Politics and Religion

Re: Oh come come. It can't be true. Not her. She must have said, "Why'd he?" (eom)
Timbow 2362 reads

Yep ,that what the Obama Zombies on the blogs are already saying so that is funny they had that response arranged :)

Timbow5551 reads

They say they got a tape on Michelle from 2004 that will blow things up talking about whites racially and the Reps will release it in the fall if the Dems do not first .
Happened to be listening to Mike Galleger on car radio ,which I do for entertainment sometimes.

any of you had the opportunity to watch Fox & FRiends this morning, you probably saw 'Bob Beckel being interviewed about todays political events.

Towards the end of the interview he announced to the Fox & FRiends hosts that he has been told by numerous people,(enough and in a way that convinced him) that a bombshell will be dropping tomorrow about Michele Obama.

The Friends turned white and asked what it might be...was it worse than a college thesis? Bob said—Oh yes, in a BIG way. He said that the Repubs were behind it and it was dumb because it meant that Mrs. Clinton would be the nominee.

So the die is cast, IMHO Hillary will suspend her campaign within the next 24 hours and then the bomb will drop, leaving the Republics to take the blame.''

I of course question this but if the tape is valid and Michelle says Whitey it will be damaging to Obama in the fall .:)

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 12:45:57 PM

LennyFuckingBruce2093 reads

can you lose the chip on your shoulder, or are you so fucking bored you'd rather fight with the micks, spicks, coons and queers, instead of fucking their sisters?

Makes me wonder what sort of women you have in your own neighborhood, that fighting is more attractive than fucking.

Timbow2453 reads

Dude Michelle is the one with the chip on her shoulder  and if that tape is valid she will shred Obama's chance to be the first Black President :)

harryj2122 reads

a redwood tree on your shoulder?


MRS CLINTON IS AN EVIL CONNIVING WITCH.  I knew her getting beat was to good to be true.

Mrs Clinton is gonna stab poor Barry right in the heart, twist the blade and laugh her hideous evil laugh all while staring Barry right in the eyes.

GaGambler2972 reads

especially when it comes to the Hildabeast.

Cmon though, is anyone really surprised about this? We've known all along that bitch aint going down easy. There is no way in hell she is going to let BHO become POTUS, or if he does get there, he'll never survive his first term.

Willie Clinton2606 reads

After all look what she did to Vince Foster.  And you thought it was a suicide, didn't you??

-- Modified on 6/6/2008 11:33:14 AM

Timbow2836 reads

Bob Beckel was who I was surprised to hear say it as he is not a loon but a DEM with a level head.

Timbow2363 reads

Yep ,that what the Obama Zombies on the blogs are already saying so that is funny they had that response arranged :)

Tusyan3283 reads

Not sure why any of this matters. Last time I checked Michelle Obama isn't running for anything.  And anything she said on a tape certainly can't be worse than the current First Lady killing her high school boyfriend and never being charged.

Timbow2425 reads

Yea, but if Michelle Obama is on tape at a forum and really did say Whitey and had very racial tones saying whites are the cause of all troubles then that is fair game .It would be very relevant since Obama has said she will be his advisor and have a more power role in first lady .
The Obama blogs are already saying she said Why'd he?" so it might be a problem.

By the way read this ,it was an accident ,so you do not believe in that fable :)http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/laura.asp

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 6:04:34 PM

Tusyan2983 reads

I never said it wasn't an accident, but by all accounts Laura Bush was clearly at fault for killing her boyfriend. Just sees to me that was much more serious offense than using the term whitey and she was never held to account for her "accident."

harryj2626 reads

grip on your pinko self. Your effort to deflect attention from the calamity that would result from Hussein's election is a low level, sophmoric, pinko-lib strategy that might confuse another pinko-lib but it will not distract the average voter and they will not be voting for the bareback hussein osama.

BuckFush!2124 reads

Time to sober up harry.  You are starting to halucinate and not making any sense at all.

You better hope barebackObama doesn't get elected as Prez as he will take away your monthly Socialistic Insecurity checks and give it to the real poor peope! You may have to ctually sober up for a change!!

-- Modified on 6/6/2008 11:39:52 AM

Last time Tusyan checked (about 2:30 EDT) Michelle wasn't running for anything so it's OK that she is a racist, and doesn't like much about the country unless, of course, Obama gets to be President. That will raise her opinion of it for at least 4 to 8 yrs.

That sort of weak shit might float on Kos, where he makes fun of McCain's teeth (which McCain left behind in Hanoi)but real people, not lefty geeks, know it does matter, for too many reasons to be explained here.

