Politics and Religion

Re: Want proof of the poor quality of what passes as journalism?
jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1320 reads

Some of the utterly unbelievable crap that appears on the internet blogs, and is absorbed by the mush heads as gospel, is absolutely criminal, IMHO. Even www.snopes.com is not 100% accurate. Read an article last week that stated, in fact, that Obama was going to force the military to swear their oath of allegiance, not to the Constitution, but to the office of the President. 'Reporter' used the names of Gates, and several members of the Joint Chiefs to verify his report. Total bullshit, but many bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

From 2004 to 2008 there were a bunch of times when people were saying that Bush was planning on calling off the election and declaring himself a semi-permanent president.  

When Pakistan was having its trumoil, a lot of people on Air America were saying it was a practice run to dismiss the Supreme Court here so Bush could stay in the White House.

Likewise, there were several times when people said the "expansion" of the presidential power was a prelude to using the excuse of war-time emergency to "postpone" the next election.

Just curious - in hindsight, how silly were all these theories?  Anyone who believed in them want to pitch in?

I think it goes to show everyone that there are as many idiots on the far left as there are on the far right.  Partisans will foster their twisted agenda no matter how much damage it does to the country.
I would call that "un-american".

GaGambler1305 reads

manipulated oil prices so his "oil buddies" at Haliburton could get rich. What is rich is the fact that if you had bought Haliburton stock  on Jan 19, 2001 and sold it on Jan 20, 2009 split adjusted you would have bought at $16.49 and sold at 16.61. WOW!!! Those Republicans sure know how to manipulate a stock don't they?

Bush set up the whole thing to get Iraqi oil, and then he stupidly set up a system where Iraq had free elections, supervised by the UN.

Gosh, if he wanted to steal their oil, he sure was stupid to give them autonomy.

The three countries in the world where Moslems have the most freedom are Iraq, Israel, and the United States.

There were some points in between, when HAL was quite a bit higher.  Thankfully, for the right or wrong reasons, I decided that the ride wouldn't last forever, and turned my shares back into cash.

Now, if I'd only been so smart with some financial stocks.

I mean seriously, how long ago was it that to even suggest such things was unheard of, and incomprehensible to even the most rabid partisan.

But in the last 20 years or so, its become a minefield of venom and vituperative vendetta. Clintonites want to villify the GOP, the Bushies villify the Dems, Rush Limbaugh villifies anyone who provides fodder for his megalomania, and Paris Hilton posts a YouTube video that garners a response from the McCain Presidential Campaign giving HER, of all people, political cachet. And I'm just pulling random events from out of the ether; the list is much more extensive and appalling.

Seriously... am I the only one who sees something wrong with all of this?

My greatest sadness, is that when talking with my young son, he sees the media, he sees the news, and believes that what he sees there - is real - and is the way we should all live.

I am convinced that no one, is really providing fair and unbiased news any more...

Member when we were kids... chet huntley and david Brinkley?  or Walter Kronkite?  and even they were slightly biased... but not like today (right and left).  Then we get to the nutsos... Hannity, Limbaugh, Huffington, and the likes...

Random events, but they ALL have in common in that there is little rational discussion, little recognition of the failures of their view and certainly little humility...  See my post above for the rest...

the story of the woman 'swimming across the atlantic' while an interesting story, it is not the story as reported.

As pointed out in this article, it takes about 2 seconds with a calculator to find that the facts - as reported - are an impossibility.  But will anyone be held accountable?  Nope... not hardly.

And folks on here wonder why I doubt issues as presented - which I am just supposed to "Accept..."  really ...   Why?

If this were the only example- or if this were only confined to news folks... I would not be quite as out of joint... but people, trillion dollar decisions - on a daily basis are being made without even a quick fact check.  that is not right.

RightwingUnderground1454 reads

As you rightly point out, they've been dying a slow death for quite some time now, but in the recent past, it's like someone turned off the ventilator.

I recently read an article attempting a little sarcasm that referred to the Main Stream Media as "The Prestige Press".

Welcome to "The Dead Prestige Press".

Some of the utterly unbelievable crap that appears on the internet blogs, and is absorbed by the mush heads as gospel, is absolutely criminal, IMHO. Even www.snopes.com is not 100% accurate. Read an article last week that stated, in fact, that Obama was going to force the military to swear their oath of allegiance, not to the Constitution, but to the office of the President. 'Reporter' used the names of Gates, and several members of the Joint Chiefs to verify his report. Total bullshit, but many bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

Timbow1715 reads

For  anybody  that knows  a smidgen about the law it is  a  good laugh :)

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