Politics and Religion

Re: ROTFLMFAO!!!regular_smile
tjrevisted 1581 reads

Its your/our GOVT, that has devised this plan, not me...and you cant deny ALL our kids educated in the public sachool system, HAVE ALL READY BEEN INDOCTRINATED, and learned an inconvinient truth, NON-CONTESTED...Even though more scientists in the world, DONT BELIEVE in climate change, THAN DO..

That alone is suspicious..And what a great cause, ''to save the world'' ..and how THIS ISSUE ALONE, can take all our/your rights to everything, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO OWN PROPERTY!!!!..AND THIS (climate change, shit) IS A MAJOR UN AGENDA..My eyes are open, AND IM THINKING MATTRADD...no offense, BUT YOU SHOULD TRY BOTH

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 9:06:48 AM

lets say you are a 300lb whisky guzzling chain smoking 57 year old hobbyist who has chronic heart disease who won't take his heart meds because he needs to take  ED meds for his twice weekly sessions with TJ. Lets say this morning you are feeling chest pains. lets say you have the new BO insurance plan, you show up at the ER with the chest pain complaint, do you think you will be leaving the hospital alive?

tjrevisted1339 reads

First and formost let me point out how charlie, NEVER has anything to say about any oppinion I lend, and always attacks me personaly!!! Politics is a blood sport, I know charlie, and your to stupid to come together as americans, for the future of our country..what this admin is doing has taken politics past being a blood sport IMO, and is deviding the STRONG American people so we can be weak, and this far left radical, anti-american agenda cant be de-railed..UNLESS WE STAND FIRM, AND TOGETHER, and they KNOW what theyre doing by deviding us the way they are..

They are playing race politics, class politics, and just making the average, non thinking joe, hate people they wouldnt normally hate..In order to keep us americans devidied, and MOST of you arent bright enough to spot this

--Ps..Charlie while you say I dont think for myself...ITS OBVIOUS I DO..VERY OBVIOUS, I was THE ONLY FREEDOM LOVING BARRACK BASHING AMERICAN ON THIS BOARD MONTHS AGO..Now look, THEYRE ARE OTHERS..and my support is growing..You asshole

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 7:05:32 AM

Capitalist country no matter which side of the politics you are on.
Rule of thumb: If there is profit involved then there are capitalist interests at stake. From my point of view all capitalists are the same.

Capitalists could care less about rights, liberty and freedom as long as those things don't interfere with profit. You should be more concerned about religion taking those things away from you.

tjrevisted1395 reads

I am worried, ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER RELIGION,that the GOVT is going to impose on the WHOLE WORLD, taking all the things I love from me..
While I worship the earth and give up my car, home, and all things that make life livable, away from me to save the world and globe from phooney bongnia climate change..The new world religion will be to worship the world, which we saved..IMO...


kerrakles1857 reads

Can you give us 10 names for starters?

You are a conspiracy theorist? You say government is doing this, that and other and claim you are the foremost patriot in the country. How can that be? or Are you just attacking the government because Obama is the POTUS or democrats have majority in the Congress and Senate.

If that is the case, then; "the real conspiracy was hatched, people lied to and executed incompetently by your beloved previous administration".

You are just taking page out of their playbook, they did the same things. Everyone that didn't agree with them were Unpatriotic, and Uninformed. You kept the first one but you call people that doesn't agree with your brainless post, stupid.

GaGambler1568 reads

Your hatred of all things Republican are not unlike TJ's ravings about Obama. At least TJ occassionally makes a point if you can sift through all the hystrionics to actually find it.

You Otoh do nothing but hurl accusations and insults about anything and everything anyone from the Republican side of the aisle says or does. You, like TJ need to get a little balance. The Right is not all evil, nor is the Left all good or vice versa.

tjrevisted1904 reads

Not all right or all left is evil, BUT FAR LEFT,
and radical, is evil and bad!!! I dont hate all things democrat, i hate all things far left though, or atleast Im starting to realize that about myself, Ive never been alive through a president like this, all though I hear/read all about the other one we had, that went my the name of roosevelt..I prolly wouldnt have liked him much either, But I do have a REAL fear Barrack will finish us off, and change us forever from the America we all know and love..and Im not ready for that, or willing..

Democrat not bad, BUT, LIBRAL = AWFUL...
Libral in my head is defined as radical and far left, and in my head, ITS VERY BAD, for America..But their are a few good democrats, and a few good republicans, BUT MOST OF THEM ARE SO CORRUPT, they would sell our soul, to get a buck

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 2:59:27 PM

The exteme left is evil but the Rightwingers are ok.  It may be argued that the last 8 years was on the the most corrupt administration in recent history.  Warrentless wiretaps, and a misguided war. The GOP said government is bad but doled out government contracts without bids and stock tripled.  Good for stockholder but bad for American taxpayers.  We had the nerve the financed a "private army" who made 650.00 an hour while the average soldier who did the real fighting still struggled to make ends meet. Futhermore, we had a AG office that was corrupt and packed it with religious zealots.  

