Politics and Religion

Re: Romney won the independents by a large margin, you idiot
randomvr301 533 reads

They are depending upon the Government even before BHO became President!   Dubiya added another 8 million when he crashed the economy in 2008.    

Mitt the Witt only won the angry FOX news viewers!   LMAO.     Independents are the brainless minority who will be extinguished in the next 2 elections once the booming Asian and Hispanic voter demographics increase.

Does not matter who the Republican nominee is for the next several elections, he will not get more than 205 - 208 electoral votes.    I left out 'she' as it will never happen.

randomvr3012730 reads

Will be the first woman and a grandmother to be elected 45th President of the United States.

You said she "Will be the first woman and a grandmother to be elected 45th President of the United States."

I would like to respectfully point out that who ever wins will become the first person to be elected 45th President of the United States.  No one else in the history of the world has been the 45th president.

I will concede that if she wins she will make history by being the first woman and grandmother.  Both very important qualifications for the office

or Paul. i doubt Romney wil run again.Ryan might though. heaven forbid ANOTHER Bush runs(Jeb) althought he could actually win it.

 i think it will be...

Posted By: csekhar73
Will be the first woman and a grandmother to be elected 45th President of the United States.
-- Modified on 9/28/2014 9:24:48 AM

Chris Christie from NJ. If he picks the right VP i.e.,someone with foreign policy experience, Mrs. Rice perhaps, his chances will be even better.  

for those who think the VP pick doesn't matter. I have two words for you. Sarah Palin

That will linger over her. Plus her tie into the Bush Admin isn't good on anyone's resume.

she would be an excellent choice notwithstanding. She can get past it. first female VP AND a minority is a +

Hillary Clinton is gonna have to get past the Benghazi ordeal as well.

Posted By: hpygolky
That will linger over her. Plus her tie into the Bush Admin isn't good on anyone's resume.

That is still lingering on. Benghazu has been setlle except for the Repub that like to keep it in the news. The public will figure this out, plus Ms. Rice is now picking football games, shit she may like that more, unless she picks an 9-3 Standford for the BCS final 4 , then she'll have some serious problems.

The average person has never even heard about it.

Which was written by the same OP. I find it difficult to mention Libya with out mentioning Benghazi.  


Posted By: hpygolky
That is still lingering on. Benghazu has been setlle except for the Repub that like to keep it in the news. The public will figure this out, plus Ms. Rice is now picking football games, shit she may like that more, unless she picks an 9-3 Standford for the BCS final 4 , then she'll have some serious problems.

To win the nomination of the GOP, a candidate has to be way over to the right.  But a candidate on the exstream right can't win in the General Election when indepenants and moderates are the majority of voters.

he's not  a religious conservative nutbag.

GaGambler486 reads

Or even Romney for that matter, both of those candidates were considered "too moderate" to ever win the nomination.

What is ironic is that both of these candidates won the nomination as moderates and then tried to "prove" they were actually "true conservatives" in the GE. A very stupid strategy indeed, with predictable results. I hope Obama sent them both thank you cards for running such stupid campaigns.

They ran as "true conservative" in their primary and switch slightly to moderate in the general elections. Tried that "Etch a Skech" thing for the General election. But I could be wrong. Either way, the GOP ain't got nobody that can win in a GE over Clinton.

GaGambler482 reads

Which is exactly why Obama should be sending both McCain and Romney, both known as moderates, who for some unknown reason tried to prove their conservative chops during the GE. Two of the dumbest campaigns I can remember in my entire life.

As for the Hildabeast, 2016 is a long ways off. She looked like a shoo in back in 2008 as well, and didn't even win the nomination. Hillary has got a lot of baggage, if a Republican version of her husband were to come along, she may prove to be quite beatable.

They had to kiss the Far Right Ass, to get the nomination, then tried to be a moderate in the General Election.  But by then they had lost the moderate voters.

It was the government dependent and dead voters that pushed Obama over the top.

Posted By: Makwa
They had to kiss the Far Right Ass, to get the nomination, then tried to be a moderate in the General Election.  But by then they had lost the moderate voters.  

They are depending upon the Government even before BHO became President!   Dubiya added another 8 million when he crashed the economy in 2008.    

Mitt the Witt only won the angry FOX news viewers!   LMAO.     Independents are the brainless minority who will be extinguished in the next 2 elections once the booming Asian and Hispanic voter demographics increase.

Does not matter who the Republican nominee is for the next several elections, he will not get more than 205 - 208 electoral votes.    I left out 'she' as it will never happen.

I being an Independent liked Romney in his core. But when he changed during the primary to conservative then I figure this guy had no guts and he lost me. But then again, if he would have stay to who he really is, he wouldn't have won the GOP nomination.

