Politics and Religion

Re: There's some new Kool-Aid goin around..... and it really is
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1950 reads

to all of the above:

if the damage druggies cause was limited to themselves i'd be with ya, it is not.

cutting right to the chase, they dump their kids onto our streets and into the schools,

they wreck cars and break into houses

lastly, I would argue that becasue of the addictive properties of some of thees drugs, these people are really not maiking choices based on "freewill"......


-- Modified on 11/6/2007 8:20:39 AM

I am an old school stoner. I admit it, acknowledge it, revel in it, and am proud to be one of the original signators of the documents forming NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

I've tried it all.... whatever you could smoke/snort/shoot/drop/rub into your belly
whatever the drug was, I tried it once, sometimes twice. Cocaine I may have tried once too often....

But now comes word of an amazing new drug high called Jenkem - which truly is... the Shit. Literally.

Follow my provided link to The Smoking Gun... if you can read the entire article without feeling sick to your stomach you are one tough sunuvabitch.

And here I was just beginning to think I'd heard it all. Wonder if theres anything coincidental about this happening in Florida.

-- Modified on 11/5/2007 2:52:42 PM

GaGambler1865 reads

but this shit is fucking disgusting. You're right, I could not read the entire article without feeling a bit queasy.Nasty nasty nasty

biggertitman2661 reads

But what could the active agents be? I doubt that it's anything more than methane gas and other by-products of the breakdown of organic compounds. I think that most of the high comes from depriving your brain of oxygen which there wouldn't be any of in the that brew.

the metabolism of various nitrogenous compounds... NO comes to mind as one possible product... but also breakdown of Heme molecules... in short, it would take a bit of analysis....  but all in all, depending on how it is used.. I tend to agree with you in that it sounds line O2 deprivation...

"I am an old school stoner. I admit it, acknowledge it, revel in it, and am proud to be one of the original signators of the documents forming NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

I've tried it all.... whatever you could smoke/snort/shoot/drop/rub into your belly
whatever the drug was, I tried it once, sometimes twice. Cocaine I may have tried once too often...."

Well Doc at least you are honest..And now I know why your brain is so fried..too much coke by your own admission...You are lucky to still be alive so be grateful even though your brain does not correlate as well as before your coke addiction.

GaGambler1979 reads

and I might disagree with him on many subjects, but until his posts degenerate to the level of some of JackO's aliases, I'll concede the fact that he still has as much gray matter left as the rest of us, and more than many that don't have the excuse of excessive drug use to fall back on.

Anybody that hates partisan politics, still has his brain cells intact IMO

Jack0sAgent2220 reads

you couldn't back up a couple days ago.   Don't take out your frustration on Jack0.  If you don't have answers, just 'fess up and admit you're blowing a little smoke.  You too could have a career as a politician!

GaGambler2011 reads

and I'm not going to hijack this thread to talk about, what you want to talk about.

Jack0sAgent1722 reads

asks for verification, we're just supposed to assume you're the expert, and you don't need no stinkin facts?

I don't think so.  You get called, you need to show your cards.  Just like anybody else.

Or of course you can run away.  Suit yourself.

Hairupmyass1862 reads

or are you too fucking good to show your cards?

quad...before you throw down the gauntlet of intellectual superiority and haughty hubris any more than you already have, whenever you think you are ready to take me on head to head, man to man in any contest involving the use of the brain and intellect, Bring It On. Me and my coke fried medulla oblongata will take on you and your sanctimonious cerebrum any day or night of the year. Except my birthday. I'm busy hosting a party that day.

You want to judge me based on my history of drug abuse, go right ahead. I faced my demons head on, and not only survived, I thrived and came away a better man for the experiences, and I regularly assist others trying to climb out of that hole.

What have you got to say for yourself sitting there all high and mighty and Holier Than Thou? Or are you too busy jerking off to pictures of Condoleeza Rice in drag?

BTW - Do you drink?

-- Modified on 11/5/2007 9:10:02 PM

Yeah, I edited out the part about bringing a knife to a gun fight....

