Politics and Religion

Re: Retrospective Riffing on Racism: Set the Wayback Machine to the 60's... and Tom Lehrer!
Voyze A Da Homeboyz 1291 reads

What about the father's, brothers, sons, uncles and the like of the chocolate ladies?  Do you like us?  Or are you too busy exploiting and objectifying our women?

News flash -- chocolate ladies who have been with the white man usually goof on them behind their back.  

Think that's the case with you?

The lyrics are dated, but the message is still as fresh and vibrant as ever, resonating with a populace bursting at the seams with emotional discord. And now, Tom Leher:

One week of every year is designated National Brotherhood Week. This is just one of many such weeks honoring various worthy causes. One of my favorites is National Make-fun-of-the-handicapped Week which Frank Fontaine and Jerry Lewis are in charge of as you know. During National Brotherhood Week various special events are arranged to drive home the message of brotherhood. This year, for example, on the first day of the week Malcolm X was killed which gives you an idea of how effective the whole thing is. I'm sure we all agree that we ought to love one another and I know there are people in the world that do not love their fellow human beings and I hate people like that. Here's a song about National Brotherhood Week.

Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks.
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule.

But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
Lena Horne and Sheriff Clarke are dancing cheek to cheek.
It's fun to eulogize
The people you despise,
As long as you don't let 'em in your school.

Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks,
And the rich folks hate the poor folks.
All of my folks hate all of your folks,
It's American as apple pie.

But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans 'cause it's very chic.
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can't stand.
You can tolerate him if you try.

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics,
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Moslems,
And everybody hates the Jews.

But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
It's National Everyone-smile-at-one-another-hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It's only for a week, so have no fear.
Be grateful that it doesn't last all year!

"November 18, 2007

Retrospective Riffing on Racism: Set the Wayback Machine to the 60's... and Tom Lehrer!
Posted by DoctorGonzo  , 11/18/2007 9:06:03 AM   [DoctorGonzo has 60 reviews]

And everybody hates the Jews."

 I don't hate the Jews and actually I can't find the logic in anyone west of Poland to be anti Jewish. And I certainly love the chocolate ladies..

Voyze A Da Homeboyz1292 reads

What about the father's, brothers, sons, uncles and the like of the chocolate ladies?  Do you like us?  Or are you too busy exploiting and objectifying our women?

News flash -- chocolate ladies who have been with the white man usually goof on them behind their back.  

Think that's the case with you?

What about the father's, brothers, sons, uncles and the like of the chocolate ladies?  Do you like us?  Or are you too busy exploiting and objectifying our women?

News flash -- chocolate ladies who have been with the white man usually goof on them behind their back.  

Think that's the case with you?

 Yes I like the fathers, brothers,sons and Uncles of the chocolate ladies but I don't feel any sexual attraction so don't be getting no ideas if that is where you are coming from!!!
I love my chocolate women and if there is exploiting to be done they are usually exploiting me..I am secure enough about myself to not wonder or care what they say behind my back as long as they are telling me how much they like the way I make them feel making love to them..I have a civvie Chocolate lady that I get together for some free love sometimes when her boyfriend is at work..She says her BF just doesn't know how to really get down on her with some DATY like me.. I hope her boyfriend isn't you..I wouldn't want to be fucking around with a friends GF. And if she isn't your GF don't worry I am also secure enough to know no one has any valid claim on any lady over 18...

-- Modified on 11/18/2007 1:52:34 PM

Which was really how much more widespread antisemitism is compared to all the other racial antagonisms.

laughing about racism only shows ignorance..
Personally I have never met a Jew hater..but I have met plenty of Union dudes who talked behind the backs of their fellow Union members who are of a different race..Thats another reason I don't hang around with guys..Too many of them are racists against some group or the other thats "different" than them..Frankly I thought it was distasteful to post such a poem that makes light of racists of all types..

-- Modified on 11/18/2007 5:49:06 PM

Lehrer's comedy pointed out latent racism. The kind that is hidden beneath the proper and polite exterior. It's the thing this country struggles with now, since racism has been chased out of acceptance. Lehrer's song was a wicked attack on just the very racists you describe: the ones who hide it till all of the "unfavorables" have left the room.

Doc you often lead to a racist theme ,I don't have to wonder if you are a closet racist.. You think your poem is cute just because you and your cronies think Tom Lehrer is cute. So because I dislike your ignorant poem you ask me if my parents had any children that lived?? Let me explain something to you ...If my parents didn't have any childen that lived I wouldn't be here... Oh you say don't you understand  the irony Quad? What I understand is you have the quick wit of a typical fourth grader when confronted with the undeniable..You are a racist..and you like to incite racism ..I wonder how many ignorants took your poem to the water cooler today and laughed amongst themselves. I suppose the next thing you will tell me is you are rubber and I am glue..

But I guess you are. You've earned my pity as well as my contempt. Good Luck to you.

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