Politics and Religion

Re: Over Obama, hell yeah!!!
Priapus53 8416 reads
1 / 45

No funny pictures for this one.

Q: Would any of you vote for Michelle Bachmann for President if she were the GOP nominee ?

I swear, no teasing from me, no matter the answer.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 8:28:57 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2122 reads
2 / 45

It's because you have candidates like Bachmann who think it's just fine if we default on our obligations.

Snow, without a doubt, Obama has been one sorry good for nothing POTUS. But he has one thing over Bachmann. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get this Rapture thing started.

Gee, doesn't hte POTUS have access to the world's largest nuclear weapon arsenal?

St. Croix 3066 reads
4 / 45

And I am a fiscal conservative. Let me make this as clear as possible. She has NO fucking experience in anything. Nada, zilch, zero. Running a Christian Counseling Center is not a JOB.

Mother Fucking Damn It! It's bad enough we elected a guy who was a community organizer, and has absolutely no experience in ANYTHING. Shit, he can't even dance or play basketball. When are we going to stop electing these assholes with no experience in the real world.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1428 reads
5 / 45

...Obama, for all his faults, can speak in complete sentences. For the Rapture Right, this is lecturing. It's lecturing because they're not comfortable rubbing the gray matter together that's required to understand complete sentences.

Explaining to these types the downside of having a fucking basketcase like Bachmann in the White House is so over their heads, that you might as well try teach a dog a card trick.

I think the GOP will have some serious trouble this time around. Not because of Obama, but because they can't keep the business-happy conservatives and the fundies in line anymore. This thread alone is proof of that. The Rapture Right can't stand Romney and the business-happy conservatives can't stand everyone else.

The hard pill for the Rapture Right to swallow is that Dubya used them for his own political purposes, and failed to deliver on any of their batshit pipe dreams. Abortion is still very legal, creationism ain't taught in all of our schools, there's no forced prayer in schools, and we now even have testing on stem cells. And for all their troubles, they now have a very active, angry, and growing atheist movement to contend with.

So they now have two choices: completely take over the GOP and watch their business backers reluctantly back the Democrats like they did in 2008, or they can fade into obscurity and be left to their snake handling and babbling in togues.

I can't wait to see how this turns out. Maybe the best campaign finance reform we could hope for are candidates that nobody in business can stomach voting for.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 11:31:52 PM

Snowman39 1394 reads
6 / 45

You do not understand politics...

Let me explain to you how this works...

1) Blaming the previous administration after you have been in for 4 years will NEVER work. How incapable do you look if you still have to blame the previous guy after 4 years?

2) It was highly unpopular when it was passed and a MAJORITY of states have joined in lawsuits against it. When the fed had to combat a MAJORITY of the states, guess what, you are on the wrong side of the argument.

3) Like you said, see point #1 :-)

4) That argument will not work. Bottom line is people will equate the downgrade with the staggering level of debt we now carry and will connect the dots to Obama's  spending...

And that my friend, is how politics works...

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1628 reads
7 / 45

You should always put quotation marks around your posts since everything is straight out of Democrat talking points.  You literally don't have an original argument in your empty head.

BUSH DID IT, TEA PARTY DID IT, REPUBLICANS DID IT......  So thoughtful and insightful.  I feel illuminated.

Snowman39 1696 reads
8 / 45

Obama has given us....

1) Huge debt load he added to faster than ever before
2) Unconstitutional healthcare program
3) High Unemployment rate
4) Reduced Credit rating

digem-all 2301 reads
9 / 45

On point #1: Only to try to repair the Damage the Bush Administration caused.  His efforts kept the unemployment rate from being higher than it is today....The over a 1/3 of the Stimulus was tax cut to the middle class and he helped save the US Auto industry.  Think about where we would be without the govt spending.

On Point #2:  This has not yet been determined

On Point #3: See point #1

On Point #4:  S&P lowered our credit rating because congress, specifically the tea-party and the Republicans decided to play politics with the good faith and credit of the US.  Obama was willing to make the grand-deal but who ran away from the negotiating table...REPUBLICANS!!

Posted By: Snowman39
Obama has given us....

