less telling Trump how to run the country?

Donald.J.Trump 257 reads
2 / 28

I love the 180 he's done.

How's that working out for you righties?  Still believe any of DJT's promises?

Make America Great...only after we piss away billions on bombing ant hills.  Maybe blow something up that means something?  Nah...that isn't why the MOAB was used.  There was a warning label on it that said "Best used by April 14th 2017".  Otherwise, we'd have to toss it in the garbage.

This is just the beginning of the wildest ride we've seen in nearly 50 years.  Should be fun.

Did you really think that the morons DJT picked as his cabinet were going to be around by summer?  Seriously?

#Kelly Anne Where Are You
Posted By: GaGambler
How many of you still believe Steve Bannon is running anything, much less telling Trump how to run the country?

mattradd 40 Reviews 224 reads
3 / 28

"I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve."  

I've never been wrong about that! ;)

And, I never claimed Bannon was running the show! However, why would he hire him as his chief strategist if he wasn't going to rely on his counsel? And, if he does rely on some of his counsel, I'd call that influence, not "running  anything."

"So do you Trump bashers ever get tired about being wrong about Trump"

You may want to steer away from such question based on global assumptions, given that more people disapprove than approve of his performance, which would indicate that we are right!  ;)


GaGambler 198 reads
4 / 28

So much for public opinion being any kind of indicator about something being right.

You guys have fun now, I am going to enjoy the 80 degree day by playing some golf followed by getting laid.

Maybe there is a God after all?

but if there is a God, I bet you it's not the narcissistic Christian Judeo version of a God written about in your various fairy tales. You know, the one that threatens to throw you in a lake of fire if you don't worship him, or the one who promises you 73 virgins if you kill enough non believers. Yeah public opinion REALLY counts for something, doesn't it.

JackDunphy 186 reads
5 / 28

Do you really think Hills would have deployed the MOAB, attacked Syria for WMD use or sent a carrier strike group to N. Korea?  

On the domestic front, would she be pushing for corporate and personal tax cuts? Placing Gorsuch on the bench? Rollin back an out of control EPA?

Sorry Donny, but Trump is running from the Obama/Hillary policies, not embracing them.

As I stated yesterday to an overly caffeinated JFSF, he has kept or is in process of keeping, all of the major promises I care about. When and if he backtracks on something important, I will call him out on it.

As you well know, I wash no ones balls. Taffy is always ahead of me in line and I get tired of waiting. :)

Donald.J.Trump 216 reads
6 / 28

It must be true.

Jack, I'm sorry that your righty agenda is in the shitter.  I know it hurts.  But eventually even you will see the light.

So far the ONLY thing the DJT has done to appease you was to nominate Gorsuch.  And all that did was get back to where the SCOTUS was.  

As for the tax reform.  It'd be nice if something of consequence gets done.  But the rightie conservatives won't allow that to happen.  DJT's best bet is to ask his new leftie friends to help him out.  And even then, little will actually change as far as meaningful tax reform.

Hey...let me know how that great economic boom is going for you and your friends.  I hope you were smart enough to know what's really coming.  You missed the boat pal.  The past 6 years were explosive for most of us.  Maybe you'll catch the next wave?  

"Turn those damned machines back on"  Hahahahaha




Posted By: JackDunphy
Do you really think Hills would have deployed the MOAB, attacked Syria for WMD use or sent a carrier strike group to N. Korea?  
 On the domestic front, would she be pushing for corporate and personal tax cuts? Placing Gorsuch on the bench? Rollin back an out of control EPA?  
 Sorry Donny, but Trump is running from the Obama/Hillary policies, not embracing them.  
 As I stated yesterday to an overly caffeinated JFSF, he has kept or is in process of keeping, all of the major promises I care about. When and if he backtracks on something important, I will call him out on it.  
 As you well know, I wash no ones balls. Taffy is always ahead of me in line and I get tired of waiting. :)

Donald.J.Trump 231 reads
7 / 28

Is the one that your President and wacko VP pray to.  Kind of pisses off Jared, but who cares?

The rest don't matter.

I shot a 77 yesterday.  I will shoot a 75 today.  Deportations on hold until my new caddy arrives.

Just an FYI...stay away from the traps today.  I think that the US military is going to be doing more testing on destroying sand dunes.  They want to make sure they've got that down pat.

JakeFromStateFarm 289 reads
8 / 28

But how does that make anyone "wrong about Trump?"  He hired Bannon.  He hired Flynn.  He hired his feckless son-in-law. You know, the one who went to Iraq and wore his flak jacket over his blazer. And they have all helped him preside over the biggest train wreck in the history of any President's first 100 days.
Congratulations, GaGa!

