Politics and Religion

Re: Using heroin/opioids all day,smoking weed all day & not setting goals
TwoMints 3365 reads
1 / 25


TwoMints 316 reads
2 / 25

About sums it up.

Posted By: TwoMints

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 11:29:34 AM

JackDunphy 210 reads
3 / 25

It really does beg the question; what do the Dems do now?

Losing the election, losing the recounts, losing the battle of "unfaithful" electors, rigging their own election, placing an anti-Semite on their leadership team and Brazile admitting she lied this week should give them pause to get their head out of their ass and try to steer their efforts to helping the "little guy" but the Dem party is so fucked up right now, I don't know if that's even possible.

I guess they move on to impeachment lead by Maxine Waters? LOL

Seriously though, what is there strategy now?

TwoMints 304 reads
4 / 25

How is he fucking over the middle class?  Is he cutting jobs?  Is he raising their taxes?  Tell us. What's he doing.

How did you reach the conclusion that Trump is for rich people?  He's in real estate, I can almost guarantee he hates bankers, wall street types and their like.  When you have to go hat in hand to get a loan for a project, I'm fairly sure you don't leave with to many good feeling for "those" types...

What it seems to me, is that your blind hatred for him, makes you see things that aren't real. Things that doesn't exist. Allows you to believe every wild claim made against him. You want to believe it.  You need to believe it.  

Every candidate that has ever run for any office has made promises that they either never intend to do or can never do.  Do you honestly think either Bernie or Hillary would have been able to give college away for free? It was a lie.
Posted By: Laffy
Sit back and watch your Messiah self-destruct while he fucks over the middle class every time he turns around while showering his fat cat buddies with even more tax breaks.

Strangebrew12 3 Reviews 280 reads
5 / 25

Sitting on your ass and doing nothing seems to be the right strategy for a moocher. MAGA now kicking your ass. Suck it up pumpkin.

dbentertain 7 Reviews 337 reads
6 / 25
TwoMints 307 reads
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Dude, up your meds...

Autistic screeching...
Posted By: Laffy
He's cutting Meals on Wheels because it's "not showing a return."  
 There are already interviews with Trump supporters saying they can't believe he's cutting that because they were under the impression Trump was going to help them.  
 Also, your Messiah now admits there won't be "insurance for everyone" after vowing there would be when he was campaigning.  
 It truly is hilarious how Righties cried and cried and cried that, "You can keep your doctor" was the LIE OF THE CENTURY but won't even bat an eye at this lie that was 100,000 times worse.  
 Your Lord also VOWED to "get tough with China" but all they had to do was give him a trademark he'd been after for a decade and he flip-flopped on that too.  
 If he "hates bankers", why he is surrounding himself with Goldman Guys.....especially after crucifying Cruz and Hillary for being in the back pocket of Goldman?  
 And your "blind hatred" cry-fest was cute considering you hillbillies believed EVERY bad thing about Obama....even after it was all proven to be complete bullshit......like the Birther nonsense and Benghazi.  
 It's also cute how you brush off his gazillion lies with, "All politicians lie.  So what?" when you all washed his balls non-stop with, "He's a straight talker and tells it like it it.  He's DIFFERENT!!!!" instead of blasting him for being a liar.  
 Precious beyond words......

TwoMints 278 reads
8 / 25


Your scattershot "arguments", your lurching all over the place grasping at strawmen is akin to an inmate throwing shit at the wall...

One LIE was used to pass a law. Said 26 times or more. Add to it; Everyone will save 2500. Still waiting on that check.. #Thanksobama.


One campaign promise unfulfilled.  

Yep the latter is 100000x worse.... only in your addled mind.

See a hooker. You'll feel better. Do you need me to start a go fund me campaign for you?
Posted By: Laffy
Can't refute anything I said so you try a lame attack.  
 So, if "You can keep your doctor" was the LIE OF THE CENTURY, like you rednecks kept screaming, how is your Messiah's lie not farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr worse?  
 He said "everybody" will have insurance.  They just admitted that's bullshit.

2465305 70 Reviews 289 reads
10 / 25

Has to be from CNN....probably burning Donna Brazile's contract.  

Or bbqing her fat ass.
Posted By: TwoMints
About sums it up.
Posted By: TwoMints

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 11:29:34 AM

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 222 reads
11 / 25

trump will always have to defend the appointment of this "spy". His vetting process will always be in question. I remember him saying that "I will get the best". This will will always be a thorn in his side, even when they primary him.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 270 reads
13 / 25

So the time bomb is ticking on the Trumpanazee and his debts and financial dealings with Russia and its banks.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 330 reads
14 / 25

"From Russia with Love":

1. Rex Fuckerson   -   Got ass kicked by Chinese on N. Korea
2. Jim Crow - The Racist AG who lied under oath

3. The Tweeter in Chief.   When he is forced to release his tax returns.   Don't let the door hit your ass on your way out.

dbentertain 7 Reviews 386 reads
16 / 25

And working toward them is a different story.

A union job is this

An electronic assembly person gets minimum wages at company Z and possibly a HMO are not but a union worker gets $25/hour + benefits+ PPO insurance at company X but they both do the exact same job

dbentertain 7 Reviews 334 reads
17 / 25

trumps $7 Million Carrier corporate snap/ EBT cash welfare check




Its gonna cost the tax payers Yuge!

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 387 reads
18 / 25
EuroModelsShown 175 reads
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Let them give more money to hamas if the are mad.

EuroModelsShown 99 reads
20 / 25

That's what you'd be complaining about if Clinton was President.

... and all Walmart did was give out free cupcakes

EuroModelsShown 256 reads
21 / 25

Just imagine if college was free, everybody would be smart, technological advances would eliminate the need of all jobs, and there would be no need to procreate, and the human race would cease to exist.

earlweaver 382 reads
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hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 336 reads
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I am listening to FBI Director testifying before Congress.    So far, that wiretapping charge has been shot to death and the person charging that has been termed a liar.    FBI also confirmed that they are investigating the Clown team and connection go KGB.   Stay tuned.

EuroModelsShown 136 reads
24 / 25

Just like Trump tweeted the first time.

Don't you get it?

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 322 reads
25 / 25

After FBI testimony shit has already hit the fan and it will take a little while to reach you?   In one word "Liar".

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