Politics and Religion

Re: Name one communist state that is not or has not been a disaster. eom
Snowman39 4732 reads
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already backing off of his promises using the economy as an excuse (like it was great before people went to the polls)

The only thing different thing about O'bama is his skin color (and if you care about that you have huge issues beyond politics). Except for that, HE'S JUST ANOTHER DAMN POLITICIAN!!

HELL, his handlers already have him dressing like Bush!!

BTW, if you voted for Obama because he was going to pull the troops out of Iraq, you're screwed!

charlie445 3 Reviews 1326 reads
2 / 19

You expected a change? Why? Electing another capitalist lackey is not the way to change. Only ridding the US of the running dogs of capitalism will bring about change.

Snowman39 1676 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 3274 reads
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anon1112245 2439 reads
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He won't be as bad as I feared. Love the back peddling from the socialist rethoric and redistribution thinking.

I still can't understand why when I call all of my friends wealthier than me that voted for Obama,  they won't let me come over to their house and pick out the things of theirs that I want.  If they are in favor of redistributing, let's start with their Bentley.

GaGambler 2141 reads
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He believes that Cuba and N Korea are successes.

Snowman39 2808 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 2091 reads
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communism works but it takes a while to get the feel of it.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1754 reads
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Of course it sucks if you look at it from a capitalist perspective.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2686 reads
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Charlie, I'm much closer to being a socialist in my viewpoint than you and others might believe. Living on a socialist-themed Kibbutz at an influential point in my life has alot to do with it.

Communism, as espoused by Karl Marx and distorted and perverted by the Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, and especially China , is a failed dogma.

Socialism and its perverted baby brother Communism simply can not work with large and diverse demographics, the breakdown is inevitable. Orwell's Animal Farm really does illustrate brilliantly the inherent weakness of the Communist/Socialist dynamic. The paradigm shifts as the population increases. Human nature invariably becomes more and more influential over the methodology, and the inevitability of corruption WILL manifest itself. It is simply human nature.

When some lunatic presses the button to unleash Armageddon for real on our planet, the surviving nests of humankind might be well served to adopt the socialist concept in order to repopulate the planet. But it simply doesn't work once the population level exceeds 1500.

I wish it did.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1606 reads
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Harsh but true: Capitalism thrives when populations are large and ignorant. Communism requires something other than human greed to work effectively. Unfortunately greed is an evolutionary trait and we aren't going to rid ourselves of it any time soon.

RightwingUnderground 2451 reads
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the reenforcement of the evolutionary trait of sloth?

charlie445 3 Reviews 3974 reads
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It requires an open mind. Sloth?  That sounds like a capitalist term that is used to gauge a working class person's resistance to capitalist exploitation, it is synonymous with the term "Noble Savage".

Snowman39 1534 reads
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Little food, shitty if any shelter, no middle class at all.

Dude, that sucks no matter what you andle you look at it from.

BTW, Che sucked!! ;-)

Snowman39 2272 reads
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Snowman39 2629 reads
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