1) Huge debt load he added to faster than ever before
2) Unconstitutional healthcare program
3) High Unemployment rate
4) Reduced Credit rating

BreakerMorant 2061 reads
10 / 45

and she will win by a landslide. ThAT is assuming she beats Gov. Perry. This bad economy is all on Obama and the Democratic Congress, no matter how much they try to spin it.

When Obama said, "there is a problem with politics in this country" he just sealed his fate. Americans elected him to solve problems not to tell us there is a problem. Obama should stop lecturing us as though we are stupid. He reminds me of professor who's time has come and gone.

BreakerMorant 1526 reads
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and the US democratic congress had stimulus programs from tax credits to housing, cars, to funding worthless programs such as wildlife habitat restoration to the tune of over 1 trillion dollars and what do we have to show for it. Keep blaming Bush for all America'seconomic problems and he has just sealed his fate of a one term president.

BreakerMorant 1756 reads
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Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1739 reads
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Obama is a train wreck.  All of a sudden the liberal media is noticing the guy was woefully under qualified and they're all catching "Hillary Fever" a little late.  

All Republicans are nut jobs, or stupid, or evil, etc.  She's receiving the standard attack line just as any potential threat.

digem-all 1323 reads
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I understand facts and mine are indisputable.   And if you think states refused stimulus monies...you are sadly mistaken.  Every Governor accepted stimulus dollars, see the link for Gov. Perry, one of the few that railed against the Program.  Even your boys from Louisiana and SC accepted stimilus dollars and celebrated programs funded under the Stimulus.  All the bruhaha about the stimulus was coming from potential Presidential candidates.

I don't think pointing out the fact that the Republicans that brought the mess upon us cannot be overstated. The last President to create a surplus was a Democrat! I also accept that fact that Obama owns the economy now, and he needs a way to bypass an obstructionist Republican House and Senate. I think polls still say people still have more confidence in Obama over the Republicans on the economic issue.

I would agree that Health care reform did not go far enough.  It should have been single payer and at least a public option.  Healthcare reform was and still is needed.

I disagree with your final point. All your republican candidates would have see our nation default on our debt rather than raise the debt ceiling, a highly irresponsible position and moderates and independents will remember this during election time.

Posted By: Snowman39
You do not understand politics...

Let me explain to you how this works...

1) Blaming the previous administration after you have been in for 4 years will NEVER work. How incapable do you look if you still have to blame the previous guy after 4 years?

2) It was highly unpopular when it was passed and a MAJORITY of states have joined in lawsuits against it. When the fed had to combat a MAJORITY of the states, guess what, you are on the wrong side of the argument.

3) Like you said, see point #1 :-)

4) That argument will not work. Bottom line is people will equate the downgrade with the staggering level of debt we now carry and will connect the dots to Obama's  spending...

And that my friend, is how politics works...

inicky46 61 Reviews 1878 reads
16 / 45

First of all, maybe you didn't notice, but Congress (i.e. the House of Representatives) has been Republican for about a year.  During that time they have not proposed one, repeat one, bill to create jobs.  Second, of course there is "a problem with politics in this country."  That's just reality, no matter which side of the political spectrum you sit.  It's reality, not lecturing anyone as if you thought they're stupid.
I can't wait until the political process reveals Perry and Bachmann as the Emperor Who Has No Clothes.  They'll make even the feckless Obama look good by comparison.  The reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated.

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 12:48:40 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 4016 reads
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Hillary has bigger balls than Obama, or any of the Republicans.  That's why I voted for her in the primary and not Obama.

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 12:50:23 AM

Timbow 1723 reads
18 / 45

Posted By: Priapus53
No funny pictures for this one.

Q: Would any of you vote for Michelle Bachmann for President if she were the GOP nominee ?

I swear, no teasing from me, no matter the answer.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 8:28:57 PM

Timbow 1678 reads
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BreakerMorant 1440 reads
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politics.  We just do not need our president to tell us, so, aka he Malaise speech by President Jimmy Carter. We elected President Obama to "fundamentally change the politics in Washington" and he has not done it.

As far as not introducing a jobs bill. So. It's not the government's job to create jobs, it's their job let business do their jobs. Your post explains exactly why Obama and the Democrats are in trouble.

