Politics and Religion

poverty level
followme 1696 reads

Poverty has reached its highest level in 45 years under our arrogant, condescending incompetent Elitist-in Chief.

2012 = GOP

The Romney administration will spend more money than the Obama administration.

Like you said this has been going on for 45yrs. You don't see it?

I could see voting for Romney just to say we are tired of the same ole same ole, but Romney is the same ole same ole.

Follow me = You follow now pray to your mormon jesus.

AnotherPerspective182 reads

Posted By: bigvern
The Romney administration will spend more money than the Obama administration.

Like you said this has been going on for 45yrs. You don't see it?

I could see voting for Romney just to say we are tired of the same ole same ole, but Romney is the same ole same ole.

Follow me = You follow now pray to your mormon jesus.

salonpas207 reads

........It has never let up, so of course it gets worse and worse and worse. Now the 1% want even more tax cuts to fuck the 99% even more.  

It's not Obama vs. Bush. It's the wealthy vs. the rest of us!

followme196 reads

When there is bad news, gas prices go up, poverty level goes up it is not obama’s fault.

But if it were the other way around the libs would be singing the praises of the incompetent
Elitist in Chief.

You’re welcome
2012 = GOP

nuguy46221 reads

it would seem logical to look at the problem like this:

The blamer-in-chief has been on his throne for over 3 years. poverty level continued to climb.
no one could determine the B-I-C had done a thing to address the poverty issue.

now the B-I-C wants 4 more years to fix all things he didn't in the first 4 years.

'nuf said, vote for the alternative.

of course, poverty is at it's highest level in 45 years. However, if you bother to look at the data, you'll find that poverty rates have skyrocketed since the Reagan administration (when Republicans started waging class war by fucking unions and giving rich people tax cuts).

Furthermore, poverty rates have been increasing non-stop since the Bush administration. Gee, think it could be because the rich have stolen all the fucking money?

followme172 reads

You posting on the tax payers dime, in the middle of the work day.

however I guess there is nothing else to do as you sit in the lobby of the welfare office waiting for you check.

You're welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Hey don't blame me for proving ya wrong.

by the way, SINCE WHEN did Republicans ever worry themselves about poverty?

nuguy46176 reads

what has he done - what's his plan - when and often does he talk about his ideas to fix -- i could go on forever......cut to the chase--- he's done nothing.

so give him 4 more years to do nothing?  good leftie logic, i guess.

DA_Flex287 reads

Are you so blind that you can't see the forest because on the trees.  This President saved the auto industry affecting thousands of jobs..not just from auto giants but their suppliers and those industries that support them. Romney and his ilk would've let them go under....why? Because those affected aren't his buddies in the financial industry.  The ones that put the economy in the mess that Obama has been trying to dig us out of.  You do remember that the entire world economy was on the brink of collapse.  He passed the stimulus that gave millions of middle class Americans tax breaks beyond the Bush tax cuts. The stimulus allowed manynstatesmto continue vital services and prevented the layoffs of thousands of workers. Don't tell me this president hasn't done anything because he's done a great deal to keep this country afloat despite the Republican party's singular opposition.  It was the Republicans that caused our credit rating to go down because they played games with our ability to pay our country's bills.

If you look at facts, it's clear who is providing leadership....

Posted By: nuguy46
what has he done - what's his plan - when and often does he talk about his ideas to fix -- i could go on forever......cut to the chase--- he's done nothing.

so give him 4 more years to do nothing?  good leftie logic, i guess.

followme214 reads

What I do, Where I work, who my employer is, the time of day I work on any given day. In fact you do not even know where I am right now and what time of day it is as I post this or any other post of mine. Therefore you posting implying that I am posting on my employers dime is stupid, uninformed and dishonest. But then again that is nothing new for you.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

of course, hypocrites never like being exposed.

followme128 reads

My entire post explained to you that I DO NOT POST ON MY EMPLOYERS DIME.

But since it was not spelled out in simple term you put your dishonest spin on it .

Perhaps the drugs are clouding your mind, which I do Not find to be an acceptable excuse.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug free GOP

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