Politics and Religion

Re: Man don't blame Clinton for 9/11
johnhuntback 1612 reads

I blame Clinton for the attack on the USS Cole, I blame Clinton for the attack on the Air Force barracks at Khobar Towers, I blame Clinton for the attack on the U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Mombasa, and I blame Clinton for the fiasco in Mogadishu. Most of all, I blame Clinton for not extraditing Bin Laden when he had the chance. But that's just me!

GaGambler3405 reads

Just how you make the leap from high world wide oil prices to "lets raise taxes on our own oil companies" is beyond me.

I can see how you could blame the largest producing company, or the largest producing nation, but blaming companies that have so little influence on world crude prices is beyond me. Maybe one of you libbies can educate me as to why the small players in the market are to blame for the runup in world crude prices.

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 10:20:10 AM

anon11122451458 reads

Is so ingrained in the libs, much like "3:00 o'clock it's time for Judge Wapner", in Rainman.

They don't get it and never will.  Higher taxes do not and never will stimulate an ecomony.

"libs" when GW took the Clinton SURPLUSES (yes, that's correct class, SURPLUSSES) & sunk us into trillions in debt...

Blaming "libs" for the current fiscal mess would be like blaming them for the Iraq War...

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 11:39:07 AM

It took a few bucks to clean up after 9/11. You do remember 9/11, right?

I do blame the left for the Iraq war. The bad guys saw the US as a crew of sissies, thanks to the libs. It took the Iraq war to set them straight.

If only Clinton stood up to the bad guys like he did to Elian Gonzalez's aunt. Anybody remember the jackbooted thugs with the rifles storming her house and grabbing the little boy out of the closet. Clinton didn't want Fidel to be mad at him.

kerrakles1876 reads

He kept them in Afghanistan and told Bushwacko, Taliban is going to be his biggest problem but Bushwacko didn't listen.

Clinton dealt with LA Airport bombing threat like it should be done and dealt with it.

There is no way anyone can justify the  Bushwacko's administration which, is worst in history. Twist, turn and call everyone that disagrees all the names you want, Bushwacko administration is beyond worthless.

Good to be an Independent.

johnhuntback1613 reads

I blame Clinton for the attack on the USS Cole, I blame Clinton for the attack on the Air Force barracks at Khobar Towers, I blame Clinton for the attack on the U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Mombasa, and I blame Clinton for the fiasco in Mogadishu. Most of all, I blame Clinton for not extraditing Bin Laden when he had the chance. But that's just me!

The surplus never existed.  It was "projected".  That is like me saying I'm a millionaire because I'm projecting that I'll make 10 million next year.  The government does not speak in a language applicable to real life.

As for Clinton giving us the "Heads Up" on Bin Laden, that is an awesome legacy of fighting terror. Do Clinton supporters have any idea how ridiculous they sound?

johnhuntback2118 reads

Yes, it's like they were saying, "Here's another one of our messes you'll have to clean up!"

kerrakles1913 reads

Bushwacko gave the rich a tax break by cutting taxes.

and if you had invested $1,000 in Haliburton you would have little over $250,000K now. Guess how much Cheney made.

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 4:23:03 PM

I'm not rich and I got a tax cut.  Wait a minute... everybody got a tax cut!!!  How dare they not play class warfare.  Don't they know it's us vs. them!!

Projections are bullshit.  The economy is fluid, not static.

RightwingUnderground1421 reads

Invest $1000 on the day Bush took the oath.
37 shares at about $27 per share.
Only one split (2:1) since then.
Today it closed at $47.
74 shares @ $47 = $3600 including about $100 in dividends over 7+ years.

Even if you bought $1000 at its bottom of $5 after 9/11 you'd still have less than $20K today.

Where DO you get your info?

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 9:21:09 PM

GaGambler1535 reads

He just made the shit up. Everbody want to blame Haliburton for all the evil in the world. It just goes to show how little most people know about the oil business, or business in general.

RWU, please don't try to confuse people with the facts, making shit up is much more fun.

kerrakles1464 reads

for 4000 plus dead American soldiers?

Who are you blaming for tens of thousand US soldiers that lost arms, legs, eyes and what not and can't live a productive life?

You don't go to war every time some nut case does something, that is called war mongering.

How was Clinton supposed extradite Bin Laden from Taliban ruled Afghanistan, on what grounds? Yep, they were standing ready to negotiate.

Why don't you talk about Bosnia? Clinton went to war with allies and didn't loose single soldier and got the job done. You don't go to an ill advised war on lies.

I would take the 90's any day and I would vote for Clinton again so would lot of others, if he could run again.

Regardless, Bushwacko is the worst president this country ever had. His biggest fuck up is choosing Cheney as his VP and let him govern. Another unique distinction, most vacationing president in history. The man is Lazy and never has worked an honest day in his life and it shows.

johnhuntback1515 reads

Sudan offered to extradite Bin Laden to the U.S. You say there were no lost soldiers on Clinton's watch? How about the 18 Rangers/Delta operatives in Mogadishu? How about the 20 U.S. Airmen at Khobar Towers? How about the 17 sailors on the USS Cole? You say Bush is the worst president we've ever had? Have you forgotten smiling Jimmy Carter, who gave away the Panama Canal? Have you forgotten that the Iranian hostage crisis happened on his watch? jhb

Willie Clinton2038 reads

Or all of the other shit Bushwacko has gotten us into, such as the struggling economy, failing banks, Iraq War, the enviormental mess, high gas prices, high food prices, weak dollar, etc. Bushwacko makes me look like a genius!!

RightwingUnderground1710 reads

Clinton had NOTHING to do with the success. No one in Washington had anything to do with it either. It was an astute border guard who also got a little lucky. Of course Clinton and Reno tried to take full credit and of course you believed them.

You only fool yourself, calling yourself an independent.

It's the Mods.  And their damn scooters.  All those rear view mirrors.  Not to mention, all the headlights on those things.  Energy wasters and hipster dressers!  Lets join forces and hate the Mods!

St. Croix1468 reads

a different direction. Let's see if we can get back on topic. If I may, I would like to ask the liberals on this board to reply if they believe oil companies, i.e. XOM, CVX, OXY, etc are the primary reason and why for the run up in oil. Also would like to ask if they agree with a windfall profit tax on oil companies and why, and if windfall profit taxes should apply to other companies in/out of energy.

GaGambler2398 reads

I should have known better.

You should also know better. The answer to your question and mine is not anything the loony left cares to discuss. I also wonder if anyone is in favor of windfall profits tax on corn farmers, they are at least as much a benificiary of $8.00 corn as I am $140 oil.

if energy production is sush an important national resource,

why then did'nt you propose FEDERAL SUBSIDIES during the 90's when oil prices were so low and DOMESTIC PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES were shutting down?

If "BIG OIL" is the problem, why then during those same 90's when small, domestic independants were going fucking broke pumping $30 oil, (allowing "BIGGER OIL" to get still bigger) WHY DID'NT YOU PROP THEM UP?

GaGambler1957 reads

Where the fuck was MY government handout? I operated during periods when oil went as low as $12, not counting 1985 when it went as low as $9. Where the fuck was my welfare check?

Now when I finally get enough for my product to hire a bigger payroll, invest in infrastucture, maybe even produce more oil(that is what we need isn't it?) the fucking dims want to tax me out of existence.

I bet you not a single one of these loser motherfucking libs have ever had to make a payroll, or mortage everything they have to keep a company afloat. To those loser libs I have two words. "FUCK YOU"

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