Politics and Religion

Re: Sit down. I supported him
dncphil 16 Reviews 1224 reads

As you know, I have not been the biggest supporter of President Obama. However, I don't objected to his trying to get the Olympics.

First, the heart of the attack was that he shouldn't be globe trotting when he is needed "at home."

In fact, the President is ALWAYS 100% in touch with "the office."  He has a little more than a cell phone, and if Russia bombs New York and he is needed, they can usually find him pretty quickly, and he can receive any information he needs and communicate with any of his staff from anywhere in the world.

He is always "at work."  (For Bush haters, this is why you were so silly to complain about Bush taking August to go to Crawford.  Bush had a telephone also, and he was never away from the office in a real sense.  Hey, half of Washington is gone in August.  He would be lonely there. But everyone went bongos because he went to the Texas White House.)

Second, since the argument that he isn't at work fails, I don't object to him trying to use his image to get a billion dollar show case for the US.

I was in the Opening Ceremonies of the L.A. Olympics and it was fantastic. And it was the one time where they really paid for themselves because the city used existing facilities and didn't build anything significant. (I don't know if Chicago could do as well, but let them try.)

El Rushbo's wisdom is awesome.

BO goes off to Europe and steals the IOC's show, steals their moment in the sun, tries to tell them what to do and has his shrew of a wife along.

So they bitch slap him nice and hard. hahaha

-- Modified on 10/2/2009 7:15:41 PM

txtransplant775 reads

I have to admit that I don't see this as a failure of Mr. Obama or as a "rejection" of Mr. Obama.  I didn't feel his trip was necessary, but I do not see that Chicago not getting the bid was a slap at Mr. Obama.  

I truly feel the selection of Rio was to have the games in South America for the first time.

GaGambler1379 reads

and if it cost BO a little political capital and thus impeeds his ability to further socialize this country, that's ok too.

I think it is time that South America got an Olympics. Brazil is a beautiful, vibrant, thriving country and I couldn't think of a better location for the games.

I'm always amazed that conservatives will wish for America to loose just so they can bring Obama down. Maybe they're still licking their wounds from getting their asses handed to them in November.

What gets me is that when Bush was President any criticism of him or his policies was bordering on treason.  But with President Obama in office it's the "patriotic" thing to do?

kerrakles860 reads

South American continent never has held an Olympics. Olympics going to Rio is a no-brainer.

President Obama tried to push it for Chicago nothing wrong with that. Lula tried to push it over for Rio, nothing wrong with that either.

Rio is prettier city than Chicago any way. One beautiful place with beautiful beaches, good food and prettiest girls in the world.

A fair decision by the committee.

Geezer, your wisdom and Rush's wisdom is rests on stupid ideological hate.

All of BO's cronies back in chi-town were all excited and squirting in their pants; thinking about all the 6 and even 7 figure checks they were anticipating.

Oh, the pay to play and play to get paid would have been...AWESOME.  Selling blocks and blocks of slum-land at 8 times the true value. And all the union kickbacks.  And all the other pay to play and play to get paid games that go on in Chicago.

The funny part is that Chicago might have gotten the games if BO hadn't flown over there and strong armed them.

kerrakles1242 reads

All you want to do is unload on the President with you fucked up ideology.

No American city would have gotten it for 2016 when Rio is competing. IOC is an International Organization with International representation and voting. Every country participating in Olympics has a vote.

Brazil is up and coming country in the Southern hemisphere and on its way to becoming a world power on their own right if, they continue on this trajectory of growth.

US national debt was not created by the current President. Just want let you know. Not that you would understand that in your pea brain filled full of crap.

Unfettered greed did us in and it is going to take while to get it right.

See how history turns, now Brazil, once called a Banana Republic by us is loaning us money by buying our treasury notes and bonds. IMF and World bank dominated by US and W. Europe since WW II is propped up by BRIC countries and no longer dominated by US and W. Europe.

Times have changed and fortunately we have president who understands, appreciates and respects the emerging new world order. Geezers like you can only talk about the past, fantasize about it find fault with what this man is trying to do for the better of this country.  

As far as I am concerned the President gave it shot for his city and I President Obama is smart enough to know the chances of winning it for Chicago was less than 50%. If the selection was going to go to Japan or Spain, he wanted to make sure US had its chance.

In this case Brazil was a shoe in just like China was a shoe in for 2008.

RightwingUnderground1880 reads

In a little over 8 months the current President has presided over an increase in the National Debt to the tune of almost $1.3 TRILLION. That's an INCREASE in the debt of over 12%.


But yet, in your mind he had nothing to do with the increase.

GaGambler1239 reads

Kerrrakles, you have finally said something on "this" board with which I can agree completely.