HalfHour 1171 reads
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We've had poorly performing presidents before. We've had overly liberal presidents before. We WILL recover from Obama's mistakes.

MB is certifiable, and dangerous. I will not let my disatisfaction with what we are going through now cloud my understanding of that fact.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1586 reads
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but I agree completely about putting the "football" in the hands of a religious kook.

There is no way that I could ever imagine myself voting for Bachman, or Palin, or Huckabee, or any other over the top religious kook for POTUS.

One other thing in regards to electing a "True Christian" to POTUS, we are already involved in a global "war on terror" do we really want to turn that into an outright holy war?

CommonSensePrevails 1458 reads
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the JOKE we have in the Whitehouse now so my answer is YES !

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2955 reads
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Is that really what you want in 2012?

Obama is IMO a horrible POTUS, and may even go down as one of the worst in history, time will tell, but that doesn't mean I am going to give a blanket endorsement to whoever wins the GOP nomination. Believe it or not, there are candidates even worse than Obama and an over the top religious whacko who actually believes that you can "pray the gay away" certainly is worse than the idiot in chief that we have now.

At least the idiot in charge now has moments of pragmatism and isn't likely to lead us into a full blown "holy war" just because some invisible man in the sky tells him to. Can you really say the same with full confidence about Bachman?

Priapus53 2233 reads
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You've talked about lefties that you can't take seriously on this board.I'll grant you that.

But, this thread proves that there are about a half dozen righties you can't take seriously on this board either.

Good response, btw.

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 10:51:31 AM

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1786 reads
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The few that actually support her surprises me as well.

another thing that won't surprise you at all is the very real possibility that I won't vote at all in 2012.

I had stated that it was possible that I MIGHT vote for Obama in 2012, but that was before this latest debt ceiling debacle. His "speech" was the least inspiring load of blame shifting I have ever heard. I don't see him coming back from this, at least not where I am concerned. As it stands right now, I could no more vote for Obama today than I could Bachman ever.

The difference is, Obama MIGHT redeem himself in my eyes. Not enough to make me a supporter, but "possibly" enough to get my vote. There is absolutely nothing Bachman could ever do, not in twenty fucking lifetimes, to ever get me to vote for her.

Priapus53 1467 reads
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I did that in '84.

The one MIA voice in all this is mrnotrouble, who I was sure was a Bachmann POTUS supporter.

Maybe he'll prove me wrong.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2283 reads
28 / 45

...but you could tell them that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches caused the downgrade and they'd believe it.

After the debt deal, Obama had a 48% approve/47% disapprove of his handling on the matter. Congressional approval on the debt deal? 14%. 82% disapproval.

Also keep in mind that at least on the campaign trial, Obama has been quite good at debunking right wing talking points.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2031 reads
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Her problem was she's a lousy campaigner who came across as a queen who was entitled to the nomination.  Also, her strategy to "run the table" in the "Super Tuesday" Feb. primaries didn't work and she had no fallback plan.  She hadn't organized in the other primary states or done enough fund raising.  Playing the Rev. Wright card wouldn't have worked.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2274 reads
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Lets see how well he fares on a level playing field.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1388 reads
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especially when we are one small step from an all out Jihad with Islam. Not to mention I don't trust anyone who iterprets the bible literally with the nuclear launch codes that could send us all to the "promised land" when I don't believe there is such a place to begin with.

If you religious folks all want to go to heaven prematurely that's your business, it's when you  intend on dragging me along that I start getting nervous.

and yes I do think that Obamas goal WAS to turn us into a socialist state, it's just the political pragmatist in him saw it was impossible so he settled for ramming Obama care down our throats. Since when is enacting a law requiring citizens to purchase health insurance not considered socialism, not to mention unconstitutional as the recent ruling in Atlanta attests?

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2033 reads
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Does the Patriot Act ring a bell?

I don't trust any "over the top, religious whack jobs" to lead us in a time where we are "at war" with Muslim extremists. Just what we don't need are extremists of our own.

Hate filled, fear mongerers can use our fears against us and get us to pass all sorts of "temporary" laws in a time of crisis, the problem is, once these laws are passed they never seem to get repealed.

As much as I despise the loony left, they are our first and only line of defense from thse on the religious right who would have us surrender all of our rights in order to "protect us"

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1776 reads
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but I do believe that Obama can beat himself and end up losing the White House to whoever the GOP candidate happens to be.

