Politics and Religion

Genesis 2:18
OSP 26 Reviews 1754 reads

"It is not good for the man to be alone........................."

Go get yourself a damn hooker and quit bitchin about being alone.

How you create two beings with the power to reproduce and expect them to be alone by themselves. When it itself said it wasn't good. God is stupid.

and why the rest of the animals could?

"then the LORD God formed the man* out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

Based on this passage, for 1500 years the Vatican's position was that babies don't have souls until they're born. Therefore, there was nothing immoral about abortion.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Is the reference most Christians fall on when that debate arises. God knew us all before we were placed in the womb. We were all viable life forms prior to birth.

Recent events have challenged my beliefs but that's a WHOLE other discourse not meant for this forum. I will never back away from my stand on selfish behavior; abortion.

...as saying we embrace our soul before we are placed in the womb.

The Soul could be Man's helper? :)

This leaves me wondering where souls come from? I would think the earth(God), so I could see how God knew us before placing us(our soul) in the womb.

When Western civilization discovered they needed poor, uneducated people en-mass to use as cannon fodder in war; aborting an unwanted/unaffordable pregnancy soon became immoral.  

  Capital punishment for crimes perpetrated by the chronically disadvantaged surplus population also serves as entertainment and catharsis for good, God fearing Christians

Based on one verse out of context the word helper could, mean a variety of things from a wife to a slave.

Follow it up with God created all the animals, it sounds like they are saying hyper = wife.

Posted By: OSP
"It is not good for the man to be alone........................."

Go get yourself a damn hooker and quit bitchin about being alone.

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