You seem to be the most sanctimonious shrill in my opinion for someone calling themselves Doc. As for your intellectual contest of wits what do you propose? I will devour your unlogical mind in any game of logic but if you want to show me your intellectual superiority on the art of proctology or words to impress your English I admit defeat. What has Condoleeza Rice have to do with this discussion you racist Pig???Yes I am smart  enough to see right through racist scum .. You talk the talk but you don't walk the walk frieking fried for brains coke head...

Struck a nerve did I?

The only racist in this dialog is you. I'm sorry if I insulted you by using Condi Rice; I sort of assumed you were enamored of the ladies just like the rest of us... how silly of me.
Considering how rapturous you get when you mention him, I should have figured you would prefer Dick. Cheney, of course.

Didn't he mention this?

It's the end of civilization.

so this could acually be real. Holy shit!

quite disgusting Doc and it really demostrates the insanity of most drug use. I realize there are some who can use most drugs in fashion similar to alcohol.  say for example, but there are some drugs, I'm thinking meth in particular, that are so heinous they defy a rational arguement that their use is anything other than insane.

what do you think legalization when looked op in this light?

Devils-advocate1815 reads

gonna waste effort stopping them, or fixing them.

GaGambler2654 reads

Drug laws basicallly say to the entire populace that you are too stupid to make the choices that determine your own life, we are going to make these choices for you, and lock you up if you defy us.Not my idea of a free country.

Devils-advocate2346 reads

you can look at it as a public nuisance to have both the stuff and its users around.   You could just as well argue that we should put hand grenades in the surplus stores to see who's stupid enough to pull the pins.

If you really want to get into this, you can start in about why a shrink should be allowed to traffic in the stuff, while Joe 6-Pack can't.   Take your MD out for a drink, ask him/her what s/he thinks of the shrinks.

GaGambler2233 reads

I can make up my own mind thank you very much, and I happen to agree with you on this subject. I wouldn't see a fucking shrink at gunpoint. IMHO they cause way more damage than they solve.

Drugs may be a public nuisance, but the punishment should fit the crime, being a public nuisance should not cost a person years or even decades of freedom. Not to mention the subculture and the multimillionaire drug lords that the "war on drugs" has created. I remember back in the late 70's, early 80's coke was going for around two grand an ounce, I no longer partake, but the last I heard it was going for somewhere around half that amount. So much for the war on drugs.

to all of the above:

if the damage druggies cause was limited to themselves i'd be with ya, it is not.

cutting right to the chase, they dump their kids onto our streets and into the schools,

they wreck cars and break into houses

lastly, I would argue that becasue of the addictive properties of some of thees drugs, these people are really not maiking choices based on "freewill"......


-- Modified on 11/6/2007 8:20:39 AM

I was, am, and will continue to be an advocate for the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is a plant that occurs naturally. It grows out of the ground like any other fruit, vegetable, or flowering plant. Hell, the reason its called WEED, is because thats what it is.
Marijuana was legal, and actually used in many products, especially rope and canvas material used by the military... until DuPont invented nylon, and wanted the government military contracts for parachutes. They colluded with their favorite Senators, and along comes Reefer Madness, and the odious restrictive laws that put marijuana in the same category as heroin.

I favor the legalization of marijuana, a plant with proven medical benefits. This does not mean I want to see your children with a crack pipe in their mouth.

BK, with all due respect, not a single traffic fatality has ever been attributed to marijuana use. Ever. But almost 20,000 people will be killed this year alone in traffic accidents involving a drunk driver. Booze is legal if you're 21, and in some states, you can even buy 3.2 beer at 18.

Cigarets account for over 400,000 deaths per year. On average. Cigarets are legal. Any kid with a 2 day growth of peach fuzz on their face can buy a pack of Marlboro's. Remember Joe Camel?

I'll take the dreamy feeling of pot over the queasy feeling of a hangover any day.

I have no problem pot. I've puffed more than my share over the years. I've done far more than my share of other things as well and THAT is what worries me. Not pot. Booze is 10 times worse than pot and it's legal.

I would be 100 % behind legalizing pot.

I think a disater of untold proportions would be unleashed on society if meth got similar treatment (or this assjuice uuuuggghhhhh)

Devils-advocate1748 reads

a little weed here & there may help summit meetings.

