Politics and Religion

Re: Like I said,
DUANE 33 Reviews 168 reads

never heard of a republican sec of state being exposed in such a manner, or a presidential candidate for that matter.  wonder how Bob Melendez feels about this?  it's ok to do questionable things as long as you take the right stand on issues?  All I know is that the mere appearance of a conflict of interest can be enough to get you into a lot of trouble in the private industry.

Oh, and I'm fine with throwing anyone out of office who does it...R, D, or I.

nuguy46189 reads

Gennifer Flowers. Cattle futures. The White House travel office. Rose Law Firm files. The Lincoln Bedroom. Monica Lewinsky. And now, the Clinton Foundation. What ties these stories together is the predictable, paint-by-numbers response from the Bill and Hillary Clinton political operation.

1. Deny: Salient questions are dodged, and evidence goes missing. The stone wall is built.

2. Deflect: Blame is shifted, usually to Republicans and the media.

3. Demean: People who question or criticize the Clintons get tarred as right-wing extremists, hacks, nuts, or sluts.

from Ron Fournier's National Journal column: http://www.nationaljournal.com/2016-elections/hillary-clinton-clinton-foundation-ron-fournier-2015042

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