As many have said before, "It's the economy stupid", If things are even worse a year from now than they are now, a likely scenario. Obama will be a one term POTUS.

Timbow 1673 reads
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Posted By: inicky46
Her problem was she's a lousy campaigner who came across as a queen who was entitled to the nomination.  Also, her strategy to "run the table" in the "Super Tuesday" Feb. primaries didn't work and she had no fallback plan.  She hadn't organized in the other primary states or done enough fund raising.  Playing the Rev. Wright card wouldn't have worked.
Oh ,it would as  white Christians  would not have   voted for him in Iowa hearing GD America and she won NH . After  Hillary winning two   blacks would have left him in droves in SC . Obama had to win SC to keep the black vote. She blew it not hitting Obama on REV Wright.

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 3:23:43 AM

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1808 reads
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a strong candidate.

But she is no more "batshit crazy" than the guy who was the Dems' frontrunner for a good portion of the lead-in time to the 2004 election.  That idiot doctor from Vermont -- Howard Dean.

To answer your question Pri -- it ain't gonna happen so there is no need wasting any time even thinking about it . . . .

Snowman39 1439 reads
37 / 45

The states accepting stimulus money? Really, you think that will matter in a presidential election? Who cares who accepted money, where are all the jobs that it was suppsoed to help to create. That is the question people will be asking when they go to the polls, and that is why you are WRONG!!

Pointing to teh rpeviosu administration after four years only shows you are incapable of fixing the problem. The Dems had both houses and the White house for several years and never got anything fixed.Trying to use the House now will fall flat, which is why you are WRONG!!

The Dems probelm when it comes to the debt is that they want to treat it like giving a drug addict one more hit. every individual household in the US has to balance its budget, the people are wondering why their government does not.

If we were campaign managers, I would be Karl Rove and you would be Donna Brazile, and just like them, my guy would win, your guy would lose ;-)

Snowman39 3222 reads
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I agree that was cited in the S&P report on the downgrade, but at the end of the day the average voter will simply boil it down to 2 items

1) We have a HUGE debt which caused it
2) It happened on Obama's watch

Easy talking point for the Right!!

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1795 reads
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the other side of the coin that says Obama wants to turn the US into a Soviet state.

Put the knife down, uncock your pistol, take the rope off your neck, step away from the ledge, dont let your emotions get the better of you! lol.

Fact is, the VAST majority of voters, while considering themselves religious to some extent are in no way suseptible to allowing a theocracy, anymore than a soviet state. The candidates we see are the electorates reaction to Ofuckhead.

In the meantime, take down the "No Soliciting Sign" nd put up "Prostelizers Will Be Shot". That'll kee em from bugging ya.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1902 reads
40 / 45

are shortlived. The Constitution is blunting Ocare and the centerright country is blunting the rest of his agenda, forcing him back to center, same will happen to any of the religious kooks your concerned about. don't lose your head about these things. dont buy into the lib hysteria about these folks, flawed as they may be.

Timbow 1329 reads
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Posted By: 100ProofOfLV
...Sarah Palin is too intelligent for you. There is not a Republican out there who has a snowball's chance in hell of beating Obama.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2013 reads
42 / 45

I get your point.

dontcha wish you could be king for a day?

fuck, i gotta go make money

Snowman39 2476 reads
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Some pollsters are showing him below 40% now. We are talking Jimmy Carter range!!!

Congressional numbers are always low. They were abysmal when Pelosi was speaker, and by the way, they do not play into Presidential elections.   It is one candidate vs. the other.

Come on Willy, you know better than this!!!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1414 reads
44 / 45

I guess you're suggesting she knew about Wright earlier and sat on it.  If so, how do you "know" that?

Timbow 1381 reads
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Posted By: inicky46
I guess you're suggesting she knew about Wright earlier and sat on it.  If so, how do you "know" that?
of making blacks mad and it cost her the Presidency .If she had won SC Obama would have been shut down because blacks would have deserted him in droves wanting to back a winner. It would have been over for him  if Obama did not win SC with its  large  black population.  

-- Modified on 8/16/2011 4:52:37 AM

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