Politics and Religion

Re: Paris Hilton is more
harryj 1264 reads

honest than Bareass Hussein Obama Ben Lyin. Where was that bastard born?

JW-Blue1728 reads

Obama already compared himself to Paris Hilton on February 24, 2005 in a Washington Post interview:

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

And here's the response from the McCain Camp to Paris Hilton's ad:

“It sounds like Paris Hilton supports John McCain’s ‘All of the Above’ approach to America’s energy crisis - including both alternatives and drilling. PARIS HILTON MIGHT NOT BE AS BIG A CELEBRITY AS BARACK OBAMA, BUT SHE OBVIOUSLY HAS A BETTER ENERGY PLAN," Tucker Bounds said in a statement.

GaGambler1409 reads

and her energy policy makes much more sense than Obama's.

As far as I can tell these are the most intelligent words ever to come out of her mouth.

that's because its much more likely to have things coming in her mouth

harryj1677 reads

qualified to be President than is Bareass Hussein Obama Ben Lyin. He is nothing but a cheap huckster that is either of poor memory or believes we are. A more unqualified, unscrupulous piece of shit has never sought the Presidency.

Tusayan1446 reads

Wrong.  Paris Hilton is not qualified to be President because she's only 27 years old.  But then again, I wouldn't expect a right winger to know what's in the Constitution.  In Paris' favor, at least she was born in the United State, unlike McCain.

harryj1265 reads

honest than Bareass Hussein Obama Ben Lyin. Where was that bastard born?

BuckFush!1368 reads

that's why he rambles on uncoherently about inconsequential matters.  HIs pea-sized brain is fried from all that cheap liquor.

," "Paris is like a fart in a mitten. You know it's there, you can't stand it, but you can't get rid of it,"

Ann_Fugly_Coultner1170 reads

She can't get on her knees & suck dick or take it up the ass like a good Republicon wo/man like me can!

ever since she did the original "simple folks" she comes off as more human than obama, and more likely to understand the modern world than John, I don't do e-mail, McCain.

When Paris Hilton sounds like a genious compared to either political candidate for Pres, then I think it is time we ditch the two parties we currently have - along with all the political junkies and pundits on radio and tv... yea, Rush, Sean, Letterman, O'donnel, all - they just go....  

Heck, she cannot be any less moral that the dolts that have previously occupied the white house... and at least we know she is able to take one on the chin.....

-- Modified on 8/6/2008 12:49:14 PM

CynicalSOB1375 reads

I can't stand Paris or her silly venal friends, but I sure got to give her props for doing this little bit.
She did a better job reading her scripted energy policy from a teleprompter than either candidate ever could. Damned if it wasn't better than either candidates proposals.
If they are trying to rebrand Paris as a potential diplomat, it might even fly.
Kudo's to Paris Hilton, four words I NEVER expected to utter.

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