Politics and Religion

Re: Man you are really friggin clueless...
RRO2610 51 Reviews 951 reads
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Obstruct, obstruct, and obstruct until another Corporatist puppet, War monger with "questionable" qualifications and ZERO ideas or answers can be muscled into the office of POTUS.

pwilley 59 Reviews 1653 reads
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And I hope his crystal ball is accurate.  Obama's performance thusfar has been the worst of any President in history and his broken campaign promises for which he had complete control are sickening.

I don't particularly care if he is replaced by a repub or dem, just so the next one tells the damn truth during his/her campaign.  I'm sick of liars.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 998 reads
5 / 23

Given the promulgated historical facts so easy to locate I fear your opinion is purely "race" based.

 If the RIGHT side of the isle gave Obama 1/1000 of the carte blanche they gave GW Bush those "promises" would have already been filled.

Priapus53 1182 reads
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James Buchannan, Herbert Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon & George W Bush.

Except for the 4 Presidents on Mt Rushmore ( & sometimes there is not universal opinion about them ), an opinion about whether a POTUS is great or sucks is highly subjective,according to one's ideology.

DoctorZGonzo 1490 reads
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My list in order of my contempt:

George W Bush
Andrew Johnson
Jimmy Carter
Franklin Pierce
Millard Fillmore

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1601 reads
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Can people on this board ever look at the positive side and maybe talk about something else?

Conservatives bitching about President Obama, Libs bitching about President Bush, Conservatives ripping Olbermann, Libs jumping on Limbaugh's shit . . . .

I've done my share of bitching myself but even I think it's getting a little old . . . . .

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1333 reads
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I don't agree with your entire list but at least you don't have Nixon on it...
I am not a Big Nixon fan but I know he ended the Vietnam war and that is why he will never be on my worst list...

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1812 reads
10 / 23

We've already done our best and worse lists before. It has really gotten...

oh what the hell.

5.Ulysses S. Grant
4.Woodrow Wilson
3.George W. Bush
2.Herbert Hoover
1.Ronald Reagan

OSP 26 Reviews 1320 reads
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Bill(infidel)Clinton on top

GFD 970 reads
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Ghost.of.Glen.Livet 2020 reads
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go away....all Palin is good for is a gangbang with at least 5 guys (although she may need to write on her hand how to take it up the ass!)...and Cheney deserves to be sent on a hunting mission and maybe he would get some buckshot for his face.  If Cheney was so good, why didn't he run for President!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1364 reads
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Why Wilson?

After the Civil War the Federal Gov't was desegregated. Wilson re-segregated it. Not only that, but Wilson proudly allowed the KKK to attend his inaugeration.

Wilson very strongly opposed allowing women to have the right to vote.

Wilson allowed his business cronies to make big bucks off of World War I, Halliburton style, if you need a modern allegory.

Wilson instituted a massive propaganda campaign to intimate Americans into supporting WW1. Something that had never happened before in American history, and something that by the time Korea and Vietnam rolled around seemed commonplace. It's anyone's guess how many American soldiers paid with their lives because of this.

Wilson oversaw the establishment of the modern public relations industry, whose sole purpose was to subvert representative democracy, a price we are still paying for today.

How do you get Americans to accept innane bullshit that would normally make them angry enough to riot? It's called....

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 839 reads
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of the bullshit that has been thrown her way.  And the best part is she wasn't even a part of any previous discussion.

Keep it coming you Palin haters.  The more you talk about her, the harder it will be to get her to go away.

I hope she sticks around just so the next few years won't be boring and dull.  

Snowman39 1441 reads
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That shit they call legislation needs to be stopped for sure.

What the hell do you think happened in the Mass. Senatorial race. The voters REWARDED the RNC for blocking the Obama agenda.

Pretty much tells you had bad his Agenda sucks if you can lose the friggin' Kennedy seat!!

BTW, the Rs hape proposed plenty of stuff. Queen Nancy wont let it on the floor. If you are going to try to debate politics, I would suggest you try to learn about it...

Snowman39 1863 reads
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Anyone who does a top 5 bad POTUS and does not have Jimmy Carter, shows theor own ignorance!!

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 722 reads
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"Anyone who does a top 5 bad POTUS and does not have Jimmy Carter, shows their own ignorance!!"

Jimmy Carter was worse than  the top five worst I can think of combined..

GFD 2025 reads
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Their Progressive movement so distorted real liberalism that it eventually became properly known for the negative culture of today. Now the liberals of today are returning full circle and embracing the word progressive.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1626 reads
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Wilson was a southern Democrat. Modern translation: he was a Republican. The progressive movement didn't distort anything. It was originally born with our Founding Fathers, reborn with the creation of the Republican party, and reborn again by Teddy Roosevelt, millions of American farmers and woman suffragists all looking to fulfill the American Dream.

Liberalism has a real meaning. It means one who supports liberty. Conservative has a real meaning. It means someone who support the status quo. What these terms have turned into is utterly Orwellian.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 935 reads
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Carter is probably the most underrated President in modern US history.

1) Carter with Paul Volcker had to deal with a new economic phenomenon: Stagflation. It was caused primarily by the policies of Johnson and Nixon in dealing with Vietnam, all the borrowing of money to fund that war, and Nixon letting the dollar float when we pulled out of Bretton Woods. It was a problem that could have resulted in a 2nd great depression. Instead Carter and Volcker developed a plan to raise interest rates to cut off new debt creation that was causing the problem of inflation. The result: IT WORKED.

2) Carter was the first President to deal with the reality that OPEC is a threat to our national security, and the only way to address the problem was with energy conservation and increasing energy efficiency. Had his plan not been stopped by Reagan, we might not be in Iraq right now, 4000 Americans would be alive today, asthma rates would be lower, and the United States would control a technology that would make the dot com boom of the 90's look like peanuts.

3) Unemployment under Carter was better than it was under Reagan. Yes, it's true, look it up. I'll provide you a link if you'd like.

4) Carter rightly stopped supporting the worse human rights violator in the world, the Shah of Iran.

5) Carter is mostly blamed for the US hostage situation in Iran. The historical record is pretty clear that Iran would have released those hostages if it wasn't for Reagan commiting treason behind closed doors to keep them in Iranian hands until the hour he was sworn in.

As far as I'm concerned, the only legitimately horrible thing Carter did was give military aid to Indonesia when they were in the process of comitting a genocide in East Timor, a crime Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Clinton were also guilty of.

Snowman39 1021 reads
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Just backs up my point of how bad he really sucked!! DOH!!!

GFD 1003 reads
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But I'll try anyway. Modern liberalism is not real liberalism. It is Wilson's progressivism. Progressives (circa Wilson or today) have no love of liberty, they simply stole the word liberal. Now that liberal is a new bad word today they are returning to using progressive once more. You are correct that Teddy was a Progressive and he surely was no real Republican.

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