PS-by lefty geeks I mean all those who now want to fantasize that Obama is their best bud, their cool black guy homie.

Yeah..........Hanging out,smoking Camels, fist bumping each other.

Someone feeling ashamed about being white?
Whats the proper term to refer to whiteys?

LennyFuckingBruce2209 reads

The proper term is "peckerwood".

Now let's all get in a big fuckin fight.

Timbow3442 reads

''Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

“We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it,” Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. “That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it.”

Asked whether he knew it not to be true, Obama said he had answered the question.''

If I had been the reporter I would have asked him yes or no does the tape exist ?
The press are afraid of Obama .You notice he did not deny the tape did not exist so one can wonder if he is worried if it exists or not. What if it does and Hannity has it . You know Karl Rove works at Fox now and he would tell Hannity to sit on it till after the convention for MAC :) Man that would be funny !


-- Modified on 6/5/2008 7:59:00 PM

LennyFuckingBruce2271 reads

you wear on your fuckin lapel, or paste on your ass.  I just don't give a shit.

And if you're arguing about that, instead of figuring out WTF we're doing in Iraq, you're fuckin insane.

harryj2520 reads

Calm down Leonard. If MamaOsama is comfortable with being a blatant racist while pointing the racist finger at every pale face then it is relevant. In spite of what Hussein's supporters claim, what she believes is relevant. Who has more influenec with Bareback than Mrs. Bareback?

BuckFush!2966 reads

Just because harry is a semi-litterate (he can only read bar menus) drunk who hands over his monthly Socialistic Insecurity checks to Wille as soon a he gets them, doesn't excuse MamaObama (and people, it's starting to look a lot like the Clintons in that she wears the pants in the family!) of being a racist.  I always thought she was the weakest link in Obama's political campaign.

GaGambler3226 reads

a Nigger and see how far it will get you.

Most people, even on an anonymous adult site won't even spell the word out they are so afraid of being labeled a racist, but it is perfectly all right for a potential first lady to openly express her own racism.

I am not white and I don't suffer from "white guilt" so as far as I'm concerned, fuck her, she has no idea what real oppression is all about. Her claims of racism are about as genuine as OJ's.

Timbow2296 reads

Yep Furman was asked if he called OJ that in the trial but Obama gets offended if he is asked if Michelle said Whitey :)
I bet he does not think it was wrong for Furman to be asked that question.

school.   She is a victim of the lefties long long long 40 year march through the public education system.  

The dirty rotten lefty commie socialist *ssholes have controlled K thru 12 and Freshman thru PhD post  secondary education FOR TWO GENERATIONS.




Michelle Obama was brainwashed by them.  She really believes all that lefty crap they taught her.  

And I bet she believed that lunatic Jeremiah Wright.  Now there is a real lefty lunatic.

The dirty rotten lefty commie socialist *ssholes have controlled K thru 12 and Freshman thru PhD post  secondary education FOR TWO GENERATIONS.




 I don't know about the college teachers as I never made it through HS...If I hadn't gone to private schools until eighth grade I would probably be Collegiately edumacated.
What I did learn was my 9th grade public school teachers were teaching at a 5th grade private school level...and my History teacher read straight out of the book...A couple months of that and I had enough...  

Sardonic Satyr2531 reads

Take some slow deep breaths Geez' and count to ten before you stroke out on us.

Chuck Darwin3058 reads

accepting responsibility yourself?  Are you some kind of socialist who thinks you rate being spoon-fed?  Sure looks like it to me.

Seriously, dude, put some effort into it, and you'll get better results out.  You make or hear an assertion, how about checking it out 1st?  Wiki-fucking-pedia is a good place to start.  All the links, different PsOV, what more could you ask for?  A free brain?  It doesn't work like that, dude.

I triangulate Sean Hannity to Mark Levin and Mark Levin to Michael Medved and Michael Medved to El rushbo-Rush Limbaugh and Rush Limbaugh to maniac Michael Savage.

And Drudge and Newsmax seem better than the network news.

I heard that there are a lot of millionaires on the site!!! I wouldn't be surprised if Quad is one of them!!  Unfortunately, I'm not.

Chuck Darwin2393 reads

you made my point - AGAIN!

-- Modified on 6/6/2008 10:02:54 AM

-- Modified on 6/6/2008 10:03:47 AM

LennyFuckingBruce2569 reads


I leave anybody out?

Now as our esteemed Vice President has advised, "Go Fuck Yourself!"

I even wear tighty whities, when the mood hits me.  My black providers all agree I project a self-confidence and sexiness they have never seen in a whitey before.

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