Politics and Religion

Re: Trump: Voters don’t deserve to know
User1994 23 Reviews 10 reads

There is no need to replace the ACA. Only to repeal it. Our health care system was better before it.

He never had any obligation to release his taxes. You and your army of brainwashed loons never "deserved" to see them.

And he sure as hell shouldn't tell anyone he won't try to fend off the massive voter fraud you're going to try to pull off with your "mail-in voting"

TV reporter asks Joe Biden for his position on court packing: “Sir, don’t the voters deserve to know?”

Biden: “No, they don’t deserve” to know.

Steve_Trevor9 reads

how I plan to replace the ACA, with coverage for pre-existing conditions etc., after my administration wins its case in the Supreme Court to strike it down.

Trump also believes the voters don’t deserve to know about his tax returns, although every other Presidential candidate in modern history including Biden released their tax returns.

Trump also believes the voters don’t deserve to know whether he’ll leave office peacefully if he loses the election.  

The unequaled hypocrisy of Trumpers strikes again.  

There is no need to replace the ACA. Only to repeal it. Our health care system was better before it.

He never had any obligation to release his taxes. You and your army of brainwashed loons never "deserved" to see them.

And he sure as hell shouldn't tell anyone he won't try to fend off the massive voter fraud you're going to try to pull off with your "mail-in voting"

Steve_Trevor9 reads

which is, that he’ll protect coverage for pre-existing conditions.  You admit there’s no intent to do that, only to repeal the ACA and go back to where health care was before it. Which also means millions of people lose their healthcare insurance.  It would make a great ad for Trump, don’t you think?  “Make America Uninsured Again... in the midst of a pandemic”.

But you don’t care, nor does Trump.

At least you’re honest about it.  

Jonathan Gruber (0bamacare Chief Architect): "This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.  If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."

This is on top of 0bama's many, many lies about keeping your doctor and your insurance plan.

Trump doesn't lie about anything because he doesn't need to. There are any number of free-market approaches to deal with people with pre-existing conditions. The lies are all on the side of the people you support. When Gruber says "stupidity of the American voter" he means you.

Steve_Trevor14 reads

You’re comparing Trump’s lies about a pandemic that has killed over 215,000 Americans vs. inaccurate statements made by Obama (and many others) about a provision in ACA... statements that were largely correct, but not true for all Americans, eg those who had “grandfathered” plans that didn’t have to meet all ACA provisions.

Also a matter of volume... over 25,000 lies by Trump vs. Obama’s statement that he admitted to and apologized for.  When will we hear Trump apologize to the families of the dead, and to those made seriously ill, for his gross mishandling of the pandemic response?

And anyone who believes Trump doesn’t lie about anything should be evaluated for mental illness. I know that’s not kind, but I sincerely worry about people like you not being under the care of a mental healthcare professional.  For your sake and for those who love you or depend on you, please seek help immediately.  

What Putin and I talk about in our meeting (no US interpreted and note taker in the room)
Who visits White House  
What deals I have made with MBS
How much Turkey is paying me for getting out of Syria ...

List continues.... sadly.

Dems don't give a shit...but republicans..you want the truth?

Biden has to PACK the COURT to 15 or 17 justices.

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