Politics and Religion

Re: So, religious freedom is only for christians
JohnyComeAlready 252 reads

Posted By: anonymousfun
 What a FUCK HEAD, you are.  
 Abrahamic religions are the curse of this world.
Are you telling me women would have the right to an abortion, if there was no story of Jesus Christ?

Everyone knows this is true.

I saw this and had to share...

This shirt is being sold as a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood.

I will give a dozen home-made chocolate chip cookies to any bro who buys this T-Shirt and tells everyone it's because they support women's reproductive rights...


You couldn't even get an abortion if it wasn't for Jesus.

Name the Religions which allow abortion.

Then list the ones that permit abortion. Apply that to the reality of the word around you. Then tell me what the dominant Religion needs to be. In order for abortion to remain "legal" in a world ruled by law.

Neither side likes the answer.

What a FUCK HEAD, you are.

Abrahamic religions are the curse of this world.

Posted By: anonymousfun
 What a FUCK HEAD, you are.  
 Abrahamic religions are the curse of this world.
Are you telling me women would have the right to an abortion, if there was no story of Jesus Christ?

Everyone knows this is true.

so for human beings will be able to live their lives without the fucked up guilt trips abrahamic religions put on their followers.  

Every goddamn thing any of their followers do has to be cleared priests, rabbis and mullahs who are mere mortals like everyone else.  

All three has a judgmental god, who judges on your every move.

Out of all Abrahamic Religions Christianity is the most liberal when it comes to women's reproductive rights

a fact that the opposing view conveniently chooses to ignore.

I'll buy it and wear it. But... you have to feed me the cookies in person when you are next in Philly!

The T Shirt is awesome and where can I get it

Of course the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with denying women access to ANY form of birth control, not even the 4 forms that Hobby Lobby refused to pay for. Since that fact hasn't stopped people from distorting the facts, I though I'd display another version of "fact" according to many.

86H13LTP369 reads

Planned Parenthood teaches minors how to be the best they can be at BDSM

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