Politics and Religion

Re: Remember Al Campanis?
mookie58 18 Reviews 2868 reads

Any chance that she's just getting senile or possibly suffering from dementia? I don't ever watch those press conferences but I wonder if her questions have been getting over the top in the past year or so? One thing's for sure...she's a scary looking broad!!

That’s good, isn’t it?

      I mean, I never heard of this guy -Mustafa Abu al-Yazid- but the NY Times says he was engaged in operations and and financing and was a conduit to the Big Two.

        The NY Times did not mention that the drone strike also killed his wife but, hey, if you marry a terrorist, I think you deserve to be vaporized, especially with all those on line dating services that she could have used to find a husband.

      Turns out the drone strike also killed his three daughters. Okay, this one gets a little tougher, but I’m sure there are those on the Board who will say the acorn never falls far from the tree.

       Unfortunately, it turns out that one of the daughters had an infant child that was vaporized as well, and a number of other children, women and men having nothing to do with Al Qaida also were vaporized, but the bottom line is

US Drone Attack kills Al Qaida Number 3 in Pakistan.

        That’s good, isn’t it?

Timbow1220 reads

''Jihadist websites by al-Qaida’s so-called General Command, announcing his death, according to both the IntelCenter and SITE Intelligence Group. SITE said Monday’s announcement also stated that his wife, three of his daughters, his granddaughter, and other men women and children were killed.''

SO SITE was reporting what websites by Al Quadia reported so it has not been confirmed that all those were killed.

-- Modified on 6/7/2010 9:53:34 AM

_Puck_1611 reads

Whatever you do, don't take the job of Al Qaeda #3 - that guy gets killed every week, it seems.

-- Modified on 6/7/2010 10:05:28 AM

Drone-Pilot1190 reads

It was great to kill him as he planned a new 911 attack. You do remember that day, right?
I also went home to have dinner with my wife and kids.
That's good, isn't it?

It's fucking great. Fact of the matter is we should pull everyone home and flood their skies with drones.  Paint them red, white, and blue with shiny happy smiley emoticons painted on the wings next to where they strap on the Hellfires.

blame Israel and rejoice at having more than enough "evidence" to deal with those pesky Jews once and for all. After all, we shouldn't let anything like the truth stand in the way.

St. Croix2311 reads

I don't want to say you're predictable, but 2 days ago you mentioned good old Roman. It was only a matter of hours or a few days that you would initiate a thread on Predator Drones. Maybe we should opt for a Spec Forces ops team to go in a slit the throat of Mustafa, then send a communique to Madonna or Angelina Jolie to immediately fly to Waziristan to adopt the children.

There is talk about moving the Predator responsibility from the CIA to the military. I seriously doubt the change in venue or responsibility will stop its use. But if they do, I would like to send the last Hellfire missle up the ass of Helen Thomas. Yep, the same Helen Thomas that sits, or used to sit, in the front of White House press briefings.

might have tipped you off as well.

    As I understand it, the army does operate the drones in Afghanistan. The CIA operates the drones in Pakistan.

      On Calvert Street near Adams Morgan sits Mama Alyeshas restaurant. It's kind of a dive but serves good hummus and baba ganoush. But I used to see Helen Thomas dining there all the time whenever I would go. It was her hangout.

    I guess that should have tipped me off but I was caught by surprise.
Like Jimmy the Greek, what a sad way to go out.

St. Croix1156 reads

The late Al Campanis was the Dodgers GM, and basically beat Jimmy the Greek by a few years with the same lame comment. Nevertheless, should we just attribute Helen's brain fart on age, like Al, Jimmy, Harry Reid, or are these the views she has held for years? There does seem to be a pattern for old famous people to say and do stupid shit.

Any chance that she's just getting senile or possibly suffering from dementia? I don't ever watch those press conferences but I wonder if her questions have been getting over the top in the past year or so? One thing's for sure...she's a scary looking broad!!

St. Croix744 reads

You know that old saying, "beauty is only skin deep", well this ugly goes right to the bone. She actually looks like a corpse when sitting in the front row. I swear some mortician comes in the morning and paints her face to give the impression she's alive.

Who knows, she may have had these anti-Israeli feelings forever. She is the daughter of Lebanese immigrants. She was raised Christian (Greek Orthodox), which one would think to be a bit more partial to the State of Israel, considering the various Christian and Muslim sects in Lebanon. Hell, during the 1980s Civil War, I needed a playbook just to figure out the players.

Her political views have always been left of left. She makes Obama look moderate. Go figure

Warriors are aware of this and are willing to risk everything for a cause. Do we think that the drone operators have equal risk? Of course not. What we can conclude is that drone operators are not warriors. On the other hand the warrior can call it quits and give up being a warrior. Ask yourself why he continues to fight the drone operators.

Yup, damned good job! Sorry about the other deaths, war is hell after all. At the end of the day though, tough sh*t. I'll lay odds that all those "innocents" took the streets on 9/11 to celebrate and set off fireworks.

I love this quote, "We have reached the point where we see no difference between the state and the American people,” al-Yazid told Pakistan’s Geo TV in a June 2008 interview"

No kiddin fella? Well me too.

Yeah, we should just leave this guy alone because God FORBID a non-Alquida might get hurt too. That is EXACTLY the excuse we'll give 3,000 widows, widowers, bereaved parents, siblings and children the NEXT time one of thse a$$ munchers blows up one of our buildings. I'll bet all those bereaved loved ones will TOTALLY understand.

and that's probably why he is naver going to be named the honorary Fire Commissioner of Atlanta. Not even posthumously.

Close your eyes.  Pretend those drone strikes were launched by Israel.  At Pallys.  In Gaza.  Without regard to questions of collateral damage. [ That last one's not exactly a stretch now, is it?] Ordered by Tzipi and not Bibi.

I know, you're feeling waaay better already.

No profuse and embarrassing thank yous, though; My devoted readers know i like to help.

If your double-standarizing on the drone strikes becomes any transparent i'm going to be forced to start calling you 'Baby Krauthammer' - or something similarly inspired.

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