Politics and Religion

Re: Schwarzenegger says open to serving as Obama's 'energy czar'
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1509 reads

"Schwarz" actually means "black "  [and some times "dark" depending upon idiomatic phraseology] in German.

for example, the ever popular Black Forest is "Schwarzwalder."  [So, when I amble over to the German bakery and ask fot "Schwarwalder Cake" the exhauseted middle-aged frau behind the counter shakes her head in contempt and can barely hide her disgust and impatience.]

inriguing, no?

in fact, a little phrase you may have heard along the way,  "Der Schwarzer" means "the black one" but with a distinctly negative N-word  connotation attached to it.

Arnold's last name is just one letter away from being a variation of a "N" WORD in the last 6 letters.  I for one will not stand for this!  Lets keep Bar(eb)ack's campaign pure of Schwarze anything.  Jews must stay hands-off of our minorities, even if they are using an Austrian surrogate.  Don't think I don't see what's going on.  Republican dirty tricks, that's what.  I declare shenanigans.

"Schwarz" actually means "black "  [and some times "dark" depending upon idiomatic phraseology] in German.

for example, the ever popular Black Forest is "Schwarzwalder."  [So, when I amble over to the German bakery and ask fot "Schwarwalder Cake" the exhauseted middle-aged frau behind the counter shakes her head in contempt and can barely hide her disgust and impatience.]

inriguing, no?

in fact, a little phrase you may have heard along the way,  "Der Schwarzer" means "the black one" but with a distinctly negative N-word  connotation attached to it.

As a lady who spends a condsiderable amount of time in California and who once was governed under the Arnold regime, I must say that it would be nice to be able to rename our politicians when they come into power..the state and nation should have a special naming cermony when a politican takes oath and the people should vote on a special name they would like to bestow upon their leader when he comes into office!--LOL
Sitara Devi

Interesting info.  I still think there is something Jewish going on, especially since they control the world.  Schwarz certainly sounds Jewish, but at least it is foreign, and that's always suspect.

controls the oil....

but hey, Obama is accused of having a muslim father and Arnold of having a Nazi father...

go figure.

Timbow2220 reads

You really need to watch a person's words more carefully. Arnold did not say he would be open to be the energy czar for Obama he only said he would talk with him on the phone :)

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