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 241 reads
9 / 28

All we got are Liars, crooks, creeps, tax cheats and Russian Agents!

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 245 reads
10 / 28

Heard that line before from 2015!

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 179 reads
11 / 28

as long as our fearless leader can golf and eat his chocolate cake..he really doesn't care much about anything else except bombing the shit out of someone..

followme 272 reads
13 / 28

Washing another guy's balls. I wonder if he knows that after the washing the water is donated to the soup kitchen and has many uses. To make coffee, used in the making of gravy for the mashed potatoes, (you do not want to know what else goes into that concoction) salad dressing etc.  
Maybe that is why he likes the soup kitchen ....that, and it is free.

JackDunphy 283 reads
14 / 28

That wasn't remotely defensible, so cutting and running from that bit of insanity was your best move in this thread.

Feel free to ask some of the scared to death snowflakes if the "righty agenda is in the shitter." I don't see any dancing in the streets. I only see long faces, hatred, anger and long walks for women. LOL

I am thrilled you and your 1% buddies are doing so well but I hate to break it to you, the 1% isn't "most of us." Nor is the top 20%, who are doing well, too.

You might want to run that warped logic by The Bern and Pocahontas, as well as the middle class, as I think they may disagree a teensy bit.  

Remedial math should be on your summer to do list. Lucky for you, we happen to teach that at JDU in the "Hooker Math" class. Don't worry, I'll sit you next to a hottie. I take care of my friends. :)

Hit me up when you feel the need to join the reality based community once again.  

We kicked Brian Williams out of the club a year ago.

It's a shame you didn't get that memo. ;)

JakeFromStateFarm 249 reads
15 / 28

You say you told me Trump has "kept or is in the process of keeping, all of his major promises?" BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I rebutted all but two and you fled, declaring victory.  Weak.

2465305 70 Reviews 210 reads
16 / 28

No one hangs with hersheyhighway......locks himself in a room with his laptop and TER all fired up.

Posted By: Dr.Beeper
Have you been hanging with hersheyhwy too much recently?

2465305 70 Reviews 272 reads
17 / 28

Laffy has 2 reviews with women.......what does that tell you?

Posted By: Dr.Beeper

dicerbo 42 Reviews 228 reads
18 / 28

First travel ban: failed
Second travel ban: failed
Trumpcare: failed
Mexico paying for Donny's wall: failed

I sure am tired of all his winning

TwoMints 259 reads
20 / 28


Travel ban is being litigated and I guarantee Trump wins.

Trumpcare  is unresolved.  We'll see what happened.   Not a failure, but incomplete.

How the fuck do you know Mexico isn't paying for the wall?   There are literally 1000's of ways to make them pay for it directly or indirectly.  And guess what, Trump supporters don't give a shit who pays for it. It's chump change in the Federal Budget.  They way O blew through Trillions, you'd think he was wiping his ass with Billion dollar bills.

Supreme Court stays Right for a few decades is all the winning we ever needed.
Posted By: Waxick
Re: Winning
First travel ban: failed  
 Second travel ban: failed  
 Trumpcare: failed  
 Mexico paying for Donny's wall: failed  
 I sure am tired of all his winning

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 9:00:20 AM

followme 199 reads
21 / 28

after the last 8 years of a sissy-ass twat you just cannot recognize real leadership.

You're Welcome

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 240 reads
22 / 28

He makes it so easy with his now flip flopping.But now that bannon is kinda gone, the fun is watching trump go from a nationalist to Hillary...more moderate. It's interesting seeing his "America First" and the bannon groupies trip out.

bigguy30 210 reads
23 / 28
dicerbo 42 Reviews 272 reads
24 / 28

The travel bans he tried to enact are not in effect, so as of now, Donny boy is a failure on that front.

Judges appointed by Bush and confirmed 99-0 by the Senate have outright rejected Cheeto von Tweeto's bans, so I'm not sure what gives you any confidence that they'll be overturned on appeal

JakeFromStateFarm 240 reads
25 / 28
2465305 70 Reviews 299 reads
26 / 28

How do you know he watched CNN and MSNBC?

Looking in his windows again snowflake?
Posted By: bigguy30
It's clear why you are so clueless.

bigguy30 233 reads
27 / 28

It explains the Trump followers comments on this site too.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 275 reads
28 / 28

...Are his balls that dirty that continually need washing?

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