Politics and Religion

Re: Really sad the gun laws did not work with a racist murderer......
thisbud4u 238 reads

I don't think any gun laws or background checks work in this country.    The previous stories were that he got his gun  as a birthday gift from his father.

thisbud4u1408 reads

So according to him it was an "accident".   When shit hit the social media about this comment, his spokeswoman issued a correction that what he meant was an "incident".    This happened on Friday when the whole country and the world knew it was an act of "domestic terrorism".    It was an incident for sure but not an "accident".

What is with this Republican field for 2016 ?   If they cannot understand and say "domestic terrorism", they want us to believe they will be experts in "fixing" international terrorism.


thisbud4u209 reads

He is right when he said "when all the intentions and motives of the mass murderer were known to be racist", denying it was not racism is in itself "RACISM".    Well this includes this jackass from Texas and all the other clowns who are not qualified to mow the lawn in the White House.

And that's MONTHS and MONTHS after it was well established that was all bullshit.  

Oh but if God forbid anyone on Fox has doubts about the initial story 10 hours later, or posits another possible motive about the shooting, they are instantly labeled racist. Libs are too funny.

And as we all know the facts that initially come out are always correct, like in Trayvon. LOL

And we all know that the SC church killer got his gun as a birthday gift...dolt!

Because he is under felony indictment, his concealed carry permit has been suspended by the state and federal law prohibits him from buying new guns or ammo during the indictment period.

         You gotta love that – this was a guy who used to carry his pistol around when he went jogging, notwithstanding his security detail.

        Who says gun laws don't work? Gov Perry is going down and deservedly so

GaGambler221 reads

Come on Mari, I feel like Clubber Lang chasing you around for months while you duck me.

I will admit, I do feel at least a little bit safer knowing that nutjob can't carry a gun. I will grant you that.  I am worried that he might mistake someone like me for a messican and shoot me for looking at him wrong.  

but idiots both white and black are the reason I won't give up my guns until you find a way to disarm the criminals and nut jobs first.  

Now back to our little bet, don't be scared, how much money are you willing to put behind those brave words you've been posting for these many months?

Timbow274 reads

If CNN’s sources are correct, then the murderer—who was legally prevented from possessing any firearm under both South Carolina and federal laws—was able to buy his handgun through a licensed dealer because the FBI NICS background check database did not have him listed as a prohibited person, despite his February arrest more than 60 days before.


thisbud4u239 reads

I don't think any gun laws or background checks work in this country.    The previous stories were that he got his gun  as a birthday gift from his father.

GaGambler236 reads

Is it just because you hate guns, because you hate America, you hate Americans, or all of the above? Or are you just a retard, pushing for "feel good" legislation that tramples on the rights of law abiding citizens while doing nothing to combat actual crime???

Never mind, I already know the answer.

And passed a background check. Seems like the earlier report of his dad buying it was erroneous.

that they seem to be doing a whole lot more of trying to debunk the fact this was a racial attack,
The news is damn near just a reality show! (especially fox)

As oppose to trying to comfort the people or showing any care to the victims or their family.

I'm getting sick of this it saddens me dearly

Some offered up another possible theory as to why this nut killed those innocent people in the hours following the news, that's all

gee, do you REALLY think he mean "accident" as a way to cover up the domestic terrorism, or the guy with the famous "oops" moment brain fart in the GOP debate might have misspoke and said accident for incident?  
Bad Faith, absurd gotchaism for simple malaprops

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