Politics and Religion

Re: Really
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 3561 reads
1 / 37

So this is what Rex Fuckerson discussed with Putin in Moscow!    Sanctions waiver for Exxon to do business in Russia.    Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki rejected it because it is not part of his shady business or it was any money making proposition for his son in law and daughter.    

Rex's wife who made him take up this job must be crying as a big $$ millions payout from Exxon to her husband just disappeared.

John McCain:   "Are they crazy?   Sanctions waiver to drill in Russia".

Mr.M.Johnson 284 reads
3 / 37

They are all fucking clueless!   Tillerson, J.Kushner, Bannon, P.Mannafort, Carter Page, R.Sone, M.Flynn, Nunez, Priebus, S.Miller, S.Spicer, KellyAnne, Ivanka, and, of course, Omarosa, have a combined zero (0) days of experience in governing!

Zero, fucking zero (0).  

I'd write a book, but, no one would fucking believe it

This is a fucking fine fucking mess we've gotten our selves into

I'm on my 3rd scotch already....

TwoMints 229 reads
5 / 37

Trump denies Exxon permission to drill for oil in Russia

That's the fucking title of the article.  

Yes it's very likely that before Tillerson was in the government they did discuss getting a waiver or working out the issues so that they can drill there. That's what a businessman does.

It's like you idiots cannot fathom that people can act in the best interest of a business, then change jobs and act in the best interest of that business/country.   You seem to think because they worked somewhere that they will always act in the best interest and only the best interest of their former employer..
Posted By: hwy2heaven

So this is what Rex Fuckerson discussed with Putin in Moscow!    Sanctions waiver for Exxon to do business in Russia.    Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki rejected it because it is not part of his shady business or it was any money making proposition for his son in law and daughter.    
 Rex's wife who made him take up this job must be crying as a big $$ millions payout from Exxon to her husband just disappeared.  
 John McCain:   "Are they crazy?   Sanctions waiver to drill in Russia".

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 284 reads
6 / 37

Now he can have his fucking ass drilled!    We thought big oil in Government disappeared with exit of Dick Cheney.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 233 reads
7 / 37

I guess it cannot go on for a long time before they all implode and get the fuck out of Washington.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 202 reads
8 / 37

Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki denied permission because there is nothing in it for him.    It was not a pay out for his son in law or his daughter who operate their business out of White House.  

Do you even know that this country has strict sanctions preventing any US company from doing business in Russia?    It is a subject that is not even open for discussion.   Now you are the idiot!

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 170 reads
9 / 37

100 days of stagnation and total ineptitude..

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Re: BigPapa, there's a fucking consistency to Trump and his gov't!
They are all fucking clueless!   Tillerson, J.Kushner, Bannon, P.Mannafort, Carter Page, R.Sone, M.Flynn, Nunez, Priebus, S.Miller, S.Spicer, KellyAnne, Ivanka, and, of course, Omarosa, have a combined zero (0) days of experience in governing!  
 Zero, fucking zero (0).    
 I'd write a book, but, no one would fucking believe it  
 This is a fucking fine fucking mess we've gotten our selves into  
 I'm on my 3rd scotch already....

TwoMints 179 reads
10 / 37

Of course it's all about profit for Trump.  Doesn't matter that he's beyond rich already..

Waiver.  Look it up.    How do you know it isn't open for discussion.  Provide a link to the law that says that. Provide a link that shows you cannot ask for a waiver.

Understanding the regressive mind should be a PHD level classes...   So let's say Trump only ran for the publicity and he still somehow won???   HAHAHAHA    Just shows how bad Clinton was.  

Hey everyone Trump only ran for the pub and he still beat her!!!  
Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: Is that what they discussed?
Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki denied permission because there is nothing in it for him.    It was not a pay out for his son in law or his daughter who operate their business out of White House.  
 Do you even know that this country has strict sanctions preventing any US company from doing business in Russia?    It is a subject that is not even open for discussion.   Now you are the idiot!

ed2000 31 Reviews 147 reads
11 / 37

People like this make judgments based on what they know, understand and accept. It's commonly known and accepted that people like the Clintons run their daily life and make their decisions, whether they are presently inside or outside of government, based upon factors that are in the best interest of the Clintons. First and foremost the Clinton's well being is paramount. It is unfathomable to these people that the rest of the universe operates any differently. It is assumed that everyone is just as corrupt. Of course some are. Most in government are corrupt to one degree or another, but these types just can't imagine they all are not.

The most dishonest people are also the ones most distrustful of others.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 175 reads
12 / 37
followme 213 reads
13 / 37

The reason no one would believe it is because it would be nothing but lies, bullshit, and fabricated nonsense from your radical far left demented mind.

You're Welcome

BTW I found some of your reviews interesting, in an odd and perverted sort of way.

bobjbobj 1 Reviews 105 reads
14 / 37

........if your post gives any kind of a clue to your writing style.  Every paragraph (except the last) includes at least one form of the f-word.  In the last paragraph, you inform us that you're a heavy drinker.  I'm surprised your last paragraph wasn't written as, "I'm on my 3rd (f---ing) scotch already...."    

Intelligent people won't read a book written by an intoxicated person who needs to use an excessive number of common swear words because of his limited vocabulary.  

We can discuss Odumbo's vast governing experience on another day.  

ed2000 31 Reviews 295 reads
15 / 37

I could do the same for you but first you'd have to demonstrate some sort of values.

mattradd 40 Reviews 219 reads
16 / 37

Well, according to your standards, Hemmingway never would have be published. That is why they use editors and publishers! ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 200 reads
17 / 37
mattradd 40 Reviews 202 reads
18 / 37

"First and foremost the Clinton's well being is paramount. It is unfathomable to these people that the rest of the universe operates any differently. It is assumed that everyone is just as corrupt."