Now, TJ give me ONE instance were Obama had tried to take over indiviual right that can't be challenged in the court.  Remember, we have a conservative Federal court system, so unless you can find instance where Obama want to "pack the court" ala FDR.  Or show one law propopsed that mirrors the Defense of Marriage Act, which were written in the same language as segregationist a generation ago.  Politicians are evil, left and right and once you get your head around that, then real change can occur in this country.  The chicken little running around is not enough - wheres the beef?

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 4:09:12 PM

tjrevisted1658 reads

For proof to this, you need LOOK no further than the bankruptcy of chrysler and GM..one way the law was broke and peoples rights took, IS ALSO BOTH THOSE CASES...Where the secured investors, DIDNT GET THEIR MONEY, and OUR CORRUPT, AND LIBRAL FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM, and president looked out for the union..That was SIMPLE, and their is more if you want it..You cant handle the truth, or you dont see it?

and I DIDNT LIKE BUSH EITHER, Im from the school, THAT MOST OF OUR POLITICIANS ARE CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH, and that odrama is continuing Bush's agenda,k? Ive allready had to wake up to the republican party being bad, HERE IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL..

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 4:19:02 PM

"Now, TJ give me ONE instance were Obama had tried to take over indiviual right that can't be challenged in the court."

    That is EXACTLY what his current position is with respect to dangerous alien detainees as I complain about in my post above.

      And please don't say you were referring to citizens as opposed to aliens. As  Yossarian said - after complaining that the Germans were trying to kill him every time he dropped bombs on them and was told "they are trying to kill everybody" -

"what difference does that make?"

but I do believe the pragnatic Obama would like our Courts to determine what happens to these detainee instead his direct policies.  He knows that overall Americans do not like Gitmo but equally hate "terrorist". An example of that was the reaction the uygher being released in Virginia, even after it was proven that they were not anti-American and posed no threat.  

He is in a tough position and with heathcare and Global warming battles ahead, Obama do not want to be in a constitutional battle that will enentually will be settled by the courts anyway.

GaGambler1298 reads

It's easy to make campaign promises like "hope and change", but the reality is completely different. He also campaigned on "openness" and we see how well that is working. lol

I think he saw intelligence that scared him shitless and Cheney basically made certain that the public will blame him if we are attacked if we changed any policy.  Nevertheless all campaigns are rhetoric of sorts, remember Bush compassionate conservative bull

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 9:56:56 PM

kerrakles1176 reads

Reading your post Hannity, you have joined TJ.

I do not like Republicans, they selfish, self-centered, unscientific, take the backward to 17th century, religious bigots.

There is plenty to blame republicans and I will continue to do so every chance I get, especially against you right wing nut jobs, who think they are more patriotic and right for the country.

So, if you don't like it know it all white knight, GFY.

kerrakles1525 reads

You are correct, when republicans open their mouths, rubbish comes out! So, what's your problem?

Who the hell knows if I would or wouldn't, now or under any new plan proposed by Congress and the President. But, thanks for the great laugh. What a picture you've painted!?!:)

tjrevisted1582 reads

Its your/our GOVT, that has devised this plan, not me...and you cant deny ALL our kids educated in the public sachool system, HAVE ALL READY BEEN INDOCTRINATED, and learned an inconvinient truth, NON-CONTESTED...Even though more scientists in the world, DONT BELIEVE in climate change, THAN DO..

That alone is suspicious..And what a great cause, ''to save the world'' ..and how THIS ISSUE ALONE, can take all our/your rights to everything, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO OWN PROPERTY!!!!..AND THIS (climate change, shit) IS A MAJOR UN AGENDA..My eyes are open, AND IM THINKING MATTRADD...no offense, BUT YOU SHOULD TRY BOTH

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 9:06:48 AM

You keep forgetting that I'm the one who knows you're just putting on an act. You are a caricature, and not to be taken seriously, whatsoever.

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 9:13:13 AM

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 9:14:20 AM

tjrevisted1281 reads

And I guess it was the thinking part, and how I suggested you should try it more..that offended you...YOU KNOW YOU READ MY POSTS..You replyed to one of them, YOU LIAR..But I shouldnt be taken seriously..Im one of the people on this board WHO SAY IT LIKE I SEE IT..