I haven't heard anything about this amazing  "gentle man",   Dr Ben Carson,  who is probably the most diplomatic of anyone I have ever heard speak to the/an opposition,  without changing his fundamental principles,  and whether you like it or not,  a flip flopper does not make a quality Commander in Chief.  Someone who listens to the upper echelons of our armed services,  our pecuniary system and most of all to "We the People",  is what we in the UNITED STATES of America needs right now.  Not people who divide the colors,  divide the sexes,  divide religion,  someone who can bring us all together as one,  as we were meant to be by the Founding Fathers  

There is soo much more to be said about this "gentle man",  but being as time is short for me right now,  I suggest reading One Nation and seeing/reading The Gifted Hands  (about Dr Carson years of growing up,  and finally onto being the first person to separate conjoined twins at the brain,  back in the eighties,  when he was a  young man),  along with several other books he and his lovely/talented wife Candy wrote together.

Well, I suppose,  if you can't tell by now,  I am totally enamored by this "gentle man" and I believe,  he is someone who can bring us together as a nation and as a people.  If he does decide to run,  I would definitely do my part,  however small it might, to "bang the drum" for this gentleman.

I especially like this dialogue between Dr Carson and Rev Jackson

One more video about Rev Sharpton  (I do use Rev lightly),  but it also shows the equanimity of Dr Carson when speaking about something/someone he takes adversity with

This is my humble opinion and if the S/P's would please tread lightly  LOL,  a girl can only wish

Not even is the broadest sense of the term can anyone concider Dr. Carson a moderate.

Unlike the current wet behind his huge ears smartest man in the room.  

Raw intelligence is over rated.

Posted By: sassyfla
I haven't heard anything about this amazing  "gentle man",   Dr Ben Carson,  who is probably the most diplomatic of anyone I have ever heard speak to the/an opposition,  without changing his fundamental principles,  and whether you like it or not,  a flip flopper does not make a quality Commander in Chief.  Someone who listens to the upper echelons of our armed services,  our pecuniary system and most of all to "We the People",  is what we in the UNITED STATES of America needs right now.  Not people who divide the colors,  divide the sexes,  divide religion,  someone who can bring us all together as one,  as we were meant to be by the Founding Fathers  
 There is soo much more to be said about this "gentle man",  but being as time is short for me right now,  I suggest reading One Nation and seeing/reading The Gifted Hands  (about Dr Carson years of growing up,  and finally onto being the first person to separate conjoined twins at the brain,  back in the eighties,  when he was a  young man),  along with several other books he and his lovely/talented wife Candy wrote together.  
 Well, I suppose,  if you can't tell by now,  I am totally enamored by this "gentle man" and I believe,  he is someone who can bring us together as a nation and as a people.  If he does decide to run,  I would definitely do my part,  however small it might, to "bang the drum" for this gentleman.  
 I especially like this dialogue between Dr Carson and Rev Jackson  
 One more video about Rev Sharpton  (I do use Rev lightly),  but it also shows the equanimity of Dr Carson when speaking about something/someone he takes adversity with  
 This is my humble opinion and if the S/P's would please tread lightly  LOL,  a girl can only wish.  

No Republican candidate will win the big blue states in the NE, West Coast, Midwest, VA and CO to get enough electoral votes.    For the foreseeable feature a Republican candidate will be stuck with 180 -205 electoral votes.

the other side is obsessed with it. same thing happened with the word "radical" during the 2008 race.  

Just like the "no WMD" with my side.

Regardless of what you think happened, there is one benefit to the United States in Benghazi.

For the first time in the history of the U.S. the voters will be able to see exaclty how a candidate acts in times of emergency and stress.  In the past, no president has ever faced that type of situation before becoming president.  

Bush never had to deal with 9-11, Obama never had to deal with ISIS, Clinton never had to deal with the first World Trade Center Bombing until they became president.

Now, all that she has to do is reveal everything that she did from the first phone call at 3:00 a.m.  

Regardless of whether you like her or not, it would be a good thing to see exactly how she reacts in a crisis.

Of course, that depends on them opening the records, but for the most open admin in history, that is no problemo.

I don't know what to call it, but at least it is an emergency.  
Do you not think that a U.S. facility under attack by hostile forces is an emergency?  
When that happens, and they are storming our facility (with the ultimate goal of killing our people) wouldn't it be nice to know how someone in charge reacted?  
Or is it just irrelevant who someone acted when things happened that required a response immediately.

Person X was in charge (or second in command as secretary of state) when a consulate was attacked.  

Person X had an important role is how we reacted during the attack on the United States, since a counsulate is U.S. territory.

Person X is running for a position where X would be deciding how to react in case U.S. facitlities were attacked.

Other than a conclusory "can't disagree more," why would it not be good to know how X acts in times of crisis?

Of course, you may not care how the leader acts when the U.S. is attacked, in which case it makes sense not to wonder how the leader would react.

no, not another "radical" again. just nonsense.

Posted By: User1994
The Left will be begging people to talk about Benghazi.

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