You are truly saying the Trumps operate differently, and without the same assumptions that the Clinton's do? If you say yes, than you haven't done much reading on how Donald was raise, and you are turning a blind eye to how the family operates, and the nepotism they are demonstrating while in power at the White House! ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 198 reads
19 / 37
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 135 reads
20 / 37

...Social Security and be a drag on the government that hypocrites like you want to be smaller...except when your ox is gored.  I bet you were out there with the Tea Party screaming: "Keep your government hands off my Social Security.


My values?  If my son was having trouble finding health insurance, I wouldn't encourage him to leech off the government like his brokeass old man.  I would pay for his health insurance MYSELF.  You know why?  Because HE'S MY SON!  I wouldn't be bitching, moaning, crying and whining on a FUCKBOARD that my son couldn't find health insurance.  HE'S MY SON!  He'd get the best goddamn health insurance money could buy!

You don't help your son with health insurance; JakeFromTheFunnyFarm is spending his children's inheritance - two great examples of people who shouldn't have been allowed to be parents.


Fucking rightards!  They're against abortion but they don't give a shit if their children have insurance.  They want the gubmint to pay for it.

You got any other values ed?

2465305 70 Reviews 218 reads
21 / 37

As long as there is ass drilling we know you will be commenting. Maybe we should just start referring to it as fudge packing so you feel right at home.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Now he can have his fucking ass drilled!    We thought big oil in Government disappeared with exit of Dick Cheney.

2465305 70 Reviews 251 reads
22 / 37

So instead you would just be an angry old fool who is still butthurt over not being picked to be a MOD?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Social Security and be a drag on the government that hypocrites like you want to be smaller...except when your ox is gored.  I bet you were out there with the Tea Party screaming: "Keep your government hands off my Social Security.  
 My values?  If my son was having trouble finding health insurance, I wouldn't encourage him to leech off the government like his brokeass old man.  I would pay for his health insurance MYSELF.  You know why?  Because HE'S MY SON!  I wouldn't be bitching, moaning, crying and whining on a FUCKBOARD that my son couldn't find health insurance.  HE'S MY SON!  He'd get the best goddamn health insurance money could buy!  
 You don't help your son with health insurance; JakeFromTheFunnyFarm is spending his children's inheritance - two great examples of people who shouldn't have been allowed to be parents.  
 Fucking rightards!  They're against abortion but they don't give a shit if their children have insurance.  They want the gubmint to pay for it.  
 You got any other values ed?

ed2000 31 Reviews 142 reads
23 / 37

I was merely explaining to TwoMints how easy it was to understand the mindset of the likes of H2H. He clearly was a strong Clinton supporter and gave both Bill and Hillary a pass, almost certainly because he came to expect the worst (while maybe not even realizing it) from the likes of the Clintons and then he expects their sort of behavior from all around him, except some he ignores and some he doesn't.

Talking about Trump's behavior would prove a very poor example for explaining H2H's attitude. If you want to make this about the Trumps then maybe you should start a thread about their corruption. Oh wait, you and others here already have, dozens of times.

ed2000 31 Reviews 170 reads
24 / 37

You don't WEAR you membership in the wealthy club very well at all. That makes it very hard to believe you even have a card.

Your reading and math skills are worse than MacJohnson's, and that is saying a lot.

2465305 70 Reviews 179 reads
25 / 37

You mean threatening hookers isn't some type of value....to him it is.  It makes him an internet tough guy but a pussy at heart.

Posted By: ed2000
I could do the same for you but first you'd have to demonstrate some sort of values.

Mr.M.Johnson 317 reads
26 / 37

I've NEVER written a review - just my style

I hava bunch of WhiteLisings

Mr.M.Johnson 258 reads
27 / 37

And, it takes more than 3 scotches to get me intoxicated!

followme 206 reads
29 / 37

You man enough to prove it ?  

I bet you are not.........

Maybe you can include some of that stuff in your book.

You're Welcome
In Lying Libs We Distrust

BTW  as for style you have none

mattradd 40 Reviews 115 reads
30 / 37
Mr.M.Johnson 174 reads
31 / 37

If you think otherwise please share w/me and this Board!  "Out me" 😀

You're demonstaring your low IQ and/or your inability to read

followme 181 reads
33 / 37

You are not man enough to prove what you say is true, as you know i would get banned if I outted you therefore that is a sissy-boy reply.
I can read, better that you, however based on the fact you are a confirmed liar and have no credibility  you just saying you have no reviews proves noting and shows you cowering in the corner trying to hide it all.

I'll give you another chance to man up and prove you have no reviews.

You're Welcome

followme 189 reads
34 / 37

not having a review in a decade have to do with your butt buddy saying he has no reviews when he does, and is hiding that fact, because he has something to hide

And talking about reviews, how many do you have? do you have any? and  are you using an alias because you are ashamed about the white list from that tranny?

You're Welcome

JakeFromStateFarm 190 reads
35 / 37

I have around 75 reviews on this site.  None from trannies and no white lists from them either.  Did nursie forget to change your Depends, old one? Your stench is overpowering.

Mr.M.Johnson 154 reads
36 / 37

I said "impossible since I don't post reviews.  I also said, go ahead and "out me."

Still waiting....

followme 140 reads
37 / 37

Your reply is an admission that you have something to hide, an indirect admission but an admission none the less.

You said you do not post reviews
I say you do and you are hiding something.

You said to out you….I said you know I cannot as it is against the rules and I would get banned if I did and you know that….I’m not taking the bait. however since  it is ok with you (or so you say) for me to out you…then go ahead and do it yourself but the fact is you are not man enough because you have something to hide, actually you have a lot to hide.  
and I can see why you do not want anyone to know.

You’re Welcome

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