Politics and Religion

Re: There are hundreds of thousands of people on both sides that . . .
nuguy46 1546 reads
1 / 20

10 or 12 or so Iowa voters when asked to name ONE Hillary accomplishment, said zilch, nada, nothing. Then when asked if they planned to support Hill, said 'of course'. Wow, the intellect of her supporters must be suspect. Supporting someone who has no accomplishments says much about the Dims/libtards.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 144 reads
2 / 20

Theme of her candidacy will be...
1. I'm a woman.
2. It's my turn.
3. Did I mention I'm a woman?
My suggestion for her campaign slogan....
Hillary 2016: No Evidence of any Wrongdoing!
Inspiring, right?

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 194 reads
3 / 20

blindly support Presidential candidates.  The days of being elected based on your records, beliefs or accomplishments are long gone.  Presidential elections now are no more than a popularity contest.  President Obama won twice based on his personality, his smile, his "cool" factor and the fact that he would make history as America's first Black President.  

Hillary will win in 2016 based on two main factors -- her gender (America is clearly ready for a female President) and her last name (America, for some reason, still loves President Clinton).  Her positions on issues and her political record have nothing to do with it.  If they did, she would be one of those marginal candidates getting less than 1 percent in the early polls.

It's a new America.  Won't be too much longer before elections are handled like the Voice picks its winners -- Tweet for who you want to be President.

Robertini 4 Reviews 253 reads
4 / 20

I really don't care.
But if I vote. Not that my vote would make any difference. In CA she will win anyways.
I would vote for her because she's a well known in politics Lady.

Let's make history keep happening
if nothing else.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 137 reads
5 / 20

You are spot on. The mindset of many voters is we had a black  guy so lets have a woman. That is the thought process.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
blindly support Presidential candidates.  The days of being elected based on your records, beliefs or accomplishments are long gone.  Presidential elections now are no more than a popularity contest.  President Obama won twice based on his personality, his smile, his "cool" factor and the fact that he would make history as America's first Black President.    
 Hillary will win in 2016 based on two main factors -- her gender (America is clearly ready for a female President) and her last name (America, for some reason, still loves President Clinton).  Her positions on issues and her political record have nothing to do with it.  If they did, she would be one of those marginal candidates getting less than 1 percent in the early polls.  
 It's a new America.  Won't be too much longer before elections are handled like the Voice picks its winners -- Tweet for who you want to be President.

nuguy46 164 reads
6 / 20

eagan a republican won 49 states.....today because he doesn't have a D behind his name, he couldn't do it.......picking Prez like the Voice is quite a letdown....

Robertini 4 Reviews 143 reads
8 / 20

D or R, R or D
It's not sad . It's good or fair.
It's nice to see the end of an Empire or society
and the rise of another way of life or Caliphate

GaGambler 205 reads
9 / 20

WillyWonka has been pushing for that very kind of election for years. lol

and for the record, I am not ready to coronate any one for POTUS just yet. IMO it's still a wide open race. HIllary, like many other candidates, has a LOT of baggage. She was all but a shoo in in 08 and didn't even get the nomination, I am not willing to cede the election to her just yet, although I have allowed for the very real chance that I might even vote for her

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 212 reads
10 / 20

. . .  in a Presidential election again.

Whether or not that is a good thing is up for discussion, but the media will do its best to see that all elections are considered "close" until the polls close so the viewers will tune in on Election Night

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 205 reads
11 / 20

Well, what little savings are left after I discovered some of the ladies in this fucking hobby!!  lol!

I will continue to say, though, that the only candidate out there with a snowball's chance in hell of beating Hillary right now is Hillary herself.  And, as you reminded us about what happened in '08, don't put it past her to do just that.

There are things worse than Hillary in 2016.  For instance, an amendment to the Constitution that would allow the current officeholder to run for a third term, lol.

