Politics and Religion

Re: Totally left wing fake polling news!
TwoMints 200 reads

I'm pretty sure and would put money on it that his poll numbers go up after that presser.  

Obama was still taking a vacation at this point. Did he ever stop?
Posted By: hotplants
I mean, who could possibly believe that only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again? We can all see how his administration is running like a well-oiled machine. And, even if we can’t, he just told us it was.  
 I, for one, was happy to see the POTUS clarify his thoughts, today, on all of this fake news surrounding these silly and pointless questions surrounding Flynn and his campaign’s contact with Russia, pre-election. !  
 "The news is fake because so much of the news is fake."  
  Brilliant analysis! I don’t even need Kelly to break that down for me. And one more thing T said today with which I could not begin to disagree:  
 “The level of dishonesty is out of control.”
Posted By: quadseasonal
Granted I'm not a Poll junkie.    
                       Just saying!  
          This is  the Dumbest Most Biased Poll I've ever seen!!!!  
        They claim only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again.  
                          LMAO at  Left Wing Fake Polling News.    
             Only Six points behind "America First"  President Trump ???  
    White on rice Elizabeth Warren couldn't win 20 million votes running against President Trump.

Granted I'm not a Poll junkie.  
                     Just saying!

        This is  the Dumbest Most Biased Poll I've ever seen!!!!
      They claim only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again.
                        LMAO at  Left Wing Fake Polling News.  
           Only Six points behind "America First"  President Trump ???

  White on rice Elizabeth Warren couldn't win 20 million votes running against President Trump.

hotplants235 reads

I mean, who could possibly believe that only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again? We can all see how his administration is running like a well-oiled machine. And, even if we can’t, he just told us it was.  
I, for one, was happy to see the POTUS clarify his thoughts, today, on all of this fake news surrounding these silly and pointless questions surrounding Flynn and his campaign’s contact with Russia, pre-election. !  

"The news is fake because so much of the news is fake."

 Brilliant analysis! I don’t even need Kelly to break that down for me. And one more thing T said today with which I could not begin to disagree:

“The level of dishonesty is out of control.”

Posted By: quadseasonal
Granted I'm not a Poll junkie.  
                      Just saying!  
         This is  the Dumbest Most Biased Poll I've ever seen!!!!  
       They claim only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again.  
                         LMAO at  Left Wing Fake Polling News.  
            Only Six points behind "America First"  President Trump ???  
   White on rice Elizabeth Warren couldn't win 20 million votes running against President Trump.

TwoMints201 reads

I'm pretty sure and would put money on it that his poll numbers go up after that presser.  

Obama was still taking a vacation at this point. Did he ever stop?

Posted By: hotplants
I mean, who could possibly believe that only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again? We can all see how his administration is running like a well-oiled machine. And, even if we can’t, he just told us it was.  
 I, for one, was happy to see the POTUS clarify his thoughts, today, on all of this fake news surrounding these silly and pointless questions surrounding Flynn and his campaign’s contact with Russia, pre-election. !  
 "The news is fake because so much of the news is fake."  
  Brilliant analysis! I don’t even need Kelly to break that down for me. And one more thing T said today with which I could not begin to disagree:  
 “The level of dishonesty is out of control.”
Posted By: quadseasonal
Granted I'm not a Poll junkie.    
                       Just saying!  
          This is  the Dumbest Most Biased Poll I've ever seen!!!!  
        They claim only 71% of President Trump voters would likely support him again.  
                          LMAO at  Left Wing Fake Polling News.    
             Only Six points behind "America First"  President Trump ???  
    White on rice Elizabeth Warren couldn't win 20 million votes running against President Trump.

I'm glad you guys on the Left have extreme difficulty  catching  on to reality or I might still be working in lower wage service sector  jobs.  

  I would never mention this to my Boss, I don't know if she would keep my confidential thoughts, confidential.  
  Seems to be some snitches  with loose lips, so I'm concentrating on doing my job and keeping my mouth shut on strategically thought out, opinionating deductions around the staff.  
   I would have thought  the DNC could have figured it out by now, thankfully for me and "America First" citizens,  DNC officials  are as stupid as the Dunce Queen they chose.
   Looking back at 2008, HRC was chosen to be President by the Left Wing Media and the DNC.  
  Out of nowhere, an articulate, smooth talking guy preaching peace, prosperity and change, along with his Internet savvy social skills pulled out  the Royal blue carpet from under the  same
old  war mongering HRC,waiting on a Golden platter for years, and he won the Democrat Nomination.

   Millions of usually GOP voters switched sides and voted for the New guy on the block because they didn't care for the Lefty GOP war monger aka  McSame or his  Cougar VP choice.  
      Get that picture ?
   Fast forward eight years and another outsider comes in, Bernie Sanders, trying to win the Democrat nomination.  
    Young voters and old dudes across our land, loved the guy even though he's  portrayed as communist, But he spoke their language of free for free and more free paid for by rich people with more money than they need.
  This time the DNC had to resort to collusion with the media and internal cheating to no end, to give the Dunce Queen the Nomination she  already paid for by staying with her man.
 A new guy with a sharp tongue absent of eloquence, but great at making his point with few words, and a master at manipulating Lefty Media, comes in and snatched the Nomination from GOP candidates already groomed for prime time choice.
You know very well what happened then.  
You wake up every morning thinking about it.  
I wake up happier than ever.

   Without doing a poll, I HATE polls. Polls are for dummies who don't  understand logic or the heart beat of America.
   I'm logically guesstimating 50 - 70 % +- of President Trump voters, voted for him because they think he's awesome with plans they agree with .  
 The remainder of President Trump voters, voted for him because they despise war mongering same old,  same old, HRC.  
  Looking forward to the next Presidential election, the same citizens  who voted for President Trump because they despise HRC, will not vote for Elizabeth Warren.
                           No Way !
  She's too far left for any of the switch voters.
   The 30 to 45  million citizens who voted for President Trump because they believe he's absolutely awesome will vote for him again.  
   Plus, President Trump will get a large majority of  the Black vote.
   If  he decides to run again I'd wager he'll easily get 67  million  possibly 75 million votes if the economy does anywhere near what I think it will.  
  Wait until you see what "America First" President Trump has in store to help the Black community, from sea to shining sea, before you place your bet on Pale Lizard.
  I'm not a snitch so I'm not disclosing anything that could convict me of revealing secrets.  
  My final comment  on this topic,  I hope she runs..
   The corrupt DNC Deserves another Trail of Tears.

-- Modified on 2/17/2017 2:33:26 AM

Their savior, Pocahontas, loses to the "Liar in Chief?" LOL

Libs better check their panties for brown stains. LOL

Just how pathetic is the Dem party? Obsessed with Trump, no ideas or cares for the working stiffs, rooting for his demise, etc.

Sharp contrast to Trump's plans he laid out today. Tons of goodies for the middle class, inner cities, etc.

Dem only strategy appears to be praying he gets impeached...and having their hissy du jour of course. LOL

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