Obama never had a chance with the IOC, nor would have Bush or anyone else for that matter. Rio was the obvious place for the next Olympics, it's a location to which I might actually go in 2016.

as part of our contempt for HIM. Leave the family out of your comments.

BO's attempt is easily seen as self-serving. END

Politics have no place in IOC decisions.

What if HITLER had been permitted an opinion?

GaGambler514 reads

Nobody forced her to make her racist and unamerican statements. Michelle Obama will always be just another spoiled, racist cunt to me. My contempt for her exceeds my disagreements with our current POTUS.

if she weren't in the position she is. Sometimes the best response to opposition is a 'KIND' word. And see how it PISSES them off. A greater benefit to kindness.

How Is GG this fine day?


zorff1055 reads

GAG launches into that same childish rant about Michelle Obama any time her name comes up here, and it never makes sense to anyone but him.  It's consistent, though.  All of his bullshit opinions are based entirely on -- well, his bullshit opinions.

at some point or another,share up an opinion that isn't bullshit. Hell,for that matter,most of what is regurgitated on these boards is not fit for human consumption.

While GG(and his choice of vernacular)is at times borderline 'R' rated, I really wouldn't want him to act any other way. I don't like people to be 'muffled'. Decorum on the other hand is an entirely diff. issue.

You seem to be in better spirits today. Get laid did ya'?

zorff1076 reads

This is true, but rarely does this type of tripe come so consistently from the same poster that one is able to immediately recognize the origins of the bullshit upon reading it.  Inevitably, when Michelle Obama comes up, The Gagger will repeat that post almost verbatim.  But I don't want him to act differently either, I think it's hilarious.  

I'm generally in great spirits.  I'm not sure why you think there's been a change.

GaGambler1433 reads

I am the one who is almost always in a great mood, and today is no different, except for the fact that I had to pass up going to Panama for the weekend to catch up on some paperwork.

Speaking of consistent tripe, your criticism of me is as consistent as my criticism of Michelle Obama.

zorff1071 reads

The difference, however, is that while your criticism of Mrs. Obama is based on some petty, almost effeminate resentment; my replies to your statements are based on my contempt for stupidity.  If you find that it's happening consistently, it's probably because you're a consistent dumbass.  

I don't internalize everything on this board the way that you do, so my mood will never really be evident in my posts.  Not everyone is too much of a pussy to express themselves in real life to real people.  I'm glad you're comfortable letting your feelings fly around here, though.  lol.

What a fucking joke.  

-- Modified on 10/3/2009 8:07:19 AM

of this 'COIN' be catagorized? Effeminate resentment; please. That one is way too easy.

GaGambler1667 reads

GG is doing just fine this morning.

I have to admit, I have no kind words for Michelle Obama. IMO she epitomizes the "entitlement generation." She was the beneficiary of AA and through the help of the taxpayers has been able to live a life of luxury, but up until recently she had no pride in this country and still portrayed herself as a victim, despite her mid six digit income.

How is OSP this fine Saturday morning?

As you know, I have not been the biggest supporter of President Obama. However, I don't objected to his trying to get the Olympics.

First, the heart of the attack was that he shouldn't be globe trotting when he is needed "at home."

In fact, the President is ALWAYS 100% in touch with "the office."  He has a little more than a cell phone, and if Russia bombs New York and he is needed, they can usually find him pretty quickly, and he can receive any information he needs and communicate with any of his staff from anywhere in the world.

He is always "at work."  (For Bush haters, this is why you were so silly to complain about Bush taking August to go to Crawford.  Bush had a telephone also, and he was never away from the office in a real sense.  Hey, half of Washington is gone in August.  He would be lonely there. But everyone went bongos because he went to the Texas White House.)

Second, since the argument that he isn't at work fails, I don't object to him trying to use his image to get a billion dollar show case for the US.

I was in the Opening Ceremonies of the L.A. Olympics and it was fantastic. And it was the one time where they really paid for themselves because the city used existing facilities and didn't build anything significant. (I don't know if Chicago could do as well, but let them try.)

Snowman39904 reads

We have an unemployment rate that keeps skyrocketing, a national debt that is soaring, a recession that shows little sign of recovery and a war in Afghanistan which is being escalted under his watch and soldires are still dying.
A heatlth care refrom debate which will reshape abotu 17% of our economy....

In his judgement what is the best use of his time?

To fly half way around the globe to kiss some IOC ass??

WTF!!! Bitch about GWB all you want, this guy is proving to be  major MORON!! Talk about not seeing the big picture!!

In addition, it's not that Rio won. It was definately the right choice.

It's the fact that Chicago got kicked out in the FIRST ROUND!! To me, that was a signal to Obama that the international community is no buying what he is shoveling!!!

that of course would never be answered. . .

Would he have done it for any city other than Chicago?

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