But some of these other things, not so much.  And it varies from person to person, and drug to drug, and situation to situation - and individual use is one thing, trafficking is another.

If that's not easy, then look at the medical marijuana thing.  That is the classic dilemma, we don't have the SLIGHTEST fucking idea how we want to handle this.   Any number of head-shrinking, pill pushing docs will sell feel-good pills to kids or their moms for the asking, and if you get into the details, I dunno these guys aren't more like Sonny Barger than Albert Schweitzer.

the pharma-narcos are an entirely different set of misery peddling fuckwads

"BK, with all due respect, not a single traffic fatality has ever been attributed to marijuana use. Ever."

 Doc do you really belive all the BS you write??Not a single fatality ever??? like I said be thankful you are alive ...the coke meddled with your mind...But you do have a very impressive vocabulary..
Note..I agree alcohol is much worse than marijuana and it is absurd to jail people for marijuana but either you only smoke some weak ass bud or you are nuts to think there has never been a traffic fatality attributed to marijuana?Tell me something is it a traffic fatality if a stoner walks in front of traffic in your world???

GaGambler2395 reads

Forget the statistics, I personally know of at least a couple of traffic fatalities that were directly attributable to pot.(high school friends). As stoned as I used to get, I am surprised that I'm not one of them. I still think pot should be legalized, and I am sure alcohol is respomsible for thousands more deaths than pot, but cmon, no fatalties??? Gimme a break.

...also provides data on fatal accidents involving drugs. You will see plenty of data about cocaine, heroin, meth, lsd, ecstacy, designer drugs, etc etc etc. but pot is noticeably absent in the data stream.

I'll acknowledge it is unlikely within the Bigger Picture, but in an arena where statistics are given the brunt of cachet, the OFFICIAL statistic for traffic fatalities directly attributed to marijuana, is 0.

GaGambler2352 reads

but we both know the OFFICIAL statistic, is full of shit.

As fucked up as my peer group got, thirty years ago, I am surprised that any of us lived.

How would someone discover this!? I just can't see this being real.. But I guess there are some crazy crazy things in this world. Even something like sniffing glue seems ridiculous, but this takes the cake.. If you really want to get high, there are plenty of normal drugs and drinks available. I mean, yeah, if you want to make something new and be creative, like Alexander Shulgin, who does real chemistry and meaningful research on the subject, go right ahead. But seriously? You put your shit in a bottle and inhale the fumes and this fuels a new "drug craze?" And why would anyone ingest something like that without knowing if it was toxic? I'm not a chemist or drug user, but I'd think the "good" part of the "high" (if any) would likely be secondary to neutral or negative effects.. I'm so confused at the idiocy.

It's just as likely that someone made that up to make the cops look foolish. Or could it have been some kind of practical joke on someone? It really does not seem feasible that the way this is presented is the actual reality of what occurred. I mean, there are and always will be rumors about drugs. For example, many people believe that ecstasy is cut with heroin. It sounds heinous, but if you think about it, doing that would end up costing them way more money than just putting real mdma, or caffeine, or any fucking other thing, since heroin is such an expensive drug by weight/volume.. For years government testing, police confiscations, harm reduction groups tested thousands and thousands of pills with no heroin found. In addition, emergency room records and police records from blood/urine tests haven't shown a single case of opiates in the blood or urine of someone reported to have taken only "ecstacy" (see erowid.org) Then one day, early 2000s I believe, a single, poorly made pill was sent in to a testing center- pure heroin. Someone was obviously fucking around. Only pill found containing even a trace of an opiate- and it was intentionally submitted for testing and publication. Or the talks of the "blue star" tattoos, which were supposedly lsd sold to kids? This never really happened, but certainly plenty of lsd has been confiscated which is on decorated blotter, printed with kid-like images of cartoon characters and bright colors.. Most outrageous sounding drug myths are rarely what they seem. But I will be interested to learn more about how this plays out. Yuck!!!~


-- Modified on 11/6/2007 5:53:11 AM

-- Modified on 11/6/2007 5:53:57 AM

-- Modified on 11/6/2007 5:54:11 AM

Actually, I could see where something like this would be done as a fraternity hazing. Or a rendition torture.

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