Politics and Religion

Re: Rush - $2,100,100 Democratic Senators - 0
tothemoon 5 Reviews 2403 reads
1 / 18

It's amazing how incompetent our Legislative Branch of Government is.  The majority party is a complete embarrassment and the minority party does nothing.  On the bright side, the attempted abuse of power by the Democratic Senators has led to $4.2 million going to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation.  Go Rush!

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1808 reads
3 / 18

donations.... with his little "we" speech and his suggestion to find out "more" to go to Harry Reid .com.....   wow!  the BALLS on that guy!

MartinBlank 1356 reads
4 / 18

Perhaps he can make fun of the way more disabled children speak.  That's always great for a laugh.

It's a great thing that this money came in, but he is an ass.  I listen to him all day talking about how the "drive-by" media is ignoring how great he is, and what he's doing for the people, but I had already read about the stupid story on every site known to man.  He lives in a fantasy world where he is the god.

Pepe56 32 Reviews 2690 reads
5 / 18

Why do you listen everyday? Normally it takes about 6 weeks to get it. Some people never do. We call them far left wing loons. Are you one of those or do you just need more time to get it?

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2146 reads
6 / 18

about the idiotic manner in which Reid et al attempted to do a character assasination - and when it backfired, they have the balls to claim a victory... yea... right - as I have said so many times... both sides sicken me.  BOTH.  

And I don't listen to Rush.  Long ago I came to the conclusion that he speaks outta both sides of his mouth - and has little compassion for others... and that bothers me most.

MartinBlank 2071 reads
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Well, no offense, but if it takes you 6 weeks of listening to something for a few hours a day to "get it" you might just be retarded.  The guy isn't talking rocket science.

I listen mostly for the comedic effect, same with Hannity.  

Hairupmyass 1838 reads
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not a chance - it's a fucking certainty.

Pepe56 32 Reviews 1279 reads
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Say good bye to the idiots in power at the moment.Cheers for 11/08

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 1759 reads
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I don't even know you, so thanks for your first communication with me being an insult that you are not qualified to make, as you don't know me at all and have no idea why I use my moniker.  And, gosh...you are SUCH a funny guy!  Ha ha HAHAHAHA!  NOT!

On the other hand, my sister died from the effects of Parkinsons, so I know gasbag Limboff was full of shit when he did his smear job on Michael J. Fox a while back...and he is likely reading all of this as we speak, given his appreciation of Viagra (which I highly doubt was all for whatever woman would be money hungry enough to shut her eyes and ears and fuck him...brrrrr!...on a regular basis.

So nice to see this newfound civility on the board from you newbies.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1408 reads
13 / 18

The person is strong - and has proven themselves to be able to take serious blows to the ego and keep their cool.

This candidate would, I believe, pay attention to the need to examine many policies that I believe need attention (education, health care, Immigration and National security).

Finally, this candidate is an independant thinker.  

This person has flaws - and those too - trouble me... but since we are forced to vote for the lesser of evils, well, I guess this is my choice.

Daenar 1 Reviews 1283 reads
14 / 18

Hehe. Sure, Ditto-heads call anyone who thinks differently than Rush a left-wing loon. That's just part of the whole thing. It's a tribal response. People listen to a drum beating leader type guy on the radio saying aggressive things that seem to make sense (if you don't stop to think for a few minutes) and then are encouraged to band together by this leader to 'oppose' those who disagree with him calling them all sorts of names to try to diminish their impact, regardless of whether or not what they are saying makes sense, or is based on truth.

Rush is a bully. He reminds me of all of the posturing bullies I have met in my life: Loud but with little thought behind their words and actions.

Honestly, I could care less WHAT his politics are with regard to how he puts himself across (although he is way off, in my opinion). What turned me off to Rush early on back when he was very new was his complete lack of interest in actually being accurate.

But then, he is in the business of leading people around by the nose so he can raise listenership, and thus make more money. So he isn't going to change his formula.

When will you guys realize.. he doesn't care AT ALL about you, about our country, about ANYTHING except making the bucks? He just tossed in with the 'conservatives' (and hey, lets be honest. There isn't ANYTHING conservative about this guy. He couldn't conserve anything unless you paid him) because he saw early on that it was the wave going forward, so he could hitch his star to the right wing and make big dinero. SCORE, when President Bush said he was a 'National treasure'. Eesh.

Ah well.

WillieTheBarTender 1878 reads
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in America!  Independent of any confirmation of facts, I mean.

Pepe56 32 Reviews 1468 reads
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Daenar 1 Reviews 2278 reads
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And here it is folks, the absolutely beautiful "Nope, YOU'RE wrong" statement made by Ditto heads everywhere.

It reminds me of grammar school "No YOU'RE a big fat loser" type arguments.

They always do this by the way; mindlessly negate comments from a trumped up 'morally superior' position, without going into any reasons. They also attack on their weakness. Quite smart of them because it diminishes retorts. Oh they also do absolute truckloads of name calling, and boxing in things with snarky humor.

I'd write a paper about it if I was a cultural psychology grad student.

I don't respond to bullying by backing down, and I recommend no one else does either.

Pepe56 32 Reviews 2996 reads
18 / 18

Yup your right. I am a Ditto head and proud of it. It took me allot longer to understand what Rush was teaching that the 6 weeks he recommends. I have been a listener for the entire 20 years. Thank God I found the show and thank God for FOX and Sean and Bill. I can't imagine what this country would be like if we did not have these dedicated people telling us the truth. Hopefully SanFran will fall into the sea  and Colorado will be sucked into a sink hole soon. As for you Vermont I am finished with your tasty maple syrup. As for the NYT, good riddance to you and all you other drive by media associate companies spewing lies on a daily basis.
Come on loons, get your cannon out and fire away, I love reading your ignorance.

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