Politics and Religion

Re: The Presidential Race is
FollowmeForPresident 2308 reads
1 / 13

Obama vs Obama

And Obama is losing.

Thank you

harryj 1559 reads
2 / 13

Hoorah for Bareass Hussein Obama Ben Lyin, America's commie crusader!!!!

holeydiver 113 Reviews 1588 reads
3 / 13

That would mean McCain is in third place.  Yeah, that's about right.

RightwingUnderground 1128 reads
4 / 13

The more he struts around "acting" as if he's already President. . .

The more the Press treat him as if he's already President. . .

The worse things get, gas prices, food prices, unemployment, the more people worry. . .

The more he flip-flops on a daily basis . . .

People say to themselves. . .

Sure I'd like to be part of history by helping to elect the first black President, but maybe not right now. If things were better, I'd take a chance on him.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 8:26:34 AM

GaGambler 2613 reads
5 / 13

so much more important than electing a Latino, or an Asian, or a Jew for that matter?

I wouldn't take a chance on Obama until he proved that he was worth taking a chance on.

I don't think he is going to be satified strutting around as if he's already POTUS, I think he may bypass POTUS, skip King, and go straight to Supreme Leader and God.

I have no idea if the linked article has any truth to it, but I found if amusing, if not a little scary however.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 8:42:26 AM

Harry5390 89 Reviews 1398 reads
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Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1519 reads
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johnhuntback 1731 reads
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It's no more nuts than people believing these whacko nut-job televangelists, like Benny Hinn, can heal people. It's one of the biggest con games going and people still send in thousands of dollars to these scumbags.

Timbow 1357 reads
9 / 13

Yea Lark News is all satire like the Onion .
A Christian web site that is not real news but meant to be funny :)

RightwingUnderground 1570 reads
10 / 13

For many many white Americans, there is a genuine feeling of guilt for black America. We can debate the honesty of their guilt and whether or not it was taught to them or it is genuine, but none the less I think their feeling is real.

RightwingUnderground 1384 reads
11 / 13

He is certainly pretentious, presumptuous and arrogant.  More and more people are now seeing this. A great deal of self confidence is a requirement to do many jobs including POTUS, but he wears it on his sleave.

It’s interesting how the same libs slammed GWB for being too sure of himself vis-a-vis his religion.

JW-Blue 1432 reads
12 / 13

His "jumpseat" already says "President Obama".

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 11:49:55 PM

Harry5390 89 Reviews 1315 reads
13 / 13

Maybe that's proof that I believe Dems will do or say anything to get elected. If Axelrod thought it would work, he'd say Obama could walk on water. Obama is the guy who said the oceans were going to stop rising because he is the nominee.

Or am I just covering up because I fell for it?

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