Politics and Religion

Re: Sorry but you can't lay the blame for the Patriot Act soley at the feet of GWB
DA_Flex 424 reads

Gambler is correct on this one...I think there was only 1 vote in the Senate against this repugnant legislation.  The Dems were far too afraid of looking soft on terrorism to do the right thing.

Posted By: GaGambler
Unlike ObamaCare which was rammed through completely on party lines, The Patriot Act, although it is arguably at least the 2nd worst piece of legislation in modern American history (I rank it tied for last place along with Obamacare) was passed with almost universal support from both Dems and Reps alike.

You also can't just gloss over the fact that Obama extended the Patriot Act, so don't claim the Patriot Act is soley the fault of the GOP

randomvr3012446 reads

What kind of an illiterate and ignorant dumbs*it heads vote for this man?     Can only happen in a Republican Red State.

I remember the interview with the woman who was gaga over Obama and thought he was going to pay her bills and her mortgage.
    By the way Biden the buffoon just called Africa a nation. Imagine Palin saying that. But it's just good ole Joe being Joe. Those Democrats, just brilliant I tell ya! They're the smart ones

You Republicans have very short memories. Or, is it you intentionally try to forget him; Bush that is!   ;)

Yes all this from the party of family values, Americanism and high moral values. This is Southern values at it's finest!

A person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.

Now you know the real problem. Trying to hold onto the old in a evolving world is insanity at its best!

I lean conservative personally and don't wasteful spend my personal money.  I really don't give a shit if others need to drown themselves in debt personally to be good consumers.  I really don't give a shit if others want to have 5 babies with 5 different daddy's.  I really don't give a shit if gays want marriage rights.  I really don't give a shit if a woman wants an abortion.  I really don't give a shit if a person is so shame based they need religion.  I really don't give a shit a 50 year old man can't find a job so he applies for early Social Security disability.  

I do have a problem with my tax dollars being wasted on corporate welfare and don't prescribe to the Republicans thoughts the poor that need the safety net are bringing down our Empire.  I do know better that politics is for the few elite so they can consume more than us.  I do have a problem with my savings being siphoned to bailout the few that made bad business and banking decisons.  Why are they priviledged?

Also, who could forget Hank Johnson. LOL. Still gets elected to office.

-- Modified on 8/7/2014 10:10:41 PM

-- Modified on 8/7/2014 10:14:59 PM

Nuts!   Marion Barry never said he is a conservative,  never said he talks to God, never talked about any religion and never forced policies on others based on his religion, if he had one

Is that voters are not ignorant if they vote in a criminal or a moron, but are ignorant if they vote in a guy with religious beliefs.

Posted By: csekhar73
Nuts!   Marion Barry never said he is a conservative,  never said he talks to God, never talked about any religion and never forced policies on others based on his religion, if he had one.  

Dumb asses voting dumb asses voting to power over and over again? The drink talking point Koolaid and as long as they can have their guns, beer and women under their command, they are happy. Add, bit of bigotry, the equation works perfect, BSC Republicans, doesn’t it?

You don't have to be Republican to be a dumb ass. All the oppressive laws
have been passes by democrats.  Think and study. Stop listening to all
the manta and look around.
But, you won't. You will argue your point as you follow them right off a cliff

Is it EEO?

Social Security?



Workplace safety?

Hey clown, why not list the oppressive laws that Democrats have passed.   If not take a hike.

If you wanna see stupid, ignorant voters just take a look at who's in The White House. They elected this guy not once, but twice!
 By the way, this board is still the "king of comedy" in the internet world. All the bleeding heart liberal dung spewed here everyday continually has me rolling on the floor and shaking my head.

..........incompetent. We won't let you forget the mess that Bush II left behind.  Bush spent Trillions on a useless war, brought about the largest financial collapse since the Great Depression,  passed the Patriot Act.

GaGambler395 reads

Unlike ObamaCare which was rammed through completely on party lines, The Patriot Act, although it is arguably at least the 2nd worst piece of legislation in modern American history (I rank it tied for last place along with Obamacare) was passed with almost universal support from both Dems and Reps alike.

You also can't just gloss over the fact that Obama extended the Patriot Act, so don't claim the Patriot Act is soley the fault of the GOP

I rank it tied for last place along with Obamacare”. Who the fuck are you?

DA_Flex425 reads

Gambler is correct on this one...I think there was only 1 vote in the Senate against this repugnant legislation.  The Dems were far too afraid of looking soft on terrorism to do the right thing.

Posted By: GaGambler
Unlike ObamaCare which was rammed through completely on party lines, The Patriot Act, although it is arguably at least the 2nd worst piece of legislation in modern American history (I rank it tied for last place along with Obamacare) was passed with almost universal support from both Dems and Reps alike.

You also can't just gloss over the fact that Obama extended the Patriot Act, so don't claim the Patriot Act is soley the fault of the GOP

GW Bush:

1. Bankrupting tax cuts to wealthy
2. 2 unpaid wars running up debt of $4 trillion and counting
3. Worst financial, housing, jobs and economic collapse since 1930s
4. Torture and Wateboarding of detainees who were never charged with any crime

Finally in 2007/2008 7 million people lost their full time jobs,  401(k) and life savings wiped out.

He was not even elected, not once but twice.    Stole Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004.

Wanted for war crimes outside Europe along with his VP Dick Cheney.   The clowns cannot leave the country and go.    They will be arrested.

"Why could anyone vote Republican considering these things that I believe? HufPo says he hates women and they never lie!"

Maybe if you ever tried to defend your party's policies you'd realize no one has any reason to vote for a Democrat EVER unless they want freebies 'til the well runs dry. We do not want the country moving in the direction of Detroit. None of your lies about our candidates can change that.

nuguy46404 reads

6 years of Obama. A guy with no leadership skills. Doesn't know how to persuade Congress to do his bidding (time to stop demeaning everyone). Could go on forever but will save space. Carter loves Obama 'cause he freed him from the bottom of the lit of worst Presidents.

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