Politics and Religion

Re: President Obama's re-election in 2012 is almost a certainty . . . . . . .
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 919 reads

Her ideals and beliefs are a very good representation of conservatives.  Most would agree with what she does.

As far as her personally, it might be different. Her folksy attitude tends to rub many people the wrong way.

So, I guess what I am saying is I like what she stands for but I don't think her presentation is mainstream enough to garner the votes.

And while she may not have been as experienced as others, I am certain that she would have grown into the job of VP very well. And, if called upon to serve as President, she would have been smart enough to surround herself with the right people to help her lead the country.

We could have done a lot worse. She was better than Dan Quayle. And while VP Biden has a lot of experience as a senator, his shoot-from-the-hip tendencies scare me as much as libs were scared of Gov. Palin. I shudder what to think would have happened if Howard Dean or Ron Paul or Tommy Thompson (maybe the worst person to ever run in a primary) had ever been a part of a presidential ticket.

Gun control:


Limited but warmer support for Afghan front:


Health Care bill checks out:


Male Republican senators make idiots of themselves voting against a bill to allow a woman who was raped to seek justice in a court (every female Republican senator voted for it...classic):


State voters are likely again going to pushing the envelope against the ridiculous federal laws regarding marijuana, which society will eventually overthrow:


Oh, and Sarah Palin's book is the #1 bestseller before it even is on the shelves, which means many people still support her divisive persona (which almost guarantees an Obama re-election in 2012):


But unfortunately, in the freedom of speech department, there is also this:


Oh, well...can't win them all.

already so why do you libs continue to obsess over Sarah Palin?????  LMAO

She really has some kind of psychological hold on all of you, doesn't she????

From your post:  "Oh, and Sarah Palin's book is the #1 bestseller before it even is on the shelves, which means many people still support her divisive persona (which almost guarantees an Obama re-election in 2012)"

fasteddie511427 reads

Regardless of who's "obsessing" over her, I'm really curious; do you think that Palin is a good representative of the republican party, someone to be put out in front of the people?  And did you honestly believe she was qualified to be vice-president?

Her ideals and beliefs are a very good representation of conservatives.  Most would agree with what she does.

As far as her personally, it might be different. Her folksy attitude tends to rub many people the wrong way.

So, I guess what I am saying is I like what she stands for but I don't think her presentation is mainstream enough to garner the votes.

And while she may not have been as experienced as others, I am certain that she would have grown into the job of VP very well. And, if called upon to serve as President, she would have been smart enough to surround herself with the right people to help her lead the country.

We could have done a lot worse. She was better than Dan Quayle. And while VP Biden has a lot of experience as a senator, his shoot-from-the-hip tendencies scare me as much as libs were scared of Gov. Palin. I shudder what to think would have happened if Howard Dean or Ron Paul or Tommy Thompson (maybe the worst person to ever run in a primary) had ever been a part of a presidential ticket.

Here are some truths for you.
1. Gun control is not the problem ILLEGAL Gun control is. Lets get rid of all the CRIMINALS that carry guns and use them in a crime instead of always blaming gun owners.
2. Afgan support come on we have been losing the fight over there for the past 3 months He needs to shit or get off the pot.
3. Health coverage checks out. Anybody with half of a brain can anwer this question WHEN HAS THE GOVERNMENT EVER NOT SPENT MORE MONEY THAN THEY SAID THEY WOULD
4. Dont know much about that so I cant comment.
5. marijuana Come on all you that are for legalizing it wont be too happy when you show up to your dealers house and you find out it is now legal and thereis going to be a USE tax on it as well as sales taxes added to the cost then they will triple the tax (like they did with tobacco) because it was harmful next thing you know your dine bag is going to cost you twenty bucks.
6. Is it 2012 already
7.Dont forget OBAMA has done nothing but used the PATRIOT Act.
Anyway just thought I would throw my 3 cents in there for you

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