Thats the more reason, to take me seriously..You are just a sheepish follower..Who lies..lol

FACT...ONE WORLD RELIGION AND CLIMATE CHANGE ARE MAJOR UN AGENDA'S AND SHOULD START BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY, especially because our president LOVES THE UN... (thats why barrack is always sayn ''America IS NOT  a christian nation'') WHEN BY THE NUMBERS, we ARE!!! He is pleasing his UN bosses..Duhhh, NOW THATS, ME, THINKN ..:@

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 10:27:12 AM

Because under profit-less medicine, the cost of providing care is weighed against the amount of taxes you'll be paying over the rest of your productive life.

And, under such dialectical materialist schemes, your productive life is not measured in wisdom, happiness or anything else but ECONOMICS.

Therefore, your 57 year old body will be parked in order to take care of the hangnail of a 21 year old; and you will die.

However, after twice-weekly sessions with TJ you will absolutely die HAPPY.


The health care industry "is for profit." If they can't make a profit off you, or find someone else to foot your bill, guess what's going to happen? I've worked the health care industry, and with insurance companies for many years, and I know how the cull out those that are not making them a profit.

So the real issue is not private coverage=unlimited coverage vs. government supported coverage=limited coverage. The issue is, who do you trust to limit your coverage. The answer should be neither, and each person should take responsibility for their own health. The example Charlie gave is a good one not to follow. Using preventative health strategies can lower the odds of you being expendable to either the for profit insurance group, or the government run health group. And, if everyone did so, how many trillions of dollars do you think could be saved in health costs?

tjrevisted1445 reads

I hve NEVER disagreed with you, and always said I agree with you when you talk about the capitalist lackys running our country today..I know how capitalism works too..So you need to go on with your bad self, on that subject, and get over it..

Capitalist, caPitalize, PERIOD...Even after they have re-distributed the wealth into ONLY their hands..Because we the people are capital too, THEY WILL JUST START CAPITALIZING ON US.. We agree there..OK?

ps..MATRADD I DONT CARE TO CLICK ON YOUR POSTS ANYMORE...So just stop..xOxO, and i bet curriousity wont kill this cat (like it did you)..Cause IM SURE SATISIFACTION WONT BRING THIS CAT, BACK (if I do)..and I hate dumbing myself down to COMPREHEND, your anti freedom attitude

-- Modified on 7/8/2009 10:17:07 AM

"And, under such dialectical materialist schemes, your productive life is not measured in wisdom, happiness or anything else but ECONOMICS."

Since when did capitalist measure anything but profits?

"Therefore, your 57 year old body will be parked in order to take care of the hangnail of a 21 year old; and you will die."

A better comparison would a mother of 5 with cancer.

You think we disagree where we don't. I'm obviously not a supported of the big capitalists who run our federal reserve system, the incestuous relationship between corporate special interests and legislators, etc.

But here is a great thing. Yes, capitalists want profits. And, frankly, some would even KILL for those profits -- it has been shown over and over again.

However, a pretty fair semblance of moral behavior can be enforced by torts against private individuals responsible for harming someone.

Ideally, people would behave simply because that's the right thing to do, but that's not how the world works. But putting the sword of legal liability over their heads enforces a great deal of moral behavior.

But -- guess what? You can't do that to the government. Certainly not on a substantial scale. And even if you could, it wouldn't matter as the government would simply turn around and tax the people who it had wronged in order to pay them.

So there is no real adverse consequence to government; and thus no practical way to enforce moral behavior.

So while I am entirely aware of the nature of corporate greed; I still support profit motive (combined with liability) as the best approach to obtain moral behavior.

But this is where GOP principles about free market is cancelled out by its rhetoric.  Other than unions, who do Conservative hate the most...Trial Lawyers, who bring class actions suits.  Big business know that if I am injured that on average, one indiviuals can't really stop adverse actions - if its still profitable. So the Bush people limit class action suits in 2005 by keeping them from the state people and the people.  based on this, yoiu can be killed and your family get a million ( wjich is the limit is Maryland for an example) but how many will die before a becomes no longer profitable, I say a hell of a lot.

tjrevisted2319 reads

Conservatives, hard core conservatives, HATE, the liberals That formed them, and the same librals who did EVERYTHING else we hate, are the same librals, that become trial lawyers..lol

So what you are saying that they do not hate trial lawyers when they are doing their bidding?Huh...Sounds a bit hypocritical.

tjrevisted1438 reads

Im kinda done with the blame game..Cuase the longer we let the treasonous shit go on, WE THE PEOPLE, we Americans..ITS BECOMING OUR FAULT, theyre only doing what we let them get away with..Hyprocisy, lies, deciet, and taxation, COME FROM ALL SIDES..

Playing the blame game, or accusastions of hypocracy are beyond me..I try not to be hypocritical in my own politics..I stand for what I stand for, PERIOD...There is no, if you do this for me, Ill do this for you, to change my core values and beliefs, I cant be bought (well, YES I CAN) but you know what I mean, I hope..

-- Modified on 7/9/2009 11:20:02 AM

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