Politics and Religion

Re: Response
HealthInsure 1066 reads

To be sure, the value of any government regulation is all in the execution.

I like the fact that Pharma companies have to deal with the FDA before spinning out new drugs with undocumented claims.

I like the fact that the Inspector General maintains a database of all physicians who have had their licenses revoked, suspended, restricted, yada-yada...

I would like to see a federally mandated health registry for providers. Providers can easily get a physical/blood test once a month at a federally certified clinic/physician/testing center, etc..
Then, hobbyists can confirm the health of any prospective provider. This form of regulation does not restrict commerce in any way. It makes the trade safer. Further, it would reduce any concerns the public would voice regarding health implications associated with the trade.

I do see your point regarding the imperfections in our government when it comes to regulation. But because health screenings should be mandated, they can't be regulated by TER. I think we really need the government in on just that piece of it.  

According to a recent TER poll 50% of those responding were going to vote for McCain and 49% for Obama. I assume this poll represents many more hobbiests than providers.

This did not surprise me as I think of the hobby as crossing political boundaries. Obviously, many of our esteemed politicians of all political and ideological stripes partake in the hobby.

My Question: Which political doctrine/idology is friendliest to the hobby?

I'm speaking of traditional ideology NOT a particular politician
I'm not trying to find out YOUR personal overall ideology.


Conservative Republican
Pro-Hobby - Free enterprise, Limited regulation, low taxes
Anti-Hobby - SERIOUS Moral issues. "You are all going to HELL!!"

Liberal Democrat
Pro-Hobby - Free of imposed morality, empowering woman.
Anti-Hobby - Unionize it!, Regulate it!, Tax it!

Pro-Hobby - "It's none of your damn business what I do with my time and money."
Anti-Hobby - ???

I think we should be Libertarians on this issue!

What do you think?

GaGambler1779 reads

I've got to go along with your assessment of the situation with one small disagreement. From what I've seen of the liberal democrats actually in office, not the posters here, it appears that they share the same anti-hobby morality attitude of the religious right.

Libertarians do seem to be the only party that would truly be "hobby friendly". Now if they could only get ahead of that "wacko factor" they'd be a force.

From your list , I would go with the libertarian point of view. Me being Marxist, I must point out list is biased in favor of Capitalism.

GaGambler2040 reads

State control of pussy??? lol

I can't think of an industry more suited to capitalism, those who have the pussy are free to sell, rent, barter as they please. In a perfect world of course.

The state controls pussy now. Communism doesn't mean state control. Communism removes state power from the capitalists thus
allowing workers to set fair prices for their labor.

HealthInsure1711 reads

I'd like to see it legalized - because I'm tired of the hypocrisy. Legislators make laws condemning prostitution and regularly solicit the service. Instead of doing what is ethical, they pander to the religious right to keep the popular vote.

I'd like to see prostitutes respected. I'd like to see less violence in the industry and demand greater enforcement of their human rights.

Wouldn't you?

If you want the same rights and protection as the rest of America, you need to prove you're ready to contribute to America. The hobby should be regulated so that Americans don't perceive it to be a health risk. If you want to join a union, you should at least have the option.
Your income should be taxed so Americans can see that you contribute to our economy.

There was a little thing in 1773 called the Boston Tea Party. England was taxing the colonists without giving them representation in the Westminster Parliament. Colonists protested against the British by throwing a bunch of tea crates into Boston Harbor. As a country, we are pretty serious about the injustice of Taxation Without Representation.

Don't start demanding Representation Without Taxation for the hobby! We don't want to give our politicians a reason to start tossing providers into Boston Harbor. Show the country that providers are as valuable and responsible as any workers in America.

I do share your respect for our community of providers
I do share your desire that they be safe and free of violence.

I do not share your expectation the government involvement will "improve" the hobby.

I'm trying to think of a single service of the federal government or related institutions that cannot be delivered at higher quality and lower cost than the free market can.

I cannot think of one.

The reason government institutions fail is that the primary goal of government institutions is NOT better service and lower cost, but preserving political capital which preserves their existence and their jobs.

I think TER actually does a pretty good job of "regulating" the hobby by creating transparency and a feeling of community. Government regulation of the hobby would be a nightmare.

GaGambler1821 reads

would be even worse than what we have.

Simple legalization and subjecting SP's to the same rules and regulation governing all other businesses would work just fine. It would be a very simple matter to treat Indies as you would treat all independent contractors and to treat agencies as you would treat any other business.

It's not that hard and it works quite well in most of the rest of the world.

I don't really see why providers would want to unionize, with the universal availability of the internet oppressiveagency owner would see their employees leaving them in droves. Independent could and should rule the marketplace, pricing would be based on the usual rules of supply, demand, and quality of service.

I see no losers in this scenario, except for the puritanical religious pukes that would lose their influence over the consenting adults that choose to participate in the most natural of acts.

HealthInsure1067 reads

To be sure, the value of any government regulation is all in the execution.

I like the fact that Pharma companies have to deal with the FDA before spinning out new drugs with undocumented claims.

I like the fact that the Inspector General maintains a database of all physicians who have had their licenses revoked, suspended, restricted, yada-yada...

I would like to see a federally mandated health registry for providers. Providers can easily get a physical/blood test once a month at a federally certified clinic/physician/testing center, etc..
Then, hobbyists can confirm the health of any prospective provider. This form of regulation does not restrict commerce in any way. It makes the trade safer. Further, it would reduce any concerns the public would voice regarding health implications associated with the trade.

I do see your point regarding the imperfections in our government when it comes to regulation. But because health screenings should be mandated, they can't be regulated by TER. I think we really need the government in on just that piece of it.  

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