There is still almost a year-and-a-half left before the election.  Plenty of time for Hillary and her husband to fuck things up.  Here's hoping they give it their best shot . . .

followme 146 reads
12 / 20

There is plenty of time for hil & bill to fuck things up, however, they have already fucked many things up and I'm hoping they  fuck up the cover up.

Thank you
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 162 reads
13 / 20

No Messiah Reagn did not save the world.

You keep on harping about Hillary as if the wing nut GOP has accomplished a lot. What the GOP has accomplished so far is to fuck up the whole world.

HONDA 153 Reviews 159 reads
14 / 20

.......an interest in running for POTUS. So, by the time a winner emerges from the Republican primary that candidate wiould have been pushed so far to right that he or she will have zero chance of winning the general election. Let's just call that candidate, dead person walking! Jeb Bush continues to tie himself up in knots over the Iraq war. and we have not even brought up his "extreme liberal" views on amnesty for immigrants, which is hated by the wacko birds on the right. To be sure Hillary will face severe problems with the progressives on her far left.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
Well, what little savings are left after I discovered some of the ladies in this fucking hobby!!  lol!  
 I will continue to say, though, that the only candidate out there with a snowball's chance in hell of beating Hillary right now is Hillary herself.  And, as you reminded us about what happened in '08, don't put it past her to do just that.  
 There are things worse than Hillary in 2016.  For instance, an amendment to the Constitution that would allow the current officeholder to run for a third term, lol.  
 There is still almost a year-and-a-half left before the election.  Plenty of time for Hillary and her husband to fuck things up.  Here's hoping they give it their best shot . . . .      

GaGambler 156 reads
15 / 20

Neither Romney or McCain went "hard to the right" during the primaries, the two idiots went moderate during the primaries and THEN took a hard right turn in the GE with disastrous results.

I am not saying that I WANT a hard right winger, but the last two moderate candidates haven't worked out so well for the GOP.

Personally I think PW has done a good job of assessing the situation as it stands right now. The person most likely to beat Hillary is Hillary herself, followed closely by Bill, especially if he prefers fucking everything that moves without trying to do so while living in the White House as we all know how well that worked out for him last time. lol

GaGambler 195 reads
16 / 20

That's the big risk the Dems are running. If Hillary self destructs, and I put the odds at more like 50/50 than 95/5,  who do the Dems replace her with?

I don't think the "Tea Baggers" have shit to do with it. Hillary's future is in her own hands, and those of her husband much more than any political opponent. If Hillary doesn't self destruct, she wins. It's as simple as that.

followme 133 reads
17 / 20

They took back the Senate and shit canned harry.

You're welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

St. Croix 232 reads
18 / 20

Do you honestly think gringos are going to nominate some mojito drinking, cigar smoking babalu? Fuck no, they would trade him for Elian Gonzalez and 2 Cuban baseball prospects in a heartbeat.  

You're right! Rubio hasn't accomplished shit. What fool would elect someone with 9 years as a State Representative, and 3 years as a U.S. Senator.  
Posted By: Laffy
It's hilarious watching the Right wet themselves screaming, "What has Hillary accomplished?" when their kkklown kkkar has a bunch of rejects who have done nothing.  
 The best is Rubio, who got his own immigration plan rammed down his throat....plus, Baggers have done but whine, "Only complete idiots would pick a first term Senator" for 7 years yet worship this fool.

ed2000 31 Reviews 172 reads
19 / 20

Speaker of the House., so they must have thought something more of him than most. His resume is indeed quite similar to President Obama's, law school, 8 years in state office, one term Senator (Rubio was also West Miami City Commissioner). But while Obama was voting "Present" on several tough issues in order to avoid voting "Ney", Rubio was actually leading with his convictions (whatever they were back then) as House Speaker.  

Not a whole lot but it is a marked difference between Rubio and Obama.

ed2000 31 Reviews 143 reads
20 / 20

Voting "Present" is not the same as not voting, but in attempt to address your question I would venture that under normal circumstances the Republican field of Senators would miss a similar number as did both Clinton and Obama during 2007 and 2008.

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